Friday, February 2, 2024

Secret of Space


The universe and its capacity to be, are mostly beyond the human minds comprehension, and encompass all existence as we know it.

Planets, their Moons and stars in all those galaxies are all forms of energies and dark matter in circuits of waves and particles.

Space and humans have one thing in common and fact that we are constantly trying to make sense of our world of infinite sensitivities within the mind of endless possibilities.

Wise people throughout time have pondered about their place amongst it all, to understand the desire to seek the vastness of their lives that reflects the phantom of limitless possibilities.

The human reflection as the body in the body is the corner of the universe and space, where the utilizing of energies of matter are the faculties to improve the self.

There is no before, or in the beginning of the universe, because once upon a time, there was no time from a human perspective.

The Seers of antiquity understood that the vice versa attribute of the self with the universe is the grace and joy that makes the universe joyful. 

Looking at the majestic night sky, declares that we are not alone and the whole cosmos is the protection to us, which gives the best possibilities to dream and work like this enchanted twinkling darkness.

The deserving love and its affection that one seeks for someone cannot be found out there, but only in the universe and space of the self that understands the love cosmos as above so below.

The clarity and attention to comprehend the magic and the realities of the universe, is about in the self.

The realities in defined space of the universe provide the sense of creativity beyond the mind, for here we take notice that there is less taste for attention seeking destruction.

The boundless multidimensional continuum is known as space-time, changes by believe, once one have changed, other things start to follow and opens new directions.

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