The soul dominates its form
through the medium of the golden thread called sutratma, vitalizing the
instruments of mental, emotional and physical energies.
This thread is stringing
upon itself the pearls of human existence.
Permanent atoms are the
focal points of energies that galvanize the actions of will on earth.
Goldilocks is the thread
around the Sun that protects the earth from any harm and is the life current as
necessity for its means of expression in form.
This life current is anchored in two symbolic places,
in the body and spirit, reflecting body and soul seated in the heart as the
life principle. It is considered as the direct stream of life in unbroken and
immutable process and unfoldment of forms.
Therefore becomes the path
of life that conveys the energy of life and creation in all forms as divine
The channels of energy in
forms and forces are the quality of the psyche or state of awareness.
The lower realms and the
abstract mind become the doorways of infused personality, whereas the conscious
soul infused, is in contact with refined awareness.
Every pearl of life
embodies in itself the will and its purpose of the expressing entity, the
thread within is the form of expanding within the whole. Life goes on to remain
and we has human have to find the focal points in all forms. The expansion of
consciousness and its attainment is awareness giving place to reality.
The deliberation or
enlightenment of the soul becomes very sensitive in spiritual realities and
acting as unitary being.
The consciousness thread is
the union of substance and path of return.
The alternative mind that
is the bridge-builder has the faculty of intuitive thought form building.
The thread and bridges of
conscious contact and true visions is the pearl.
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