Wednesday, May 1, 2024



 The endless trouble with fats is that there are so many of them and more and more get discovered.

Therefore all naïve realism in its truth is that the Devil can quote Shakespeare for his own purpose.

The truth about a strong mind is that it can embrace great and small things equally, without the act.

Worlds within the world, that specialized in worlds of specialization.

Quantum fields and laws of nature seem to be a mystery.

Scientific discoveries are from having faith in ideas, which are of a purely speculative kind and the point of view.

The theory of everything is a single unified law of nature, for one has to look only at the graveyard of dead unified field theories.

The divine order has put a secret into the forces of nature to create beauty itself out of chaos into a perfect permanence.

Truth is not which clearly apparent, but that which needs not be resisted.

Rational thinker or bureaucratic mathematicians are another species and language, translating things into their mind and one gets something entirely different.

Certainty is the missing link and truth that can refer to reality.

The dance of destiny and its hall of the universe are full of magical melodies and waiting in great concern for our wits to tune in.

For every soul there is a song.  

The truth about the divine order is that it varies the laws of nature and makes worlds and universes in all sizes and perspectives.

Others cannot solve once mysteries of nature as one is a part of the mystery that needs to be solved.

Any person, who tries to prove his belief superior to the faith of another, does not know the meaning of life.

There is nothing more subtle and intelligent than truth.

All things become wrong when they are not in their right time or in proper place.

There are some who can make everything alive and there are others who make the living dead.

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