Some people have traveled the world and never have seen anything, and surprised to be.
Or the politician
which one can not be trusted and he is quite surprised to be taken trustworthy.
Everything new or uncommon
raises a sensation in the imagination, as the soul loves surprise for wisdom to
Surprise is the living soul
and life surprise by being loved; the mystical fingerprints that at time
strikes with wonder.
The greatest surprise is
the capacity of the self what it can handle and expect nothing, but the
Surprise is a turning
mirror, one side shows the big picture and the other the little
It is often a slap in the
face from the divine order, where the response is optional, but it is a good
starting point.
The surprise is open to the
amazing fact that everything has been given and that gratefulness is the living
The secret of the divine
comedy is its constant surprise.
Life is the vigilance of
surprises and death is even a bigger surprise.
The intrusion of loving
beauty and its surprise to fall in love again.
To a person living in fear,
everything is sudden with the stranger in the self.
The quality of the surprise
depends on the status cliché, as art takes reality by surprise. The finest
pleasures are always the unexpected ones and the recognition of ones worth.
The change in time changes
something within us which is always surprised by the necessary change that must
take place.
The sign of intelligence is
that one is constantly looking for the surprise of discovery and maintaining
its possibilities.
The almighty surprise is in
its realization and virtue of duty with the pleasure of doing so.
Many surprises will happen
when one takes the doctrine of status to another level of spiritual
The surprise of ever
lasting life is hidden in the heart of death, where it dies, but not life
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