Tuesday, February 13, 2024

Personal demons


Inner Demons are a misconception, which is categorized as internal negative forces or conflicts.

Insecurities that express themselves in self criticisms or limiting beliefs, express themselves with procrastinations and pretense, even in dreams.  

That sweet demon will blow fear in the ‘ever be good enough’, to obtain once goal and making it to a kind of uncertainty and anxiety point.

Those inner demons and their critical tendencies can be traced back to the environment we grew up in. 

The word Demon is derived from the Greek word daemon, which is originally a personal guiding spirit. A guiding spirit to be trusted and relied on to, that needs to meet and feed the fears with compassion to gain an ally to protector ship.

 It suggests that we are not actually the real agent at times of our actions. Ignoring the bearings and responsibilities, those come with the reactions.

 The thinking that one gets of the moral hook is the nest and incubator for blame and guilt. Declaring victim hood and riding the beast of burden proofs, one can’t help themselves. 

A society that takes false guilt as control, by creating demons will educationally manipulate its people, and always defend it to the bitter end, to all provocations. 

The God fearing personality never understands the immensity of the loving liberating free will that comes within his presence. The demon of ‘to be something’ creates one of the worst struggles to identify the real self. 

The defeated ideal success is still a spiritual success, when one can retire from the mundane things of life as much as life will permit. The demons of time and space are the shadows that climb with generations holding false righteous mentalities. 

The demon of ‘impulse’ is very intoxicating, where observation on the other hand, leads to the result of every deed of realization.

 It is the lover’s heart that touches the depths of life, for his godly soul soars to the abode to see and penetrates through all matter.

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