Monday, February 12, 2024

Mindless awareness


The sphere of innocence or unconscious no-self is like the child-play that is deeply absorbed in that specific moment at play, without the worries of the world what comes next.

It is the purity before the calculated adulthood arises, and it is the simplicity prior to the world of common sense.

For some adults it is the long lost paradise, looking back in nostalgic memories.

In mindless awareness this childlike play is in cultivation and practiced, becoming the returning to the beginning.

In the Zen Art of Archery it states, ‘’Man is a thinking reed and his greatest work is done when not thinking’’.

The equilibrium of this childlikeness is a natural circle, one can observe with older people and it needs to be restored for the art of self-forgetfulness.

In theory it sound like that this world would be a better place for us to stay as children. Interesting enough, that almost all religions teaches us that we must return to being as children.

Trouble and conflict only arises when the ego and the distinction between “self” and “other’’, arises. But we need the “self’’ from within the self, first of all. The world of distinction must once again arise. Maintaining the “self” yet departing from it seems like a contradiction, because one is made up of something, where there was nothing to begin with.

The no-thought-ness is the abysmal ground or the sense of the Divine Will or called Prana in Vedic text. The refining mental factors, that establishing stillness of the mind is the effort, to attain that no-self.

For every thing there is a time, the time of the soul unfoldment depends upon the mental progress, to the tuning of the soul.

Love is an inexpressible power and force of life which speaks louder than words and how it whispers from the heart.

Heart-ship is discipleship that opens the vision beyond the self and the truth that is conceived as maturity, for when God is within reach, what can be beyond it?   


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