Saturday, February 24, 2024



The mental yoga of effortlessness has its importance for spiritual practice, for the change of perspective and conducting action in inaction therefore.

The natural state of the ‘absolute’, that dissolves all fundamental knowledge and experience and restoring to tranquility that is natural to us. 

In the Vedanta, they use the word ‘Samadhi’, to signify this state of tranquility.

It translates as ‘Dhi’’ as superior intelligence and its roots in the self to become steady and poised, called ‘Sama’.

The mind in meditation needs to become the universal mind and its effortless unfolding, which can be observed at any time, looking at the firmament.

Consider the substance of life is the sense of pursuit which comes with the sense of values. The battle to be, to archive, or not be, and to avoid reactions are choices that act vice versa in reaction.

Ethical values come from unity, again so easy to observe in the heavenly rivers of the night. Effortlessness is total.

Meister Eckhart wrote against the will of the church, that one must renounce God to realize God. God as an exterior object must be integrated to oneself to realize God as inner being.

Spiritual practice and goodwill establishes a mentalizing love thought that knows the world in its effortless and unconditional ceaseless function.

The mental yoga, like Astrology is the union of logic and intuition, and the facing or unraveling of our natural state of being.

The moment one thinks, the pseudo-mind comes into being, but in the sphere of awareness is the sense of gratitude and nothing else needed to be known. The plentitude of being and sense of inner abundance is the integration of a union called, ‘Mahayoga’.

This effortlessness is not escaping or stopping, it is the character of faith in which one continues to make effort.




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