Saturday, December 7, 2024



The natural dignity of a human being is the precious glow of the soul that overshadows the prestige of the ego.

The force of life and its cause and effect, is the motive what every human being sows and reaps, that provides the character and its prestige.

As long people looking for greatness and seeming power, all they find is a humiliating title position with a label.

 Important prestige is the blindfold to discover the goodness in humility and the natural state, where is no need to proof the self.

Social predators are known as Psychopaths and have their feeding ground wherever there is prestige and its seeming power.

The state of gullibility is the weakest link that keeps on knocking at the doors for prestige and its price waiting for.

Trying to please people is to acquire power and to increase prestige that looks good and does very little.

The loss of freedom comes with the prestige, that one can go shopping in style, to overwrite real happiness.

Living in the elements of nature’s prestige is the playground of happiness, where one can face anything with a full prestige.

Facing uncertainty is the fabric of death, the right of passage is the prestige to a new robe of realities.

Life and its prestige is a fair trade wherein all adjusts itself in time.

The mystical prestige in life is what it is and cannot be changed; the magical prestige is the knowledge of the self, to maintain the living prestige of beauty in the secrets of the divine.

The great search of the subtle longing to find happiness, are the treasures to ones own prestige. 

The prestige of life is to know that all the love in all stages and spheres as the eternal kiss, never being short of its chemistry.

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