Monday, August 26, 2024

Rites of Passage


Any change in interpersonal relationship is and becomes a ritual to compel the person to establish subtle changes.

The coming together and the feeling of together is more a change of outer circumstances, then subtle integration.

Marriage rites, maternity rites or initiation rites are celebrated ceremonies that alter the subtle feeling in the integrated society.

The intimate rites of passage bring the fundamental means of trust in an attractive force and clarity of purpose.

The totally evolving feeling is where love and the trust becomes the community to establish its noble dedication.

The intimacy of ones psychology and emotional needs and deeds are the sacred tread that make a union possible.

There are many great moments when people feel so special in the experience, but these are usually soon lost in the feeling of possessiveness, from habits pattern and its clinging to what is an escape from boredom, inner emptiness and insecurities.

The great journey of life can only be measured by loved ones that help to paint once destination.

The rite of passage carries one to an inner place of silence that becomes the encouragement to live life more courageously and genuinely.

The stepping stones on the rite of passage are mason with sincerity, tolerance and endurance that gives trust of self, being able to obey one self and to respect one self.

The rite of passage and spiritual attainment is to become conscious of the genuine elements of values that form in the heart.

Self-will is the strength of the Spirit and only gets involved when the ego stops talking and the spirit entitles to have self will, involving the soul. For every unfoldment and rite of passage, there is a certain time, so that one is in harmony with the soul.

My Camino and rite of passage is where you have won my heart a thousand times over, veiled under endless stretches in splendor, knowing the immensity of love. 


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