Tuesday, January 9, 2024



Seeing people enjoying themselves in so many different ways and seeming they are happy in their own way.

Is happiness an end in itself, or does it comes as a secondary thing in living in harmony? 

I think it is an end in itself because if there is happiness then whatever you do will be harmonious.

When happiness is an end in itself, virtue could not exist.

The seeking of happiness in imitations and distraction or indulgence is only pleasure, which we pursue is mistakenly called happiness.

Pleasure is gratification, satisfaction, indulgence, entertainment, stimulation in attempt to be happy out of dissatisfaction.

True love and happiness has no opposite, and if on is happy one wouldn’t seek it. 

If one pursues happiness without understanding, it becomes an escape from misery and therefore it will always remain.

Understanding the nature of unhappiness is the seeing of the thought that creates the opposite, which is not real.

Enlightened self-interest is the advancement, but is as well the seat of mischief, misery and confusion.

The past is always operating and recognizing itself and the new becomes swallowed up by the old and its reactions.

Merriment is the pillars of the mental cathedral and the philosophy that shines the colored light through the stained windows.

Tears of nature’s merriment speak for them selves and that merriment needs to be taken seriously.

The determination of desire never can touch the merriment of love and there is nothing more hopeless then a scheme of merriment.

The merriment of the heart is the ultimate healer.

Merriment and hell are the material manifestation of agreeable and disagreeable thoughts.

The only thing that is made through life is one’s own nature.

The ever flowing spring of emotion from the heart that is attuned to the soul turns every thought and action to harmony.

Sincerity and merriment blossom with the maturity of the soul.

No one will experience in life what is not meant to.

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