Saturday, November 16, 2024



Being authentic and original and of once own personality, spirit, or character is the highest value, a natural genuine of the self.

With sincerity and no pretensions one becomes worthy of acceptance and is the degree to which a person's actions are congruent with their values and desires, despite external pressures to social conformity.

The oracle of dheli is the instruction and state in which to know ‘thyself’ to terms with existence.

The living being and its conscience observing the absurd and materialistic world with its external forces are different to the self.

Personal authenticity is exhibited in how a person acts and changes in response to the external world's influences upon the Self.

Psychology identifies a person living a life in accordance with their true Self and personal values rather than according to the external demands of society and social conventions.

Mentally trapped consumerism and their votes are the helpless wave of destruction waiting for the sea to depart, that they can walk through. The natural intellect of diversity does not compromise with the conventionality in a state of nation or personal dogmas.

The authenticity in the individual belongs to the pulse of once journey to capture the melody that speaks for it self.

The human sense of belonging is in the hand of the divine flow that provides the authentic circumstance for reasons in cultivating the uniqueness of the individual.

The eternal authentic world in its serenities in which every part plays a crucial role, gives every Donald their moments to add some more hot mental carbon to blow into the air, to explode.

The mirrored authenticity of a clown is the dissatisfaction when the laugher input did not work and the party is over, facing reality without the big mouth and nose.

The authentic divine order gets very wary of personalities that get lost in kingdoms of self-elected patriotism.

The authenticity of nature’s sublime and womb of the divine spirit speaks the prayer humming with the heart of truth. 

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