Jyotish or Vedic Astrology
takes great importance and recognition to the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu, which
are physically non-existent, yet considered and treated as planets in their
full force.
The Moon's Nodes are the cross-roads of
eternal cosmic frequencies with the potency of karmic effects of great concern.
The ecliptic heavenly
lights has been throughout antiquity a powerful spectrum of exiting times where
the subtle relationship between the Sun, the Moon and the Earth plays a large
part in the unfoldment of the collective and each individual's consciousness.
Since Rahu and Ketu are in
exact opposition to each other, the effect of these Nodes should be considered
Rahu is known as the
Dragon's Head and Ketu as the Dragon's Tail, for the Head is forward looking,
while the Tail represents the issues of the past. The position of Rahu
represents the qualities to be developed and work to be done during the present
incarnation and the position of Ketu shows the qualities developed during past
lives and thus indicates attitudes that come naturally to the native.
The manner in which these
qualities are expressed will be shown by the sign and houses they occupy and
the planetary aspects they receive.
A planet in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu has
special significance in relation to the things signified by the Node it is
Well posited Rahu and Ketu
with beneficial connections and aspects will let the native rise to powerful
heights in life.
Poorly afflicted Nodes
strike the native to circumstances where one wonders where one is going and why
all this trouble.
The Nodes seem to have a
constructive role to play in the long run, after making the native pass through
various phases of difficulties and sufferings; they will enable him to progress
into spiritually, as we are foremost spiritual energy beings on a spiritual
Ancient sages have called
Rahu a manipulating diplomat and Ketu a spiritual Seer towards liberation.
Rahu and Ketu have an l8
years returning period and creating in the Nakshatra’s or lunar mansion a
profound observation of development where the timing in the Vimshottari Dasa
establishes the personal eclipse of things to happen.