When the Moon intersects with the apparent path of the Sun, it disturbs the electromagnetic field and not only changes the light, but has significant ecliptic time frame influences.
When the Moons shadow falls on the Sun, the earth is exactly aligned between full Moon and the Sun.
Those ecliptic points have profound psychic influences and are spiritual significant.
Their function in the realms of desires, that
established themselves over many generations with ambitions, which will be
challenged over the years, on the path of enlightenment.
The ideal and its
perfection need to reject outer realities in the search for happiness. This
creates many problems as the true ideal state is only archived by understanding
the inner self.
To think with the heart
gives the ability to look beyond the issues of the world. One has to let go of
the intellectual prowess and look beyond the mental restriction.
The divine plan and lady
Destiny will cause great impediment, when the psyche is not applied into the
material world. It is the need to understand and accept that true wisdom of
The true seeker will at
once meet the great souls in moments of time.
The inner mysteries of life
provide faculties of intuition and clairvoyance and can cause as well
psychological imbalance.
When those ecliptic nodes
are close to any planets, they will intensify ones own personal demons.
The ecliptic axis is the building
up form of temptation or desires, leading to self-destruction until the desire
turns into a true character of enlightenment.
People with strong ecliptic
influences are unstoppable to the bitter end and concealed in secret societies
and its drama.
Historic figures and many
leaders throughout the world’s history have and are still influenced by this
desire of power.
Gandhi the famous Indian
president had this influence as well, but he used the wisdom with its
self-sacrifice practice and compassion for the people to overthrow the English
The value of opportunity is
in the way one holds it.
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