Tuesday, April 30, 2024

The Maze


Creative energies are infused in our dreams, purpose, desires and deepest soul longing

 and when that truth is compromised, those energies become blocked and misdirected.

The Labyrinth and home of the Minotaur is the mythical story of the man-bull (ego) in his constructed maze and puzzle box trying to find the treasure of ultimate freedom.

Not every maze is literal, being in a storm at sea, or being lost in the mental maze and navigation through the forest of thoughts, are all labyrinths. 

The conquest of the mind and maze of fears with its senses and desire can never be accomplished by the will of power and its negations.

Being shut out from the rest of the universe, the mental maze in its convenient dark and its little ego-torch, are busy with hiding treasures.

When the consciousness is the haven of illusion, the mental maze has no center, as one try’s to get what one does not have and running in circles ending up with nothing.

Through the labyrinth of the mind and darkness not knowing, the entire universe is a Maze.

Verily, it is truth that every soul is seeking and the center of the maze and light, which illuminates the heart in respond to the divine word.

Verily, life is a continual battle in the maze, where faith reaches what reason fails to touch.

The victorious one has conquered himself for his feelings became spiritual and able see the stars of his soul as the light, that is seen as direction. 

Self-will is the strength of the spirit until the false ego expresses self-will and gets trapped in the maze of success and enslaves the soul to sustain ignorance.

The soul in confidence is the true meaning of faith and in faith is the secret of the fulfillment for every desire.

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