Saturday, April 13, 2024



The soul acts like a compass and keeps on pointing to the point of faith, while life is passing though the storm.

The avenue and road one takes will show through endurance to the end, all persevering adversary or the long cherished patience.

Happiness always plays hide and seek, regardless the pursuit.

The Heavenue and intuition can not deceive, it is the reason that deludes the mind and maps the heart.

Consider every compassionate responsibility as sacred and be no more to anyone, than one is expected to be.

Verily, the domain of every soul is in its own sphere and every atom sets motion throughout the cosmos.

Into the world of perfect limitation we have to come to find, the perfection that reflects the light in the heavens that is hiding in the heart.  The love that becomes must trial through fire and is the coal that turns to diamond.

The eternal stone as symbolic union as love in fullness, is an inexpressible power and louder than words.

Heavenue and every moment of life is a milestone to know the value of opportunity.

Heavenue works through matter, where the soul attains to its realization and making the physical body the necessity for the fulfillment of its purpose to arrive at its culmination.

It works like this; the Cape Town taxi driver goes straight to heaven, because of the praying passengers, instead of the clergyman dulling the people with his speech to sleep in church.

There are many limits to the precaution in the affairs of one’s life; the horizon of that limit is the Heavenue of trust.

The moral of the story is that half eggs do not roll and half personalities have no delegation and can’t make their mind up.

Heavenly it is to know that the divine avenue is the trust that culminates to faith.  

Friday, April 12, 2024



 Society uses that word `duty' and is actually a molding of character, shaping the individual according to their particular ideal.

Similarly, take the word `co-operation, one co-operates with something without understanding it and only imitating the process.

In co-operating, one is living with it, moving with and is part of it.

Taken duty or just doing the job, allows harming or killing someone?

All various organized states and religions have their symbols given as daily bread and become factors, which prevent the mind to go beyond that faculty and discovering the truth and its abuse of power.

For creative thinking, every habit gets in the way.

The crippling of thinking from the superiors and its behavior needs a creative approach, to understand duty.

To serve with the freedom of love is to rise above the sense of duty, for the virtue of success is the strength of its conviction.

For that reason alone, nobody should get paid at government jobs.

The root of creativity becomes clear when the individual purpose of life and its real interpretation open the doors of perception, and then one will know the significance of life.

Thought have words, feeling have voices, words have forms, and voice has soul. The mature soul understands that not for ourselves, but we are born towards the duty of love.  

The things that will destroy a society are the power prosperity at any price, apparent safety first, instead of the duty of compassion and its humanity. Maintaining the get rich theory of creed and who is who and have and what not, is the weakest link in a society.

The happiness of a society and its moral duty are the essence and spirit, which are inseparably connected.

Love is the duty with its freedom in immediate expression, which gets killed by the cuffs of duty.

One has to rise above deception and temptation of a society and the mental handicap of security it promises.

We are born to deny all wishful thinking that is self-created and self-imposed, for it is the depth of ignorance.

Taking others as example is an excuse for once wrong doing.

The greatest love in life is often that which is covered under indifference.



Thursday, April 11, 2024



The chemistry and appetite for life has its charming confession through the virtue of scent and its invisible unforgettable coming and going.

Every smell is an image and memory that sail with the personality and its trace of intimacy.

The awakening memory of the smell is the first language in the kingdom of nature; it tells more than anyone needs to know.

It has the power of persuasion stronger than that of words, appearances, emotions, or even will. 

To the point, that one can love a person for one quality despite all faults, for one particular moment.

By these criteria, one can certainly admire a smell without necessarily loving it. Making the charisma the fragrance of the soul and the spark of attraction, that opens the petals of the heart.

Insatiable flavors in their essence bearing resiliently the immensity of memory. 

Aromas that speaks to the connoisseur in poetic sense, painting the ages in distilling and setting the tune when the dog on the couch makes everybody welcome to his world of senses. 

Fragrances, that set the mood to its challenge to bear.

Nature borrows its sublimity from a loving spirit and its memories to serve. Fragrances, which set the landscape and tune the atmosphere, are creating radiance with its significant signature.

In the sphere of silence, there is no wrong or right and ideals, it is the place where the soul is consumed in the eternal fragrance.

The rapture with its bliss is conducting virtues wisdom with its reflecting silence to forecast its manifestation.

Gestures and words have the fragrance to identify and to read between the lines, making confessions very distinctive.

The fragrance of love is naked to the truth and a delectable form of defeat.

The little stick of Frankincense turns my room into a cathedral with its historic devotion and majestic appeal.  


Tuesday, April 9, 2024



I have been ear dropping, a conversation about promiscuity at the coffee shop the other day and had to chuckle about some comments, thinking to write about it.

Everyone has a definition about promiscuity that often entails a double standard, where one person wants to be promiscuous, but in the same time want the other, to want only them.

One comment was, it’s like fast food, and then over a long enough period of time, everyone is going for promiscuity.

Promiscuity anesthetizes many aches and is the quest for hope what can never be attained. 

Is promiscuity the last true adventure, the last ecstasy, the last means of remaining a perpetual adolescent?

Or is promiscuity an attempt to escape from loneliness, which ceases the moment one falls in love.

In youth, promiscuity bestows the rapture of poets and songs, when one reaches old age; it remains as the haunting of the past.

Psychology explains a direct link between narcissism and promiscuity, while the saga of love speaks of that unrestrained urge, which becomes refined in the romantic nature of a person.

Emotional promiscuity has established it self very well in a world of no sentimental value.

For some, promiscuity is the end of love and maybe never wonders how to find that chemistry with the special ‘one’, without a bit of promiscuity. The play of charms and conversation in a new desire potential, has all the love varieties at hand.

Mental shape shifting requires the ability to transcend all attachments, the tantric state to be anybody and slip in and out of different personality without guilt, one can be virtually anybody.

Role playing therapy with a liberated mind and body creates a world where it is safe to love in where the ocean of the heart pours fort the love that heals. In the ecstasies of sublime nature the heart find the rest to establish stillness.

In the world of shadows and its moral dilemma, one can see the veil of perfect reflections in the countenance with others that speak like the prayer that rises from the heart, one was waiting for.

Monday, April 8, 2024

The Sufi


Famous Poets like Rumi, Inayat Khan or Rabindranath Tagore have the belief and words that divinity dwells in love which nurtures compassion, humility and sincerity.

Those magnetic personalities in Sufi wisdom and their spiritual teachings rise from time to time again in mankind, to elevated the true mental capacities in the search for the whole.

The stimulus in the right intentions needs to become into harmony, so that we can live in peace with all the creations and circumstances.

Every person has to realize that there is an enormous influence in the self to navigate between destructive and the innate nature of goodness.

The pursuit of love and its higher learning and to maintain composure in that equilibrium has been and is the endeavor of every person.

Every story and its love revelation are the divine guidance and living pulse of grace in fearless compassion, mercy and true qualities, which are divine in nature.

The dream of Brahma or God is the creation and manifestation of the living symphony where every soul plays its notes.

Wisdom in poetry is that music that attracts the sensitive soul.

Every thought rises from those depths of the heart, where the divine speaks through that kindled soul.

Love is not some pleasure or merriment; it is the willing to surrender in order to regard constantly the pleasure and displeasure of the beloved. Love that ends is the shadow of love, true love is without beginning or end.

Every soul that caught the light in the immensity of space realizes the majesty of the divine orchestra.

The Sufi poet writes about the imperfect self to self advance towards that perfect, as the crescent rises to the fullness.

Saturday, April 6, 2024



When the pondering becomes uneasy of uncertainty it is a wave in time of unresolved doubts. Things were and are not clear.

The wishful thinking and imagining with all if-ing become more loose ends, then anything else.

Thinking that maybe one benefits from a change of scenery and stay in a monastery, doing the Camino, or book some retreat time in the forest. Instant gratification and sensations do not solve the problem.

Truth alone is what will lead us to answers and to peace in our lives.

Love is the truth and its happiness arises from accumulated virtue coming from beyond all the suffering.

Ultimately, one is aiming to develop mindfulness and observe the truth through the eyes of the lover.

The only thing with the mental dilemma is, that it is afraid of is virtue, concentration power and love wisdom.

The bare truth alone is not sufficient enough; it needs to be used in the robe of beauty that speaks of wisdom.

Love in its fullness of inexpressible power that gushes from the heart changes everything.

The wondering about the past and the future becomes only wonderful in the realization of the present.

That present is the spirit of discipleship that opens the vision which leads to its attainment, making the journey very clear.

Doubt and its fundamental cause, since the historical beginning and its trouble, is that the know-it-all is too loud, to be sure and the smart ones, being cautious, can’t make up their mind.

The Buddha speaks of doubt in everything, until one finds the light within. One has to stop demanding doubt from specialist who happily sells uncertainties.

Spiritual freedom is the culture of faith and the rest of the science is a culture of doubt.

Friday, April 5, 2024



Eastern philosophies and teachings have basic themes of practice for gaining liberation from mental agonies and temptations.

 The developing of ethical self-discipline, the ease of concentration and a correct understanding, of how things liberate it’s self through simple love compassions.  

The Sanskrit word Tantra means the warp of a loom, or a tapestry of enlightenment that serve as a structure for physical, verbal or mental expression.

 They braid together creating a holistic path of development creating an unbroken continuity.

The experiencing of something is always individual and subjective from one lifetime to the next and no end.

Those memories and mental continuums go on to remain unaffected and unchanging during one lifetime and from one lifetime to the next and which, by their own powers, give them individual identities.

Tantra practice or mental pure acquisitions affects those facets by bonding continuities with the divine. Images or sculpture of holy people or symbols are already the mental looms of once sanity.

The total mental engagement to observe means to see, hear, smell, taste or think them and emotionally feel and identify something about them.

The cosmic void and its act of transformation enable the fact of purification with the eternal image like the Buddha figure and form of everlasting continuity.

Tantra practice and thinking entails producing appearances of oneself as Buddha-figures that resemble the resultant state of enlightenment and becomes the looming vehicle.

Tantra establishes a pure level of experiencing in all things, giving the freedom and courage to act, as the pure and real self.

The sacred art of intimacy and love unification is a metaphor of trust and respect; it is a Holy Communion and dance with the forces of creation.  

Thursday, April 4, 2024



The element of motivation is the driving force and individual desire that puts one in the place of once consequences.

In that world we are seeking physical and psychological securities in some kind of knowledge and influence.

This mental playground needs to be free of fears and be inspired with the heart of the dreamer. 

The quality of this flowering is the knowing and applying that love created you in the first place, and it nourishes the human psychological mind and its motivation qualities.

The courage and its threshold is to maintain that love quality, is the dream all along, and reveals it self throughout most living stories.

Any climbing in the cooperative world is absolute meaningless, comparing to the compassionate difference one can make to the world. 

With this pursuit one observes the world from the heart and making all temptations very transparent.  The right action will always delineate and define the spirit and the real character.

The doorway between the ultimate self and its full potential is the illusion of motivation created by the ego, which separates, compares and divides. 

Those mental walls and separations are the roots of all conflicts. 

All knowledge becomes pale once love intelligence and divine knowledge begins to shine.

That wisdom is the cream of intelligence and reveals that superficiality is a mediocre attempt.

Humility in love is the humility of the master, whereas the humility in surrender is the humility of the slave.

It is not the self that passes through life; it is life that passes by the self. It is the possessor that must lose sooner or later, the lover gains with the beloved and with love itself.

Wisdom existed before the wise; life existed before the living; love existed before the lover.

There nothing as old as truth and nothing more subtle or simpler than and as new as the truth.

Wednesday, April 3, 2024

Capricious Human


The human condition and its sensitive spirits of all ages in life are filled with strange contradictions and ironic behavior.

One life experience and the curiosity of an infinite mind is not enough of life at one time, for us to know for sure what is going on.

Understanding only fragments of life and struggle to see the whole picture creates the wonders and magic with the universe as mosaic that made up of many pieces that seems not to fit together.

There is the story that God wanted to create a living puzzle out of him to bring about all creatures and humans and its living sphere.

The living spirit in all and everything is the mosaic of the universe.

If we refuse to take the contradictions of life for granted and if we can’t accept solutions in that magical sphere, then for all of us the question of what is the point of this becomes a problem of our real potential. 

To accept and understand life, one has to accept the whole universe, making the problems, therefore resting and engaging within the cosmic realm.

The existential vacuum and search for meaning is trying to fill the emptiness within us and takes us to an individual odyssey.

Time is the river of events and that flow of water has its quantities and qualities through the season. The boat or the mental body of us will show its capabilities and reactions to the current.

The experienced soul knows its destiny and capricious person beliefs in chances. The human love that is capricious cannot fulfill all the desires, but the internal spirit is contented with nothing.

Love and its mysterious eternal order cannot be capricious or arbitrary; it is the bureaucratic, political or plain idiotic demand that form the habit of a dysfunctional society.

The importance to understand once intuition and emotion becomes the bigger picture that fits the perfect whole.


Tuesday, April 2, 2024

Eternal Life


The real purpose of life will strike deep into the everlasting.

Like the mountain stream that runs with in its swiftness, the mind can race as well towards that freedom.

No more in the wilderness of utter confusion, while dancing in the shadows in search of the precious cause.

Life cannot die and is the pilgrim with its repeating, ceaseless chant.

Caught, in the agony of time and the tears, that speaks of forgiveness.

The self of which you are, is the whole dance to the song of eternity.

Deluded by the vain pursuits of thought is being fused into the corruptible attachments from attention seeking influence.

 Life has no religion or adoration in its own deep sanctuaries.

Life has no abode, or the aching sorrow of ultimate decay, or the corruption of pursuing love. It has no void of loneliness in the shadow of time. It is pure love that is the hidden source of things.

Love is its own divinity and it takes courage to wander in the confusion of love's own pursuits in fulfilling that life.

Loving reason is the treasure of the mind, for it is the song of the heart that speaks its melody of eternity.

By the moment a person is touched by this perception, will understand that the struggle of life has values.

Values that bring the inside spirit into virtues and a pure mind.

It becomes very clear when people causing drama, that they have motives and trying to blind anyone of once, own faults.

The transcendent act is a feeling of trust and form, which can be passed on but not demanded. It is the interiorized not seen origin and its roots that existed before heaven and earth.

Looking at the world as timeless sphere and its past and future at the same moment, it becomes clear that those phenomena from the past are the same we observe today.

The exchange of dreams and its mystical truth has not changed.

The person that walks at the shore of deep wisdom is not engaged anymore with sensations.

Because nothing can be attained at this shore of wisdom, there can be no obstacles and only peaceful intuitive union.


Friday, March 29, 2024

The inside Movie


Movies are a part of our culture and it becomes clear what sort of movies are cultivating or liberating the seeking entertainment.

Cultivating a good attitude like in movies motivates us to engage in positive actions. 

If ones attitude and motivation are negative, however, it will create the color of actions and issues.

We all want a happy ending, like in the movie and need goodwill or dharma in our lives as source of peace and happiness for our self and others. 

In the same time, we can remove the misconceptions and ignorance, which causing all our deeper insecurities.

With this understanding and appreciation we will then feel enthusiastic about applying ourselves to take on the main act in life.

 The goodwill that follows us into our lives to come, which exists forever as the story goes much further, when taken from different perspectives, with others involved.

The Movie inside speaks of the heroic action to find, that seems to be sleeping and waiting for the change to happen, and there is no greater agony then holding on to a story never told.

Stillness in the movie speaks in volumes of character and has to stay immune to the ghost and daemons that play a role inside.

The inside actor is called to his life stage, where happiness and its entertainment is an inside job and a child play.

The play of shadows and doubt of the self has to fill the respect in the ideal of the self, before others can clearly respond.

The individuality and wisdom that speak for it selves, is the distinction of compassion and the moral of the story in the movie.

Always against the mighty power and influence that always costs more than it is worth, that get tipped over from the true love effect of motive.

 The personality and the prophetic role is a part of the world of stories, where the divine ideal captures, Souls drifting through each others lives.

Thursday, March 28, 2024

Free will and awareness


Freedom from a desire and the longing for an answer is leading essential to the understanding of a problem.

 The approach decides the fate of the problem. 

How, one regard the problem is of the greatest importance, because the individual attitude and prejudices or fears and hopes, will color and influence the decision.

 Choice less awareness will bring the right perspective to the problem. The problem is self-created, so there must be self-knowledge. 

You and the problem are one, not two separate processes.

The inner or outward noise can suppress the self, but it soon comes up again in a different form, under a different circumstance; for what is suppressed must find a release.

To be aware is vigilance, which are an extensive choice less awareness and not a constant attention looking for discipline.

The interpretation of the universal language of awareness is a matter of determination for purposeful direction and its function.

Some new age prophets and attention seekers proclaim to speak in ‘tongue’ or the divine word, which only can happen in absolute silence and proofs that they are mentally too loud, ever to conceive such possibilities.

The observation of what creates the problem is in this awareness of the greater inner self, where the problem will unroll itself to be complete and never needing to proof something.

If some only knew what is behind that free will, they would never call it ‘my will’, but the will of God.


Wednesday, March 27, 2024

Nature's harmony


When we live in harmony with the laws of nature and laws of the universe, it will support and nourish us, because this is what inevitably happens when we align ourselves to the greater whole.

 Living in a world and not understanding its virtues and laws is like not be able to read or write, and when one violates those rules one becomes the judge of that.

The mind and its body are the miracles that such laws exist and we must obey them.

Cause and consequence regardless of who, are inseparable and inevitable.

Eternal beauty is the manifestation and law of nature and acquaintance with the mind of God, for it is the only true source in all values of judgment.

Observed imagination, wisdom guided intention, and our inherent skills, we learn to accomplish our purposes. True perspectives make one receptive to the impulses of God's grace within and around us.

It is not the happy clapping excitement and sensation that gets sold to the impulse related people that go to church for reasons.

To gain an understanding of deeper realities, we must take in order to awaken to complete liberation of consciousness in this present life-cycle.

The inner realities and its emotional security attracting the external life circumstance and the truth about one self, those are the living confessions for one to become just.

The pursuit of various forms of knowledge, including philosophy, science and the occult, as well as forms of creative expression, like art, are themselves lesser aspects of the goal of liberation. 

The sages of the past ‘divined’ these inner laws to become a conscious being as a free will, for without; it would be a metaphysical absurdity.

From the Vedic text the word ‘dharma’’ is the philosophy and sense that underlies the natural laws in the structure of reality and the origin in the causeless will and grace of God or the eternal natural way.

The echo of instant karma or slow growing sickness is the vengeance of nature for the violation of her laws.

Love is the divinity towards human perfection and humanity is divine limitation.

People who need to establish constant self-assertion in all directions and ideals have no ethical compass and fail their individuality to seek refuge in community.

There is nothing that is accidental, for all situations in life work towards some definite end and truth, for one must learn to live a true life.

As long one cannot learn ones lessons or even see the first fault, one is certainly on the wrong path.

When the true self does not belong to the self, what else in this world can one call to own? 

The pain of life comes from the quickening of the heart, while endurance makes things precious and closer to perfection.

Nature’s law has a fragrance which is perceptible in the presence of the faithful and is the simplicity and the sign of the lover.


Monday, March 25, 2024

Total Solar eclipse


On April 8th the Moon will intersect with the Sun and creating a full solar eclipse and exact alignment with the earth, which is an interval of 18 month. 

It disturbs the electromagnetic field of the Sun which has profound significance and therefore used in traditional calendars.

Those ghostly shadow timekeepers has been seen in the Vedic text as the serpent of transformation, known as Rahu and Ketu.

The shadow of the past and it’s vice versa energies of the now have the subtle notions of awakening, the spirit potency that wants to become.

The eclipse on Monday 8th of April has all planets in 3 signs which are in itself a bit of a struggle already. The ecliptic point in Pisces indicating that water will play a crucial role on all levels.

The umbilical cord is cut and we are separated from our mother, the soul cuts itself away from the essential part of us, when it is not in connection with the mother earth, which is the provider of all waters.

Emotional intelligence is the holy water of the psychological mind that needs the will of the spirit to function.

When the shadow of the mind becomes obsessed with externalizing power it becomes the weakest link. The identification with the spiritual inheritance and eternal serenities, are the souls mission.

The negative feminine qualities of indulgence, pretence, manipulation or jealousy are the currency in the world of media, and a desperate cry for attention.  The holy books repeating them selves too often, which make the elephant in room, very visible?

The ecliptic influence has a collective conscious influence based on the subtleties of timing and precision that gives its attention to the ultimate.

The body of water is a naturally state that maintains itself naturally, if the mind and boat of emotional water is not the obedient servant, the current will takes one, to the falls.

Those who want to be somebody run up the hills, those who answered the first call to human suffering are everything.

Every desire in life has its answer; if it were not so, creation would not have gone on. It is in the complete unfoldment of human nature where we find the fulfillment of life’s purpose.

Thursday, March 21, 2024

Human right day


Creativity is a unique and unprecedented combination in the use of principles as human in existence. 

Creation implies adding something to the universe and giving the process of eternal creation its fuel of intellect. 

Intellectual property and integrity is the division between virtue and the self.

A mental cultivation is like the water of the body, which becomes easily dehydrated when it is not nourished in time.

Creativity is the challenge of the mind to create a perspective and innovation of the new that provides options and at heart the courage that make a difference.

Creativity is eternal, the more one use it the more it provides.

It is in fact that the power of creativity at once, that holds the universe in order. 

The mind and its senses are the nourishment of the creative impulse. Creativity is a metaphor of trust and a dare to dance with the mother of all invention.

The imperfection of human qualities, working hand in hand within perfect innovation and creativities fall into place.

There is no comparison between art and the creativity of nature; it is only another interpretation of eternal perfection.

When truth becomes its own being, creativity speaks its own language that brings all knowledge into the realm of the mystical.

Virtues essence is the labor of love and its recreation.  

Therefore the limitation of once external beings cannot ever claim perfection without love.

 Happy human rights day



Wednesday, March 20, 2024

Holy water


The baptism with the water of life and its initiation of a spring in flow, through the process of all, has its virtues in a recycling nature.

When all things are seen as one process the mind of the Tao can exist, as it is clear as still water, while most minds are collecting mud in the turbulent streams.

Clear water in its significance to the human body and to society has to gain the respect to establish the beneficial understanding as a whole. 

The walking on water is the image that speaks of the unity with the heart, without the fear of the deep.

The places where water comes together are our dwellings, built on the spirit of that water and it becomes a holy place.

Keeping ones heart in the dwelling of holy water, it becomes the clarity of sacred compassion.

To touch the soul of another, reaches the tears of happiness and the taste of the internal ocean of holy water.

Making those tears the holy water and gift to heal as they flow.

To wonder on an empty mind and heart is the clarity of a nonjudgmental nature.

All spiritual attainment arrives at the dwelling of waters that need to be crossed, the sea of attachment and the ocean of detachment.

The holy water is the realization of the truth and the greatest luxury.

To look at the outer world one can feel like a drop in the sea, but from the eye within, one can see the whole universe as bubble raised in the ocean of the loving heart.

Lives waves in the mental oceans need the wind to come to change direction to solve the problem, for life is a wave of the eternal ocean.

Holding an ear to the depth of that blessing is the clarity of the mental waters, when the storm breaks through life’s sea.

The holy water and the Saint are forgiveness in itself.

The body of water that controls a situation becomes an easy flow by the power of the willing spirit.



Tuesday, March 19, 2024

Great Souls do


The immature personality that is reveals itself with constant attention seeking and going for the big thing, need hundreds of gullible believers and followers. 

The trust given away so easily gives away certain vulnerability. 

That gullibility is a smoking gun that fires in all directions into a civilization in dire need for true leadership.

It does not need a specialist to notice that most leadership is mentally compromised and clearly the handicap of a nation.

The reality from TV’s or internet sources have no value whatsoever, it is the breeding ground for flattery and absurdity.

To influence the gullible is the victimizing of the masses with sensations based on nothing that is pointed towards disappointments.

 When illusions become reality, and as long the reality and illusion are creating misconceptions, the mind and its emotional subjective are looking in the material world for delusional gratification.

A soul has to experience everything and undergoes all sorts of experiences to maintain its purity of the divine will.

 Our true conscience knows that earthly attachments need to be shed.

 This painful progress and shedding of, becomes the maturity of the soul and the purity of life force within, which is love that changes the world and has nothing ever to lose.

 Ethical values are the human signification which reads itself throughout history and still touches the source of emotional awareness.

Once actions define the character, the words one uses define the wisdom and the way one treats others defines the real.

To be honest to one self is the natural building up of a natural leadership in humility, sincerity and true honor.

It is the greatest courage that takes the steep mountain of integrity into a meaningful life.

Monday, March 18, 2024

In search for meaning


Intuitive feelings are the most vital function of the mind and are the sensitive forecasts of ones emotional equilibrium.

 The empowerment of happiness and safety puts all worries into non-existence.

      Most people accept without doubt the set of values and meanings with which they have been given by family, its language and culture.

 When this set of meanings falls apart and loses its faculty, then the emotional chaos becomes another reality.

The individual seeks escape in supplementing attachments and attracting tragedy, despair and emptiness. 

All driving forces at this point will lead more and more to the crucifying search for meaning.

 The universe in its complexity that turns the chaos into order is the reflection on a bigger scale and the consciousness that feeds the hunger for knowledge and is the revelation of a Life-purpose.

All planetary, biological and psychological processes are inherently "cyclic" as they unfold in time. Approached as "whole", they have a definite and measurable structure of growth.

The "holistic" approach and its many shades and enlighten times are the colors of perspectives.

The misconception of most curious mind is not so much the answer hoping to find, but very much the search for the right question.

As long one looks into places, where one thinks to belong, there is little chance to find the place that has to be made.

The further one goes into search of happiness and to pursue once desire; one realizes that all fortunes are the perspective that lies within.

We have all been in situations where one must realize, that the change of mind is the solution.

In the simplest way to explain the meaning of life is that those who have a ‘why’ to live, have no problem to face every ‘how’.

The power of love goes far beyond all physical sensations, because it finds its deepest meaning as spiritual being.




Saturday, March 16, 2024

Theory of everything


The theoretical physicist and the interest in the traditional philosophies and theologies are the unifying ideal and counter-cultural philosophies.

Palm readings are on the app and the horoscope on daily routine.

The ability to predict for what to come is a powerful weapon and is used in economics and politics to manipulate everything.

Statistics and to compare wanted to be treated as relevant and profound.

 The ability to predict successfully needs still the right moment and aspect of nature that lies outside our control. 

Coming at times to the point where events one hopes to come is logically impossible.

If we were able to predict our own decisions by using some scientific formula, would require us to have already made them, and that is a huge logical dilemma.

The theory of everything is the frame of the mind and the falling of the apple or the mighty eclipse, which makes the external cosmos the first approximation. 

We cannot influence the intrinsic strength of gravity or the properties of electricity any more as we can change the weather by forecasting it.

The bureaucratic mind and its faculty of accountability do not work with the laws of nature, tossing the coin as much one likes.

Gambling is the subject of statistics and magic is the subject of nature’s law.

The realist believes that the external world exist ‘out there’, apart from his perception, not realizing the contribution to acknowledge the process of observation itself.

The circum-ambient atmosphere in place and time is the source of sensation and the world for the believer, while the sleeping ones turn into a world of their own.

All speculated reason has the incredible secret that they are subject to an order to come. The mechanism without the mechanism and scientific concept, that creates inner pictures and worlds.

The theory of everything is the human spirit we share and its facilitation to be completed elsewhere, with the fate of the universe.


The God particle

  The well known Higgs field theory, called ‘God particle’, is about the elusive subatomic particle that is believed to give the universe ...