Wednesday, January 17, 2024

Cultivating understanding


Can cultivability be understood or is it something that needs to be practiced.  

Something to be learned through constant repetition is the cultivation of memory. 

Can understanding be cultivated, as ones mental garden to establish a place of serenity?

Surely, to understand is to see the truth of something directly, without any barrier of words, prejudices or motives.

If one is not full of ones own importance, it is easy to find out and perceive immediately. 

But people do not want to see the truth of it, because it would destroy the whole structure of the ideal in their life.

The status quo is a barrier that creates a mind which is in a state of slow dogma decay and there is no reasoning anymore.

Only in the stillness of the mind one can discover that which is true.

The deteriorating factor in human existence is fear, and of not understanding the fundamental causes of that deterioration.

Authorities, in any form, whether self-imposed, or established, are forms of imitation and have no creativeness what so ever, and will block the discovery of what is really true.

Truth is not something that can be followed; it has to be discovered.

Any feeling of malice or envy is destructive in creative understanding and only in the sanity of happiness is no conflict.

Peace and understanding can not be utilized with force, as it can sustain itself only with the purity of contentment.

Understanding is the breath of acceptance that creates the pearl of emotional intelligence.

All attention seeking people and fools have the knowledge, but no understanding as they are clueless about their own truth.

Crippled by fears and never to be understood is against the subtle consciousness in search for a perfect universe that makes sense.

Here is where the pain breaks the shell of understanding of what exists in the immensity of existence.

What begins with deception continues in deception, truth alone can succeed in life to rise above complexity and conventionality.

Nothing can take away the joy from the person who has the right understanding.



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