Saturday, June 22, 2024

Quantum Entanglement


Quantum entanglement is one seriously long-distance relationship, or when two particles link together no matter how far apart they are in space, their state remains the same.

The interconnectedness between particles that extends beyond the physical space is the spiritual concepts like oneness and unity.

Quantum mechanics is the science and theory of reality and physicists and philosophers disagree over what it means.

Some my think that introducing consciousness into physics, undermines its claim to objectivity.

Consciousness seems to arise in organisms that are a property of all matter and quantum effects are underpins, of its purpose.

The well known Higgs field theory, called ‘God particle’, is about the elusive subatomic particle that is believed to give the universe its mass.

 It is like the hand collecting water from the ocean and touching the element of all living force. Quantum ripples in the comic ocean that is similar to a motion current in the oceans on planet blue unique.

The rational thinker in its calculating mind needs intuition and creative thinking to advance, which keeps the God particle in waiting.

Nature virtue is the simplicity in an all circumstances, and it is the gentle Gardner who can prune away all complications.

The quantum God effect is a sphere of constant development that speaks in real-life applications, making choices possible.

The qualities of motion and its efficient cause is the form a necessary development of a being, to be creative.

Symmetries and an inevitable occurrence, due to the action of immutable natural laws and existing order, in the Universe.

As general relativity contains within itself the seeds of its own destruction in time, when union in the elements of duality is not established.

To establish a varying constant, the laws of nature make other worlds of several sorts in different parts of the universe.

The ultimate mystery of nature is the analysis of the self as particle of the divine cosmos to solve its becoming.

The reflection of the sublime nature is the reflection in the heart that produces God’s glorious vision.

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