Monday, April 29, 2024

Beware of the Mind


The mind plays a thousand tricks to justify and becomes habitually beset by its own thought creation.

It is at time most unreliable and becomes harassment for its own desire that is dominated by its own passion.

It takes the vigilance of mastership to keep an eye open upon ones own mental processes. 

To remember always, that the mind is the worst enemy and as well the most powerful instrument.

The mind is a useful servant, but a bad master.

This makes it, to no wonder that the world is filled with peoples conflicting mental issues, based on notions of fears, to face reality.

The mastering of the mind is the virtue that cannot be deceived.

Even all meditative visions are another lure; one has to become beware of.

The Master is in control with the audible life stream, the divine order, the Holy Spirit and establishes unity towards higher ground.

The power of abundance falls into place, because the worst enemy of desire that overwhelm the mind and enslaves the soul, does not exist.

Ignorance will darken the intelligence to make space for desires to creep up and demand. The master get rid of desires by placing before the mind something that has a far greater attraction.

The music of the audible life stream or the living word of God is the deliverance from bondage.

Desires simply disappear in the great stream of life and the Holy Spirit as soon as a person becomes one with that luminous reality.

When the attraction for that eternal reality becomes dominant in one’s life, then all lover attraction cease.

It is the spirit of discipleship and its necessary attainment that opens the vision and journey along the spiritual path.

Wisdom and its emotional intelligence prove itself according to the importance one attracts in life, to the greater or smaller things.

There are limits to the precaution on can take in the affairs of one’s life; and the horizon of that limit is the trust in the divine order.


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