Sunday, September 15, 2024


The mind is the integration and coordination, with the element of the living substance as soul, and the individual mental personality, in one unity.

The substance is the steady unfoldment in conscious awareness, observed in the maturity by nature. 

From the past to the present is the development and unfoldment to the change of time, direction and even purpose. 

Active conscious at-one-ment has the vision of purpose in cooperating intelligence and is the task in hand.

One trembles easy at the sight of the task that has been given and one feels confounded when one has to weigh the ideal with ones limitation.

The substance of humility is the point of strength that is perfected with the divine in the limitation that opens the door of reality.

The heart that speaks through tears with the voice in distance it hears, has the common value that matters. Whereas crocodile tears, are the overflows, of false ideologies from the ego.

The silent voice and mystery of the heart is the substance full of tenderness and is its own medicine leading to bliss, the divine substance that cannot miss.

Having no substance is subject to vice as fear keeps the captive in acquaints with vice, being the pupil of vice.

The divine substance of spirit acts upon ones own intuition with ease, for following others advice is the loss of directions.

The substance abuse and its manipulated corruption are the observable example how the mind traps itself to satisfy the longing.

All to the hearts desire not knowing what it truly wants.

The godly substance is the living faith as firm like a mountain standing unshaken against the weathers of the seasons.

The joyful smile is the substance giving new lights from the heart to see the sun shine everywhere.


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