Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Womb of Souls


Time is the womb of soul as light is the womb of all physical energies.

The continuum of a real duration which exteriorizes themselves with cultures and psychic condition generates from moment to moment and generation to generation.

We are the dualism of light and time or photons and moments.

Light and time are energized by the photosphere of the Sun, or the emanation of the wholeness in light.

Every whole as a whole represents the quality and manifestation of time and its particulars to define its limits.

The universal potency of time or divine order is in values of the cycle duration like seasons, where progress from cycle to cycle and minutes or eons becomes the fulfillment.

If one cannot fulfill the smallest moment one can never fulfill the larger cycle, as wholeness exteriorize itself as light in the quality of moments and space.

The human mental capacities are the begging bowl for the spirit in the body that acts at times for an event to be given.

Selfish reasons and politics is the womb in which the developing hustling operates in rendering relationships.  

The purity of a moment holds the power to create infinite love and is the forever gem.

The womb of soul has a key for each human personality that is like a piece of music, having an individual tone and rhythm of its own.

The human heart is the womb in which the pearl of sincerity is born.

The womb of life and the years of joy are an end unto themselves as are they a gestation period for our future birth, the Sages speak of this life as corridor to the next life.

Just as the time in the womb is the period of gestation preceding earthly birth, the life time womb is the gestation period preceding heavenly birth.

Life then is a womb for the soul and its value is not what it is, but rather what it brings into existence.

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