Wednesday, June 5, 2024



When words fail to express what one is experiencing, one is entering a field of                no language form.

We are all fractions of the universal mind or home of all souls and partaker and quality of motions creating the individual mind.

Therefore, being in unity with the cosmic rhythm creates the conducting measurements of times.

Consequences, that solves through wise and compassionate qualities, in the presence of its true nature.

It is as well to bring about emancipation from the present physical circumstance and its influence.

The development of the intuitional qualities has timeless sequential attributes in the divine unfolding.

Conscious individuality changes the experience of life, by setting the sail, according to the wind.

Righteous thinking is before the meditation and marks as sacred quality to a necessary. The quality in our action with each other is the order of subtle environments and its frequencies.

The natural quality therefore creates its own divine righteousness.

The quality of controlling once thought and action needs the foundation of perspectives.

History and another skin on top can be taken literally or figuratively, but bring profound qualities metaphorically.

To read between the lines or to hear the space between the notes, are the qualities, that conducts mirrors within each other however intimately or superficially and the image in the mirror will be revealed.

Quality time overwrites all quantities when with love shared; the serenities of quality that becomes a precious gem.

 Don't wait for the perfect moment; take the moment and its quality to make it perfect.



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