Sunday, February 25, 2024



The human relationship with God or God-realization has its reference in the Vedic text, called ‘Bhakti’ and in the Old Testament as ‘fearing the living God’.

In the New Testament it states, the kingdom of man and its reign of love is assured already in us.

 Sri Krishna story and in the songs of Solomon are the intimate philosophies, called the Song of Songs. 

Hymns, those declare that the ‘eternal’, is the bride and soul of man.

St. John of the cross wrote - Christ is the beloved bride and life thirst, for the reunion with the Beloved.

From the Hindu sense, Christ has Avatar-hood that can descend into the world, as he declares - not being of this world. 

Avatara translates as incarnation and mastery over nature.

Intense love of God and trust are the certitude that comes from the living texture of Jesus. 

The kingdom of God is here and now in the reign of love and faith.

‘’Your faith has saved you’’, Jesus said very often and ‘’rejoice that your name is inscribed in heaven’’.

The avatar sees the absolute and the manifestation simultaneously.

The spirit of Christ or Bhakti is socialized institution for helping the suffering and establishes transformation.

Jesus said, Seek ye, first the kingdom of God and then all things will be added unto you.

Krishna said, He is born in vain who, having obtained human birth, does not realize God in this very life.

Incarnation transmitted to us and which continues to move our hearts is a true courageous consecration and that is Bhakti.

 Ohm sat tat

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