Friday, November 1, 2024



 Human and its spirit are considered to be a pilgrimage not only from birth to later years, but also through vast periods of time ever engaged in the path to the divine shrine.

The cause and effect, of ethical and moral faculties, that become the walking boots, towards the fate among providence with its natural laws.

 The process of the absolute and its unfolding mysteries that brings circumstances into place is the doctrine of fate.

The pilgrimage is about walking with fellow human without the red ego helmet, where the teaching in poetic sense takes place.

The dream in the dream becomes the path that keeps one walking in pursuit of knowledge in the libraries of ancient wisdom that stills the thirst of the mind. 

The steps of words in a poetic dialog speak the language of love in the immensity of stories to learn its lesson. The journey and path is called the dance of the souls, where every moment has the view of the horizon where life raises the surface of all things and one is within that miracle.

The serenities of life and unfolding of the nature’s depth will reveal the mysteries through the heart, or when it is perturbed it upsets the whole universe.

Blessed is the pilgrim, as the road opens the eyes what has not been seen and the arriving is in every step.

The Camino and its geography is the inner journey, from the fears of love that has been chained to strategies.

The eternal pilgrimage of the heart is the faith that does not cling to a destination, but wander in pursuit to characterize the pilgrimage.

A mind full journey is the tale along the way, where the wine of the divine presence is the intoxication of love to tread upon the sea of life.

One more curve over the hill and cup of the beloved, that I can entirely loose myself in stillness going home. 

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