Saturday, April 27, 2024



 With the maturity of spirituality one become aware of things and is able to read between the lines.

 The master would state this, as a waking up, from the deep sleep of delusion and a nightmare, to become part of the human existence, in grace.

The understanding that we are a part of an endless cycle of living and dying needs to be recognized as an illusion.

It is the mental prison keeping most people enslaved in precious egocentricity having separated identity too much admired and cant give them up.

The Buddha speaks about the three mind poisons: greed, hatred, delusion. Delusions are fundamentally all ignorant involved attitudes.

Trapped unwillingness to see and to stay emotional resistance to accepting life as is.

The main principle to liberate the mind and to recognize the real skills in life is to become aware of ones intention and recognition.

The seeds of pure goodwill will bear the fruits over many generations and are the real stories that are captured beyond all self.

 Mindfulness is not the result of thinking, but the resting of the mind in the moment without distraction.

When awareness is weak, the mind cannot penetrate ignorance.

While the conscious mind stream is passing through time and space, the unconscious mind factors fall in control.

Where there is recognition and awareness the penetrating inside will dispel all ignorance and turn on the light in the mental room.

That seeing is the doing, and then those streams of conscious and unconscious become and work in harmony and is a natural unfolding.

Recognition is the key that is forming the intention to be aware of ones ultimate nature.

It is true that the light of wisdom and compassion must be continually being kept alight; what makes it difficult always to act rightly.

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The Sangoma

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