Tuesday, January 23, 2024



The space, which is created by thought around one self, is the limitation of love and the becoming of the battle in life.  

Meditation is the ending of this space, the ending of the self.

Becoming is the endless space where thought cannot enter.

The mind can enter into a dimension of space where action is inaction.

Every thought is the denial of love and cannot enter into that space where the self is not, it is the space of benediction where we seek and find. 

As long as one seeks with thoughts, it destroys the ecstasy of this benediction.

Perception without the mind is an immense strange phenomenon, the mind changes to all its senses and gains totality.

It becomes the perception of the total intellect and not only the affair of emotions. One sees them but there is no process of experiencing.

Like in a dream, where there is no utility, but in this ecstasy is the quality of innocence.

In that meditation is the movement of great ecstasy which should not be discomposed as pure pleasure as this ecstasy provides the quality of innocence.

From that space we can see life as something totally new and not as a routine or a meaningless affair.

It opens the door to the immensity of life and its virtue of unconditional love with its eternal compassion.

In that space the divine order is under all obligations to make sense to you. That space is to the mind, as eternity is to time, an inspirational concept that allows dreaming big. 

It is the middle ground of light and shadow, which in meditation happens, when the mind has lost its little space.

The space of silence is meditation and many underestimate the greatness of that cause.

Understanding the human mental limitation (head space) through which one has to work the way out.

The shadow of mental reality and its display of many feelings struggle to express true senses in total manner, and as the shadow is apparent and not existent, so is fear.


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