Friday, April 26, 2024



The spectrum and dimension of time is a conscious awareness stream passing through the eternal now.

Or the simple sensation of love that becomes the focus in the mental liberation and awareness to see what needs to be done.

All underlying mind factors are very visible, when one looks back with regret, which becomes the emotional playground holding on to some belief that directs to go back to that – again and again.

All religions, in their pure form, will tell that God is Love.

Power, fear, division, judgment, oppression, hatred and self-righteousness are the opposite of Love.

Ignorant leadership and the foolish individual are going to war in the name of religion and proof its desperate attempt to display that contradiction.

This handicapped mentality is the most destructive force on earth.

No one can claim perfection, that's why everyone needs a thousand chances to become and the infinitum is the place to grow into that eternal love.

Without this love awareness, every one is at risk of a living trap and the unfulfilled trace of the poor Self.

Life is the longing of every soul and the prophet is the artist of that ideal, which is beyond all mental comprehension.

They look into the eternal now with passion of anticipation that fills all the empty space of the past and future.  

Scientist and philosopher wasting time, trying to understand the cause of the universe, not realizing, the ‘point of sense’ that comes with this magic infinitum. Working around the recurring question, to the cause of the cause is missing the living virtue in the immensity of love and its pursuit.

It is not in the heart of power where one confides on earth, to be loved and acting by fears and its tragic melodrama, it is the soul of heaven, which is the only trustworthy purpose.

Reason is a great factor and has all possibility in it of every curse and of every bliss.

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