Monday, July 1, 2024



Thousands of different psychotherapies existing and nothing is more diverse and fragmented to explain the mystery of the individual being.

 Unfortunately the snares of education have laid the shallow objectivity of mind and matter, and not its philosophical introspection.

The capitalization from therapies and drug abuse is the party and claim for rationality. 

The myriad of psychology and its shallow behavior pattern, its identity and morality is used as smoke and ashes screen before the mirror of the soul.

The mirror of the soul shows its pure reflection of our experience in total of the now, central to virtually in all forms of introspective observation, in the golden frame of unconsciousness.

Now one can step back from the mirror and the shrinking and the needing to know stepping closer, is the game.

 The room with the mirror in is shrinking; looking more and more into the insignificant of what one is. Life on this earth is the kindergarten of many alphabets that serves the world.

The light reflection of the mirror goes beyond and everywhere and the same light in the self need to shine and liberate from once own little world and its fears, and the real presence of many mirrors and worlds are the liberation for others to see.

Shrinking away from fears is something unhealthy and robs life of its purpose. Being in the presence of someone in love shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage to maintain that love.

This awareness is crucial in a living world which is literally shrinking by the day, for love is the unspoken opposition to all our actions, containing the truth and ones only sanity.

We live through the unconscious love of the divine and it lives through us, and the common sense of the human alphabet.

Love is the hold and vision to the depth of all blessings when fears trying to manipulate the mind.

Life is the teacher using the love alphabet in the lesson. 

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