Thursday, December 28, 2023

The divine container


The emotional equilibrium or the total experience of the self are symbolically interpreted with the planet Saturn.

Chronos the time keeper and its 29 years circle around the sun creates every 7 years a major shift in the individuality that changes the natural perspective of the persona.

Childhood, school time, teenager, young adult hood, parenthood are all time influences and its signification where Saturn influences can be observed. 

 Saturn has a profound quality that speaks throughout many religions and sacred mythologies.

The story and the interpretation of Saturn is that one can only with patience and determination learn to discriminate the pleasures and pains of power. Or with other words it is the container of the individual emotional intelligence.

Legends from myth ore some holy text or just stories to tell, are the values that feeds the collective unconscious. Looking at a container of glass and observe the emptiness or fullness of it, is a metaphor of perspective. 

On the practical level Saturn and its sharp rings cut and take away all unnecessary things and prune the individual towards new growth. New season and its possibilities of fruits from labor are growth one expects. 

Time speaks all languages and is sometimes very loud and a seeming death end in a half empty glass. The half full glass catches the heart with gratefulness. 

The spoil of desire what one have not, is not realizing, what one has now, was once at a time only hoped for. 

The release of energies on a personal level can be very dramatic and things as there were are no more. The experience out of this must be seen as process of purpose transformation.

The inner revolution that devours old believes and giving essential new living elements the strength of activities to a more mature applying perspective.



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