Sunday, April 28, 2024

Spiritual Scapegoat


The mind is the center of consciousness and unraveling self, and if by observation with the brainstorming one entertains blame storming it wakens, the ghost of scapegoating.

For it is the easiest Ghost of all hunting expeditions.

Unfortunately at some point that ghost needs to breathe and the mask will come off and guilt reveals itself in an effort to escape it.

The art of scapegoating is the blame and ills of a society that only can operate in deceit, allowing the larger ideal to control and reap the dividends.

The fragility of the ego takes the hand of the manipulator, who whispered some fears of status and leads it into wilderness.

The spiritual scapegoat or blaming God for ones own dilemma is the not acceptance of truth, that self-righteous love is the enemy within.

The desperate attempt by all power of manipulation, the Ghost of scapegoating wants its deadly attention.

It is good to respect all those of great names, but it takes spirit and courage to seek the continuance of the nameless.

To deepen the wisdom, which is yours already, it needs to penetrate through the ignorance of a superficial mental doctrine.

Anxieties in melodramas is paralyzing right actions and creating worries that consume the spirit.

Where the big fault and one can find it? In the person who finds it.

Pleasure is the shadow of happiness making all facts and its goats the shadow of the truth.

Astonishment is nothing more but an expression of one’s ignorance.

God gave success to the wicked and virtue to the lover that wins every victory for the righteous.

Morality and its ethical values go far beyond the analyzing love that becomes destroyed in the process.

The rooting out in the quest of truth is the ignorance that tips the balance of spiritual attainment.


God is what wants to complete oneself.


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