Tuesday, March 25, 2025

The serpent in the sky


Jyotish or Vedic Astrology takes great importance and recognition to the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu, which are physically non-existent, yet considered and treated as planets in their full force.

 The Moon's Nodes are the cross-roads of eternal cosmic frequencies with the potency of karmic effects of great concern.

The ecliptic heavenly lights has been throughout antiquity a powerful spectrum of exiting times where the subtle relationship between the Sun, the Moon and the Earth plays a large part in the unfoldment of the collective and each individual's consciousness.

Since Rahu and Ketu are in exact opposition to each other, the effect of these Nodes should be considered simultaneously.

Rahu is known as the Dragon's Head and Ketu as the Dragon's Tail, for the Head is forward looking, while the Tail represents the issues of the past. The position of Rahu represents the qualities to be developed and work to be done during the present incarnation and the position of Ketu shows the qualities developed during past lives and thus indicates attitudes that come naturally to the native.

The manner in which these qualities are expressed will be shown by the sign and houses they occupy and the planetary aspects they receive.

 A planet in conjunction with Rahu or Ketu has special significance in relation to the things signified by the Node it is with.

Well posited Rahu and Ketu with beneficial connections and aspects will let the native rise to powerful heights in life.

Poorly afflicted Nodes strike the native to circumstances where one wonders where one is going and why all this trouble.

The Nodes seem to have a constructive role to play in the long run, after making the native pass through various phases of difficulties and sufferings; they will enable him to progress into spiritually, as we are foremost spiritual energy beings on a spiritual evolution.

Ancient sages have called Rahu a manipulating diplomat and Ketu a spiritual Seer towards liberation.

Rahu and Ketu have an l8 years returning period and creating in the Nakshatra’s or lunar mansion a profound observation of development where the timing in the Vimshottari Dasa establishes the personal eclipse of things to happen.


Sunday, March 23, 2025



There are moments, when one becomes suddenly conscious of something that is very important, to once circumstance.

Those striking realizations and often a breakthrough are described as philosophical discovery as in which an enlightening realization allows a problem be understood from a deeper perspectives and are the progress of innovations. 

It is triggered by new key piece of information that links all other information to a leap of conclusion.

Good researchers are very fond of this process, when years of work creating great satisfaction and accomplishments.

The love in that one does is a phenomenon that is greater then all the troubles in the world. It is where one proves to be genuine by once sincerity and noble by once charity of the heart to belief in the progress. When endurance throughout the continually jarring influence of life feels great, and courageously experiences create new directions.

Epiphanies are called as well spiritual awakenings for reasons, as faith is the powerhouse of mental faculties that changes life based on a belief system that is close to the heart.

Epiphanies throughout antiquities are considered as sign or even dreams where the divine reveals its salvation to the world and established prophecies.

As the nature of consciousness regards no conventionality, establishes that truth cannot be acquired but only be discovered.

Epiphanies have the metaphor of the heart that is large enough, for there is nothing it will not accommodate.

Devotion is another form of wisdom which has its pinnacle points and considered as epiphany in many moments, being surprised and wonderings where it came from.

Wisdom and its sugar bowl of epiphany is the way in which to express life as one has understood it oneself.

The epiphany to analyze love is to destroy love, for it is the sacred river that flows by its own laws.


Friday, March 21, 2025



  The universal constant is change and a natural continual flow of unknowable and unpredictable circumstances, which in turn lead to actions and its consequences.

To see the progress of change itself as perfect changes, the condition of the self flows along its continuum.

The flow of harmony in change becomes harmony within the senses and natures flow and its lesson is revealed, when closely observed. It gives a sense of conscious participation in life and its cause and effect.

As long the ego holds on, there can be no true change and be no cure for the dilemma of the circumstance.  

The divine order is the love of willing surrender and regarding constantly the pleasures and displeasures of the beloved, for love is the resignation to the will of the possessor of one’s heart, which is the teaching that love is persevering un-weariedly. 

Change and its virtues of love are the source of all infirmities, the curse and bliss that attracts its stimulant frequencies and situation.

To drink from the bowl of poison by the hands of love as nectar will diminish the progress and turn to possession.

All is possible, but it is impossible to find a way to work with a person who is hardened in character, deep-set in his ideas and fixed in his outlook on life.

Passion is the smoke of emotions and love’s fire in need of kindling compassion; selflessness is the flame that illuminates the world.

Without the listening to the whispers of change, one creates blindly and will be destroyed by ones intelligence and what ones reason creates are destroyed by ones ignorance.

The lessons of what is meant by wrong and what is called right is to unveil the beautiful countenance of life, where wisdom out of utter darkness from the ignorance become the blessings.

The soul and its dance is moved by change that come with the charm of graceful movement and the heart beats the rhythm to the dancing steps in harmony with the universe.

Verily, life is one continual battle, and the one alone is victorious who has conquered himself.

The period of one’s spiritual development and real change depends upon the rhythm of one’s life.



Wednesday, March 19, 2025

The Antagonistic State


The enemy within or the abyss of false values based on procrastinated imperialism towards quantitative solution are the degeneration of the soul. 

The antagonistic state of modern psychology and the study of the mind has no idea about the anatomy of the soul and only maintaining the therapeutic handicap of the past not knowing how thinking energies work and character is formed.

The therapies by feeding the destructive passion of lust, vanity, morals or anger to become a world of sense are the poison of the spirit in sweet little potions.

The soul alone is consciousness and awareness and does the knowing, while the mind cannot think without the sensation of the spirit.

Antagonism is the negative pole of agreeableness with references that related to traits of combativeness, grandiosity, callousness, and distrustfulness, observed in behavior that is ignorant to the free spirit.

The positive pole of the free spirit is the sense of discretion which is instinctive and is the life one lives that either shapes or deforms it.

To express an impulse is a mental shortcut, which has no concern with any consequence and only reasons to support a narrow point of view, but to control it gives strength.

Love and its free spirit is the object in the life of ignorant and the saint, the one demands it, while the other gives it.

Simple 4 questions one can ask the self to switch from negative to positive; what pleasure is there in useless action, what interest is there in senseless speech, what joy is there in depthless thought, what happiness is there in loveless feelings?

A heart without love and the mind without romance are like the space without air, a man without courage or a woman without grace are the lovers without willing sacrifice.

One cannot be real and live in the world of falsehood, and one cannot be false and exist in the world of reality.

The elements of the sun, air, water, space and the fertile soil are the necessary for the human soul to bloom; intelligence, inspiration, love and its wide outlook become the guidance which is required for the soul to unfold.


Monday, March 17, 2025

Quintessential human


To stretch the mind to the breath of heart is to know that love is the living essence, seeing it with the feeling through the forms of soul.

The indifference and intimate friend in the battle of the self is like modesty in the uniform and holding humility in that vanity.

When truth is no more the seeking, it becomes the self for in the light of that truth one finds all knowledge.

Faith is the culmination of belief and the mystery of life which stands above evidence and the secret of the individual salvation.

Reasons are matter of heaven and earth, its depth is heavenly and the surface is earthly creating forms of reasons that unite, the reason for seeking happiness is ones own being, seeking for one self.

It is not in the heart of the earth in which to confide as it is given to simple trust, it the living spirit and soul of heaven which is trustworthy as it assimilates all in its own being.

The source of all revelation comes from the surface of intelligence and the intellect. when it is turned outside in.

The boundary of limitation which stands around the human mind is the impossibility, where the mind will justify to it and becomes another because.

The weakest link in the chain of power is the highest price, whereas the expression of sentiment is an outlet of the heart, and when conserved becomes the priceless power in itself.  

Naked self-confidence is the true meaning of faith and in faith is the secret of the fulfillment or non-fulfill of every desire.

When the human heart becomes conscious of God it becomes like the ocean that extends its pliability to all.

True spirituality is not a fixed faith or belief; it is the ennobling of the soul by rising above the procrastinations of the material world.

The divine order is the truth and most purifying, loveable and peace giving; it is the salvation of the self.


Saturday, March 15, 2025



Sagacious discernment with a keen practical sense of emotional intelligence is the fine-tuning of mental faculties creating excellent judgment without uncertainties.

It provides the clarity into the inherit circumstance and coming to terms of what lies ahead, with the faculty of ethics and prudence that is not tainted by the burden of insecurities.

As long the capacity of good judgment is conditioned by guilt and the burden of insecurities, ego will create conclusion. Wisdom provides the keen observation in the act of a person’s intention and manipulations.

The expression of vanity and playing various roles are great stimulations and the stage of life to escape from the realities of life, providing plenty of contradictions.

The dramatic act and its emphasis of the self is the mask to cover the facts, only to deceive the self, creating self-deception and causing psychological matters. When the self entrenches in the capacities for adoration it is simply shallow entertainment. Those who truly know themselves are conscious of the choiceless awareness and the obvious, that the subtle activities of the self are the truth.

The wise understanding is the knowing, not that things exist, but what they mean, it is where memory and judgment has no value, of what only seems to be. The outcome of all success has the audacity of good judgment and is the instrument that leads into prosperity and humility. 

The truth and its experiences is like water that carries in itself the profundity of the pliability in the ocean, the clouds, waterfalls and little rain drops, providing the living existence.

Insightfulness is the gate to the kingdom to master hood, which opens after the examination as a servant. The highest good of peace will not come to the lover’s heart, as long he not becomes love itself.

It matters little whether one is on top of the mountain or at the bottom, if one is happy where one is.

Sagacious solution coming from the virtue of duty, in the pleasure of doing it.



Wednesday, March 12, 2025

Pisces Stellium of 6 Planets

  At March 30th, 6 planets creating a conjunction which have profound influence on people with strong Pisces influence. Including exalted Venus in retrograde mode and debilitated Mercury as well. 

The lunar nodes under the influence of Saturn in the lunar mansion of Uttara Bhadrapada will give those impulsive, anxious personalities the cynical energies which will reveal it-self strongly. 

They may coerce others to convince their idealistic ideals and principles to escape the abyss of fears and worries, to cover up their wavering and unstable mind, which can lead to a collapse or deep depressions.

The divine order is about the truth and Gods intimate language, Saturn and its sharp rings cuts true the pretence of selfish behavior and unlocks the pain and its suffering for reasons of discipline and respect to all.

As Jupiter is still in the enemy sign of Taurus and Venus is involved in this Pisces constellation, where pretences ignorance and superficiality seem to be the solution, big disappointments will fall like rain. Mercury the planet of learning, need to be taken to the heart of matter and fundamentals of caring, with profound listening.

Saturn will stay in Pisces until June 2027 and creating a sadi-sadi, a planetary influence, especially over the natal Moon when placed naturaly in this constellation. Saturn’s practical and methodical influence in the intuitive and emotional essence of Pisces need to be faced with true self-awareness and its change of revaluating priorities, ideals and objectives to overcome innermost fears, insecurities and limits.

Emotional healing in relationships is the core, to take emotional intelligence to self-awareness.

The simplicity of life as daily practice spending time in nature, cultivating gratitude and reflecting it with respect, are the grounding qualities, that makes one centered and resilient.

Some profound life changes are happening during this transit, the last time when Saturn was in Pisces was during the years of 1994-1996, where Nelson Mandela brought South Africa to the place of true belief and hope, then when poor dictatorship (ego) is the fact, profound revolution is the duty. 

The soul is either raised or cast down by the effect of once own thought, speech and action. The soul has its own way in life, if you wish to follow another’s way; you must borrow those eyes to see it.


Thursday, March 6, 2025

The Sangoma

 The Sangoma is a spiritual medium and healer in many African cultures, also known as shamans, priests, and prophets.

To establish a diagnosis by reading bones, gemstones and sticks from special trees are the divinity to detect spiritual energies that influencing a person. 

The ritual of shouting and harsh breath stimulates the psyche to communicate with the ancestors to help with the identification of spirit energies to interpret the circumstance and finding remedies to cure the affliction.

Sangomas are called by the spirit and need to undergo extensive preparations of rituals that isolates all external stimulation and the ego, to be in touch with the pure spirit.

Healing is a sacred quality which is naturally strong in conscious aware people, but in many ignorant people the soul quality is out of balance and afflicted by offending spirits. All physical or mental illness is understood to originate in the spiritual realm.

Sangomas like to use water or practicing near rivers for healing and healing ceremonies and cleansing rituals to purify themselves and others, to establish a new flow of energies to take place.

It is the believe that rivers and waterfalls have sacred energies, that have the divine circle of eternal sacredness and must be used for Initiation, as water is a symbol of life, like most religion have connection to water and baptism.

The Sangoma understands that the universe is a sacred hidden lake in the spiritual world, which nourishes all lives and gives intuitive orders to be able to make herbal medicines, interpret dreams, incorporate spirits and predict the future.

The well trained spirit in the development of the Sangoma creates the concern about the psychic unity and harmony for the wellbeing of all humans and their ability to create that relation as stepping stone for all relationships.

The force of life is full of blessings, when one knows how to receive them, or the other side of that picture is, where the body goes the shadow goes as well, like so is the truth followed by falsehood.

The Sangoma speaks about the longing of the heart, that deprives it of its freedom, are the poor spirits.


Tuesday, February 4, 2025

Eternal Sphere


The sphere of eternity in philosophical terms is the idea of viewing the universe as all simultaneous present and not a succession of moments in time.

The platonic point of view is that the material component of the world is the eternal divine vision and its revelation that nature is the all presence of God.

The experience of the soul and its spiritual life within outer sensory reality takes place in thinking, feeling and willing.

The rational mind and the activities of thinking, feeling and willing are not separated as the spirit of will is at work and does the thinking.  

Contemplating actively perceives spiritual information that holds the balance of an intuitive feeling. Understanding takes place in the spiritual realm and of a sensory reality.

The pondering stimulation and its imagination extend itself into the great unknown universe and energies that are act like a compass that point into directions by the will of the cosmos.

All this can then be viewed as a kind of balance experience, which separates what is above from what is below. The eternal sphere of nature’s instincts is the formula of striving to its optimal precisions. 

The inexperienced soul and its more rational mental functioning experiences the drive of will as power struggle to die for, as the story of the survivor must go on. Whereas the mature soul contemplates about the eternal solution, that puts the living force into the loving attraction maintaining its eternal divine precisions.

Those who seek securities and stabilities on the rational plane will pay a heavy price of waste by giving away the power of intuitive knowledge. Empathy based on emotional insecurities is the fatality of poor realizations.

The living force of love is not pleasure or merriment; it is the longing of willing surrender and resignation to the will of the heart that one is never alone, for true love is without beginning or end.

The eternal hemisphere and its display is the unconditional love one is experiencing for to seek the spiritual path, as one is sought after by the spirit of the eternal sphere.

Monday, February 3, 2025

Life Circles


The creative act of life circles throughout history are the unfoldment and purpose with the answers to a need.

 The creative act in the present is the answer to the past and the unfoldment, still to come from the potential of the beginning.

The universe and its rhythms are the reflections of eternity and everything becomes full circle.

The competitive world and its social behavior are all against all in full circles and the death of societies, never comprehending the cyclic metaphor of the spiral effect.

The poor attitude of leadership and its echoes of imitated arrogance are specialized meaninglessness and the full circle of righteous incompetence. Thoughts are cyclic like the very breath of the individual and become the trap that captures the animal in the circus for a few minutes of attention.

Every brilliant idea coming out of nowhere and claim to fame is nothing else then the sonorous waves of eternal intelligence as thought and answer which is needed in the moment.

The overwritten curriculum vitae is the over fertilized compost which produce the chemistry of the past in the weakest living organism, with flavorless pretence in the present.

 Colorful spitting lipstick is the protection against the circles of psychological hereditary to come across confidently.


The divine soul in reaching perfection and unity with God must inevitably partake in the infinite love of the divine.

All other waysides or following is the road which inevitably leads to the decay or compost that feeds the masses in vast ocean of potentiality and spirit of once more, to fulfill its true attention.

God release the active power of relatedness and the fabric of the divine love compassion as light in circles.

In this light of solution are the lights of imaginations and the serenities of effectiveness that is visualized in the mind.

The heart of God is the creation in the now.


Sunday, February 2, 2025

Crisis in Vain


The tragic of human life is that most people, when facing a crisis, missing the opportunity to meet life.

 Humiliation with no change of heart is the all in vain declaration towards attention, to stimulate the experience of confusion.

The theatrical display of the 24/7 media drama and its echoes of meaningless defeats have no inspiration to create real transformation.

When the only illness there is to be ill for no purpose, it becomes the tragedy of a crisis in the vanity of meaningless results.

Pathetic leadership throughout history has maintained false crisis’s as a puppet show for the spineless spinsters, as service for mankind.

Chaotic societies are built by little people with poor desires and the inferiors to be great. Soulless puppeteers with quantitative formulas are here, to sterilize real qualitative values and to repeat noble slogans and glamour’s infused verbiage.

The real crisis is the furnace in which the ego transmutes into the discipleship of compassion and true intelligence.

The decorated mental uniforms are the worst dedication to establish a service that is free of procrastinations.

 The purification of desires is the breaking of the mere fluffy ego will, to establish the real courage to be called for.

The purification of desires and the clarity of the essential will need to dismantle the mere ego will, which is so popular for the embarrassment of the show that must go on.

The tools of convenience and its superficial values is the crisis behind more obvious crisis not knowing how the get away from the beast in the labyrinth. The Ariadne thread that helps to find the way out is the dignified solution of love.

The comic book heroes and ruler of the world are the crippled illusion of hope, creating only the superpower of waste.

True love and its respect is a gathering in itself that comes together like a flower holds its pedals.


Saturday, February 1, 2025


The mental dilemma of worshipping achievement is the imposing force by constitution from social and geographical environment.

Potentialities and its inheritance of relationships, in the fundamental process of actualization of once individual establishment in the society one wants to be in.

Each collectivity of a person has a defined ideal of achievement and image of which one tries to strive on.

The longing to achieve is a defined position that most often becomes a subtle masochistic glorification, believing to be a deep-seated refusal to succeed. 

Optimism is the bird of time that can flow with the elements of confidence in the small pleasures of time to achieve.

It is the determination that makes every goal attainable to define the legacy and sum of small efforts in the daily routine.

Success and failure are not final or fatal as it only creates memories of courage to continue, that counts.

The beauty of dreams shows when action is taken towards the achievement. The motive power is creative and engaging, but it is as well the limits of that power, which is limitless.

All conventionality that has limited the life of the individuality comes from the removed attitude towards nature and its intelligence, is the tragedy. The distinctions of sexes, especially in some religion are another natural limitation of domestic human behavior.

Power and its copycatting politics as road to success is the mirror image of imitations, for the road to failure looks exactly the same.

Originality has nothing to do with who is who and having what, it is the fearless virtues of being in touch with ones true spiritual convictions.

The achievement of happiness needs ideals that liberate the energy that inspires hope, being the bird of time at the right place.

The individual character of will to achieve need the subtlety of pure striving, in the defined conception of what is valuable to constitute success.

The fulfillment of ones true vocation gives birth to the original love desire.


Friday, January 31, 2025

The Natural

True natural abilities are standing out because of adoption in pace with patience. 

Being a natural with nature’s existence in action derived from the flow of time and its pace.

 Walking in nature and to act natural is the music of listening in natures pace.

When the mountains are calling, one must go to the richness that comes from nature as source of inspiration.

Being natural is having the intimacy of trust; and nothing more becomes a strain to make it seem so. Being natural is the yoga of flow and the most difficult pose to keep up.

Attractions work being oneself as natural magnitude without thinking and the ultimate secret of once art creating transformation without having sought them, by being genuine.

The fear of the ordinary and simplicity is the dilemma for the ego that nature is the teacher. The best remedy against all odds is the place where one is alone with the heavens, nature and God, giving us the daily pictures of infinite beauty.

The natural ability to be honest is the clarity to realize the divine in the personality and how it reflects thoughts and deeds.

Reasons are learned from the ever-changing world, but wisdom comes from the essence of life.

The ever lip-spitting dilemma of talking is the embarrassment, when the mind is not ones obedient servant.

The trust of the one who trusts another and does not trust himself has no nature, being domesticated in the spinning wheel of attachments.

As long there is no truth to the self, the seekers after the truth is not learning its lessons. The serenities of being natural is the art of intelligence, the contemplative heart reflects the divine qualities.

Natures diversity and every soul has its own way in life; when one follow another’s way, one must borrow the eyes from them to see it.

Love rises in emotion and falls in passion like poison acts as nectar to maintain wickedness.

The development of one’s true personality is the real purpose of human life. Those who realize the effect of ones deeds upon himself begins to open his outlook on life.


Thursday, January 30, 2025

Selfhood Destiny


The individual existence or world of self is the source of energy in frequencies of rhythm and form of meanings.

The slow progress of latent realization of developments of vital multitudes of experience turns the mind to its conscious consistency.

The center of consciousness is the self and real identity as process of eternal existence and destiny.  

The structure of process is the destiny in due time and time again through crisis to develop a consciousness of the potential selfhood.

For what was latent becomes actualized by maturity.

The individuality is always in the making or unmaking of once life.

To identify consciousness with power creates the dilemma when the aging power wanes; one feels consciousness fades as well.

There is no fatefulness in destiny, for ones life-events structure is the very power that makes the self. Destiny is the self as unique form of human existence in time and all space. Individuality is the frequency or pattern of being that refers to the progress of actualization given at birth.

Humans alone can change thought pattern and become the conductor and leading hand to dance with destiny. In the moments of self and its decision is where destiny is shaped.

Destiny is part of the genetic code at the core of self and as well in the environment of the worlds of cultural, social and emotional pressure.

No claim however great can be equal to the mysterious self what proves to be worthy to the little progress one makes.

The individuality is the mastering of the self with the teaching of lives challenges in associations and forgiveness, to step beyond those limitations.  Misery only happens when expectations from others taste like the sea-water of life.

Every thought or word in action in its natural state of loving virtues is the elements of destiny and language of the magical selfhood.

The selfhood is the sphere in the hand of the master, playfully giving it the artful rolling effect like planets at work.


Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Spiritual conviction

Most practices of religion come to the point, where very few try to make their spiritual thoughts a matter conviction, for they are satisfied with the truth without experience it.

Holy wars and its disasters is the spirit that convicts of something wrong in the eyes of God to make it right.

Matters that keep one convicted between one self and God is a personal issue, which should not be imposed upon others. 

In the name of love with its humility comes from having the right convictions about the importance of gentleness and respect.

Spiritual conviction is the heart of certainty that makes sense and invites the fellowship of reconciliation with all there is.

Many worlds of the past always held to hope that there is a better world, that hope has not changed into the today, as conviction to maintain the curse of blessings.

All theories about water cannot save the drowning person; one must be a proficient swimmer to take on the ocean of spirituality.

That example is the spiritual conviction with effect on those around us and the world at large.

Ignorance and its twin of arrogance come from having the wrong convictions, especially about how to treat fellow human, that do not share that need.

The doors of once spiritual conviction is to experience to live without a false sense of securities, everyone has to make an effort to know God. The mental satisfaction and false power to be religious, without the answers to once prayers, becomes clear that God answers only for what benefits all.

Prayers in its effectiveness are the truths of innocent convictions to love and push that energy to new boundaries of believe.


Tuesday, January 28, 2025



The progress of destiny operates under the serenities of pressure to complete the character of the individuality.

Similar like in which, carbon or coal is transmuted into diamond.

Pressure turns courage into grace to rise above the challenge where the real earning begins.

People who take peer pressure to influence others are the excuses to face the music. The inevitable circumstance of pressures and mistakes are relating to valuable experience to maintain the goals and establishing privileges.

In the ideal world there is no pressure and only excuses to step into the creative vacuum with the intuitive pressures.

That pressure sphere becomes a pleasure field that has its own entanglement of tensions.

The shadows of great opportunities are the once under pressure to establish deeper revelation and creating the necessity in which one is happier.

People use psychological pressure and its manipulation to influence someone's thoughts, emotions, and behaviors by creating a sense of discomfort or guilt to do something, they might not otherwise do.

Those self-celebrating manipulators cannot take themselves to task and always putting faults on another. The great right and wrong depends upon the attitude in the situation and not the impulsive action.

The great pressure and its media towards success needing xyz are only achieved when free will and circumstances working hand in hand.

The pressure and endurance living by a foolish government will be the pain for the quickening of the heart and maybe the wisdom to reserve once dignities towards fellow human graciously.

From the purity of the soul itself, which gives the tendency towards the intelligence and dignity to the person, are materials for wisdom to work with.

The pressures of being an individual show the refuge in the community and accept that which one cannot return, never understanding that life is about reciprocity. The human heart is the home of the soul and upon this home the comfort and power of soul depend.

Pretence and pressure is like entering the den of the dragon with shiny armor where the highest ideal is the lack of understanding and the loss of all riches. 

 Appropriate words that express an idea will paint a picture, is the power that utilizes everything for a good purpose.

Dignity has its own pressure, because it springs out of loving thoughtfulness.


Monday, January 27, 2025



Every conversation needs listening where the art of hearing becomes the metaphor, not projecting one’s own desire.

The listening art in the conversation is the point of observation that changes the outcome.

The wisdom of listening outwashes all the talking, then true listening does not need talking. Wisdom is the reward of listening when one feels the need to talk.

Complete listening manifest itself when one can listen to the Moon, the stars and natures silence to stimulate the listening.

Eastern philosophies are schooling the art of listening in any curriculum to create space in all direction. 

It is the first sign of respect and has the therapeutic sense of values that creates life sentences.   

The poorest leadership is found in the impulsive talking to control the moment; the real listener knows the story before anyone else realizes the unseen problem. Listening actively means that one can acknowledge the deep voice of within and act accordingly.

If one can listen with the eyes and smell a story while biting once tongue, is the real multitasking. To exercise the creative force of listening is the becoming of once magnitude of character.

The people who listen to each other are the ones who move toward the creative self of union, to unfold and expand.


The silent words and sacred river of inspiration are consoling the heart as the healing spirit. The beloved teacher words are the forgiveness and footsteps leading to the eternal love of truth.

The loving enfoldment of listing is the fulfillment of the divine plan to maintain harmony.



Saturday, January 25, 2025

Defined Energies

The life maintaining cosmic energies that translate into frequencies are the pure energies that handle the seeming malefic influence.

All energies have its shades of positive and negative definitions that work like a whistle in the dark.

When one takes polygraph test to test ones psychological response to questions or looking at an astrology chart, the energies of the self have a footprint that needs to find its shoe.

Planets and their energy spheres are time-capsules that work on very slow motions and the fastest gear at the same time.

The outer planets are the very slow process of inner development in generation that has to take place without resistance.

Resistance is the energy in its largest part the problem where the flow of life-force cannot express itself.

The conflict between the energy signification and the depth of observation by the self are the appearance of the hostility.

Those hostility moments and its decisions of action are the notes of energy taken forward. The sufficient art to handle consciousness is the mindfulness of energies, at any given time. Being not in touch with ones energies is the resistance to make things difficult.

The balance of planets creating testing signals where the energy of trying becomes the facilitation of momentum.

The winner attitude is the losing quality of energies, as for the sentiment of striving is the purest quality.

The limited perspective that gets stuck in the game of the physical universe gets lost in the serenities of energies that are very real.

The overcompensating for guilt and its shame are the waste and pollution for temporary satisfaction with the righteousness of happiness, by all means of destruction.

The mental imbalance relating to energy fields have to relate to the source of its purest form to establish management.

All limitations are like Motts attracted to light or the ideal of the mind, whereas the eyes of the soul cannot see time, but knows its steps.

Indifference is the intimate friend, one should not disappoint.


Friday, January 24, 2025

Echo’s of Folly

God’s mysterious ways become clear when looking at the common curse of humanity and the echo of ignorance creating the eternal revenue as divine comedy. 

The echo of love and its foolish attention are the stories and its echo to messages. 

The echo of the heart and its lost virtues dissolve in memories that separate it-self apart.

The echo of light that burst into the day is the faint sound and force of love with the hunger for life creates its true echoes.

The divine echoes of antiquity and our ancestors still maintain the culture in which the longing of the spirit is in the music of the cosmic Piper. The echo’s of folly or stairway to heaven is the bucket list for anyway, creating the echo of divine dessert land everyway.

The echo of the folly has no concern with any consequence and is only the expression of impulse. Being wise and foolish at the same time are the twilight zones of lost souls beyond comprehension.

The motive power of the leader is constructive, yet it is the motive that limits the power which is limitless.

All conventionality that is limiting the life of humans is the remove far from natures echo and its presence of trust to accomplish something. Foolish kindness that is not balanced with firmness is the fact that loses its color in the face of truth.

The foolish ego fights for perfection in dressed limitations to satisfy the little now, pursuing after the impossible that maintains the chronic disease of humanity.

The beloved teacher wakens the sympathy of the hearts to maintain the healing spirit with words that flow like a sacred river.

Tender feelings are the texture of forgiveness, where clouds of doubt and fears get scattered like dust in the wind.

Criticism, indifference and pessimism are the foolish doors that jump open to proof the false, turning even the merits of the faulty into faults.

The foolish metaphor is the art without beauty, words with no meaning, science without reason and philosophy without logic, draining the spirit of no devotion into the lake without water.


Thursday, January 23, 2025

Psychic Heavens


The lights of the heavens and the human psychology are seen from the Vedic astrology perspective as disorder caused by disconnection from the soul.

This is reflected in a lack of integration with the serenities of affliction to once emotional balance and the Moon position at birth.

The yogi’s point of view is that true knowledge is in the stillness of the mind, where emotions and thought find equilibrium by observing the content in total. 

It is not in the divisions of categorized themes to create true applicability of natures display in constant change.

 The individuality and its world have inherited the motional clockwork of the greater body and emphasize the knowledge of consciousness, or awareness of the moment to moment as true understanding.

Attention seeking therapies are far away from reestablishing true connections with the divine and its cosmic forces, which are found only in stillness. 

Emotions and its sensations cannot deliver any truth as they are only reflections of the surface of the mind, needing stillness for truth to emerge. The feelings of oneness with the cosmos are the guiding qualities, never needing to act in compulsions.

The psychic heaven is the impersonal qualities that work without the ego and identity, as it does not exist. The growth of the individual consciousness and soul’s purpose are different from anybody else’s process. Every problem has the same potential, to work out in the destiny, by change of time patterns in daily actions.

The hour at birth is usually the most energetic time of the daily routine, being born in the early hour’s makes one naturally an early bird.

In the silent power of the self are the individualized existence and its polarities of fundamental rhythms creating character.

The spell of once sensuous awareness is the key to all vices, or one is subject of vice and captive when acquaint with others vices.

The mastering of once vices are the lights of the soul in energetic form to conquer the limitation of superficial beliefs.

The flames of the divine light are the rebirth of many bodies and the birth of captivities manifested by divine reasons.



The serpent in the sky

    Jyotish or Vedic Astrology takes great importance and recognition to the lunar nodes Rahu and Ketu, which are physically non-existent,...