Thursday, November 14, 2024



The word Myriads is used for countless or great number of people or things. 

Myriads of human societies and their military power are in the need to control the basic resource to survive.

Involving the criminal-political justice system, that is only a myriad of dysfunctional exercise, to pay the bills.

Social technology gives leaders a vital platform with which to connect their companies to the myriad stakeholders who have an interest in their well being.

To assume that the scientific idea of the beginning or end of the cosmos scheme lies within the reach of a mental convenience, that subsists between the attributes of an Infinite and Eternal Being.

The myriads of moments are the part of the life-process of development in the greater myriads of recapitulation and its deeds.

The fatalities in psychological myriads by relating to a bigger scheme of things or social group to provide confidence are the weakest link in the true confidential self.

The limitation of God is in his name and his own ineffable eternity, were spheres of life beyond our present life are the myriads in the splendors of the spirit, seen by the stars when they coolly give delight to the eyes. In the times of need, God reveals happenstance in a myriad of disguises.

The myriads of birth and deaths are contending with equal strife in every pore of nature and touch of life what makes a body.

The myriad of each of us works in service of a greater body, which is goodness and trueness, the serene qualities of the divine that maintains compassion in the quantum darkness.

The mental error of quantities to have in the cosmic realm becomes irrelevant, for it proofs only the emotional discontent in harmony.

In the myriads of space, one will find the formless God sending rain of mercy and compassion on humanity.

One learns often more from once own mistakes then from the myriads of other people. 

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