Tuesday, October 15, 2024


The desire for sexual satisfaction and its life style is the abstract core of all natural sources of expression and social commitment.

Hormones that working as neurotransmitter that act upon testosterone, estrogen and dopamine.

The quantitative magnitude considered as love structured by the psyche like hunger in all development stages, throughout life.

  One should regard libido as a philosophical love story, for the poetic creativity reduces instinctual tension and the free flow of pleasure with reality that does satisfies the libido.

The overflow of media sex appeal creates the satisfying libido in seeking narcissistically exhibitionism and vanity for the sake of followers.  This artificial conduct is a kind of fermentation and the root of desperation with its oral defecation seen on all media.

Sublimation and its transformation are in a society the rules that want to put label on people with a color, sexuality, religion, or ethnicity to find pride in the given identity.

Gender identity is the crisis with which one wants to be with in ones world, it is the steppingstone of cultivating the individuality.

The healthy spirit of the individual cannot be broken down, for it sees through the jaundiced world views and its attachments.

The libido is a concept revealed as psychological pattern, from the spiritual point of view it is as God declares, ‘I am desire in all beings and the neutral power of spirit’.

Desire and energy in refined qualities will convert the primordial energy of desire into spiritual energy.

The libido energy can communicate itself to various other functions of the body and creating false desires and its authorities that effects hunger, thirst, sleep and the emotional intellect.

Taken the libido of the spiritual fire into consideration is the healing that becomes like the compass that keeps pointing to the divine, while life is passing through the storm.

The libido is the learning in the love story that one can tread, upon the sea of life.


Monday, October 14, 2024



The substance of life is the sense of pursuit.

As long one is pursuing something there is a sense of value.

Mostly wanting to archive something and avoid other things, not understanding the important issue of coexisting.

Humans have a sense of spontaneity and emotion, creating a dichotomy between grief and happiness.

Never permit a dichotomy to rule your life, it destroys the moderate opinion and become the differences between love and hate is difficult to decipher at times, for denial and acceptance are much more distinct.

The dichotomy between women and men has been decisively, refuted being human. The discipline and freedom are the opposing forces that need the act of balance to maintain equality. 

The dichotomy between personal liberties and the sense of ownership right is a false one, humans have rights and deeds have only obligations. 

The challenge of dichotomy is the wanting between oppression and repression, and the freedom of it.

At one moment there is unity of thought and then it is the sense of value created by personality that breaks this into polarization.

The duality is the to and fro, while unity is the real and original, with very little effort. Thoughts are always bigger then the object by conviction of the thought.

The divine will and the self are the meeting of the hearts, where all thoughts can be at rest.

The teaching that remains here are the observation without exteriorizing the self and let the pseudo-mind come into being.

The certitude of unity between the thinker and the thought that gives awareness in faith and it’s continued to make an effort.

It is the integration with the greater reality and the soul in mediation.

The mental discipline is something to be archived and it is without any haste as the infinite and peace, is itself self-realization.


Sunday, October 13, 2024



Sin is an error or lack of knowledge, as the freedom of will enters into action in all knowledge, the result is a mental eclipse not understanding the true will.

That thinking habit of wrong knowledge and its action are coming from emotional preoccupation.

The empirical discovery or theological dogma is just avoidance to discover more about the self, for that knowledge is a new perspective of life and the rehabilitation to the divine will and its virtues of true freedom.

Those who are involved in sin are the weak in will and it is the preoccupation and anguish of the sinner constantly to correct his feeble will.

Christ in its anguished last breath spoke of, ‘to forgive them, because they do not know what they doing’.

For that is the forgiving of the sins and rebirth to get awakened to the divine will and integrate the untouchable total will.

The Creator is hidden in his own creation and the pure truth that not everybody can see and those who can, need no more teaching.

The sea and waters of truth and all its waves of faith is the religion of beauty to surrender willingly.

To maintain the creation is not only the nature of God, but also the art of creative freedom for the seeking soul coming closer to him.

Vanity is the impetus hidden behind every impulse and depends on the attention given into, even when failed attempts demanding explanations from God.

When time and space in the freedom loving mind, are the length and width of the infinite, it sees the flower of creation and the realization of the truth and its fragrance.

The hidden desire of the creator is the secret of the whole creation, making the serenities of the soul and beauty the object which to pursue.

The spiritual teacher performs the role of Cupid in bringing the lost soul closer again to love and the knowing there must be a God. 

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Sky Map


The map of stars and its moving light are the point of directions and the measurement of time.

It bridges the order between spirit and matter in the interaction of opposites and the eternal flow.

The sky map or Nakshatra is reflecting the living energy field, as life experience for the individual, by decision and action between individual alternatives.

The first breath we take as individual body is the intake of personalized energy in relation to the earth and its planetary aspect.

The sky map reveals ones true identity and the circumstances which need to take place to maintain its living force for reasons.

The newborn is like a little Sun that brings in very magical way happiness and light into our lives and bridging the heavens.

When one falls into love over and over again and have everything.

The chemistry of the smiling kisses that turns the stars, to the dream field of certainty. The star map and reference to reach for the stars, as they can’t resist, being hold in the arms of yours.

The star map holds the treasure to discover why we are born, for the cloak of time has a label for every hour.

Reading the star map is like touching the sky on a closer look and realizing that the ultimate gallery of all characters is just right above us. For here the sky is not the limit, but is the perfect point of view. The treasure hunting map and its direction that always will show something new and giving reasons to dream big.

The magic one can observe with open eyes in the night sky and to see the shooting star that needs a strong believe the wish comes true, for the star to catch it.

Moonlight beams catching the thoughts in dreams like chalk on a blackboard directing the hand making sense.

Chalk and stardust enriching the understanding of love, and it’s never ending story.

The whispers of love have his lessons written on many maps coming all into one direction to know the ultimate beloved.

Friday, October 11, 2024



The ancient text of Sanskrit speaks of Darsana or Philosophy as a meaning to see.

The philosophical notes of poetries or stanzas are to understand the subtleties of the musical spheres and to experience the truth directly in time.

 Darsana is not only the intellectual pursuit of an abstract ideal, but the actual perception of truth or the key to a note.

The divine order and truth are the same reality, whereas religions insist on faith and philosophies on reasons.

Darsana and the experience of truth is the act of faith, judged through reason. That truth then can transcend reason on a rational manner of simplicity, where faith and reason play the sensuous vital parts of life.

The spirit in the living words of faith and philosophies are the ultimate reality in transcendental inmost consciousness of humanity.

A true philosopher has that charming spirit with the senses of a comprehend mind, beyond the alphabet and its seeking realities.

The divine authority of reason has to create the personal experience.

Darsana refers to the opening of the eyes and inward gaze that turn to an auspicious sight that dispels the darkness and create images to realize the divine faculty of Darsana.

Darsana is the perceptual and conceptual mediation to see the story behind the story; it is the initiation of the note that exists before one can play it.

It is not a particular religion that establishes spirituality, the fine tuning of the soul is the dependency of the spirit.

In order to arrive at Darsana, one must first realize one’s follies and its patterns to establish some sense of change.

The heart of Darsana is correspondent to the divine liberated world and the truth that every soul is seeking.

The divine music that causes the soul to dance, speaks the joy in song.

Spiritual attainment is attuning oneself to the pitch of the right note.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Inside out


Turning inside out is the cosmos and intensified sky that can see the self reaping the source of time and the wind of consciousness.

The larger ecology of human awareness is the tangible atmosphere in which we are immersed.

The alphabetic mental dimensions are the abstraction from natural living surroundings turned into a cognitive realm.

The inhabitants of global field of info are the puppeteers feeding inside sensations and become a local point of view.

When one slips beneath the human logic that is imposed on us, we can catch the magic where normal senses missing out.

Only when we begin to notice and respond to the subtle logos of nature, the intimate reciprocity is touching the senses.

The mind has to discover its right place only to find out what is sacred and the truth that liberates and not the effort to be free.

If one lives in the world of ideas and its conclusions, that is not the truth, but only a projection of thoughts.

The inside out sphere of the cosmic mind is the heart that has the courage to discover the truth, willing to give the mind and heart to it.

Truth cannot be given it needs to be discover in the inside out.

Emotions are sensations and love is not a sentiment, rather the shattering of ideals, without the foundation stones of truth.

The inside out are the virtues that dissolve in the divine order or cosmic purity that can fuel ones doctrine with the higher intelligence.

Everybody wants to be just, never considering the challenge to be wise. If one cannot rise above the things of this world, they will rise above you. 

Anxiety paralyses activity and the worries consumes the spirit of action, never finding the fault in the self.

The inside out great soul takes on any responsibility for it carries the strain knowing that humans are all equal in truth, but not in fact.

It is easy money selling theories and expounding them by denying realities with facts that covers over the truth.

The fact to think one is rich is the illusion of truth, the realization of truth is the greatest luxury.

Storied Earth


The names of places tell the stories to take form of complete sentences giving it a visual description, where one can feel oneself in the presence of that place.

The names of places seem to take their particular power and magic as designated evidence with regards to the ethics and etiquette of the contemporized local society.

The land is the invitation and it is stalking the people to make a right living, for the land looks after the people.

The moral efficacy of the land ensures mindful and respectful behavior; it is the mediated story that speaks for generations. 

Places are a single gorgeous celebratory event; it involves something more than pragmatic use or academic understanding, for it is the aesthetic appreciation.

The intimacy of human intellect with earth and its cosmos, beyond the national limitation and its ID issues has to enter the global community of living species.

Education must be a pervasive life experience, before moving the human project from its devastating exploitation to a benign presence.

The present is not a time for desperation but for hopeful activity and not to support wasters and their attention seeking handicaps.

We are quintessential integral beings within the earth atmosphere and the universe for to discover our sense of wonder and our sense of the sacred.

The storied earth is the sacred reality with our participation in this more sublime dimension of the world about us, from the refined consciousness of human depth.

The storied earth is the living form of human intelligence and manifestation with its deepest mystery, where the divine universe celebrates itself in a mode of conscious self-awareness.

The pathetic and naïve assumption that the natural world is there to be possessed and abused by humans for their advantage, will wipe them out in a blink. To make humans the masters of the earth is purely misunderstood.

No one can own land, all one has is an expensive deed and a loan that is killing the spirit.

There are reasons that humans born on earth should know, that only those who give birth to the spirit of the soul can make this place the silent voyage to the port of eternity.

The storied earth opens the door between lives here and hereafter, it is the turning page of life.



As long smart people trying to proof their smartness, their only insisting on making life complicated to maintain what needs to be misunderstood.

 They never come close to the applicability of creation of the self, because there are a mystery to them self’s.  

Whose and how’s are the superficiality in order to elucidate the mysteries of nature.

The gullibility of pictures given to relative position does more obscurity than to elucidate their true relations.

People need virtual reality and science to understand the cosmos in the many dimensions of quantum physics, but they can’t explain the self with others human beings, who they dare love. 

The impulse of truth is the edge and there is no way to elucidate that threshold, only people who life by it know where it is, because they value the space there.

The need to elucidate the self to other humans is a dogma of emotional insecurities and progress whereby human need to compare.  The programmed style of thinking that associates certain truth with static facts and no relationship to sustain.

Shopping for followers in the gallery of wishful thinking is easy money that underlies the literate intellect.

Words that mouthwashes the sensuous taste of others are not able to make sense to enliven the senses of the true self. 

To make sense is to make sense to one’s awareness of the world.

The reflected intellect and the absent fork to mouth attitude are killing the intimate reciprocity to the senses.

To elucidate life as an opportunity is not the fulfilling of one’s desire, but of fulfilling the deepest yearning of the soul.

The elucidation of happiness is in the love-stream that springs from ones soul and speaks that rejuvenating water of life.

Few words that truly inspire will answer many questions and many unnecessary words to explain.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Inward reality


The world of beauty is not only sensitivities to outward reality, but being sensitive to that beauty, which is far beyond thought and feelings.

The inward second–hand knowledge and education has become the repeating of what others have said. 

The promised freedom lets you observe the motive and you’re conditioning while struggling.

Life is learning, or every thing gets translated according to the conditioned mind that seeks the truth.

The human intellect is based on the content of consciousness that is still, in order to receive the projection of the absolute intelligence.

Desperate people who plunges into action without considering the problem, thinking that one is reforming the world are the ones who creating more confusion and misery.

Demanding authority are the fears of being alone in a death end situation, facing the shadows of loneliness.

Love will arise in the heart when one has no barrier between the self and others, where one can meet and observe people without judgment.

Nothing gets actually done without the love that does everything.

Love is not a reaction, or it is just a trade, like watching each others back or the feel of getting something back in expectations.

Love is the order of the world that leads to the eternal right action and the will of intelligence.

Many underestimate the greatness of the cause, seeing only the limitation through which one have to work the way out.

The leadership of a state mirrors the reflections of the people being confounded with the limitation of the ideal. That what the world calls success is a Barby doll’s wedding, cutting the cake of ethical values because the sweetness of life has to be a show.

When the shell of broken hearts is the theme, pearls are scattered everywhere. Inward realities that drink its own tears are the sitcoms asking for the pearls.

The inward reality of love prefers failure to success gained by falsehood.

Sunday, October 6, 2024

Hidden layers


The hidden layers of consciousness are revealed on the surface, in a very shallow manner, because the conscious mind cannot be still.

The hidden layers diminish the concern of how to escape the perfect state in which one is.

The contradiction is the cause of confusion as the observer of the self is not differentiated. The real learning comes about when the competitive spirit of the self has ceased.

The hidden layers of intelligence need to perceive of what really is, to awaken its real capacity in oneself. Beyond the layers of emotion or sensation every thought takes over and all the mischief begins.

All emotions are related to the mental capacity that is turned into a false union, to unify over some foolish intention and feel stronger.

Whereas when love is the nature of love, then there is no sentiment. To be sentimental or emotional is not love, because sentimentality and emotion are mere sensations. 

The hidden layer of thought creating the fear, that all the known is coming to an end, in relation to something. The hidden layers of fear are twisting any ideas and it is certainly destroying the essence of love.

Fear can exist only in relationship, for it cannot exist by itself, then when one can hold it and look at it, one can see the end of it.

The hidden layers of uncertainty are the distraction until completely understood and gone, stillness is freedom from thought and a movement towards truth.

The hidden layers of passion must be understood and not suppressed or sublimated, and then the compensation of a fickle passion becomes very obvious.

The hidden layers of nature and its spirit of animals, plants or stones are the elements of unconditioned love and the awakening of intelligence.

The layers of passion are a frightening thing that can take us anywhere, because we are such complete passion.

The hidden layers of life is the mysteries language of love, without the tower, for it speaks all languages.


Saturday, October 5, 2024


    Is time and space absolute and independent of events apart from the        human experience?

The belief is an autonomous past and future of an invisible realm that has so much power over people like an incubation festival.

The tragic of once ideal just popping like a soap bubble is the unfolding of the all around, into the present.

The absolute is the indigenous sense that observes the speech of birds, the change of temperature, taste of air and change of light, that are the sensuous presence of the world.

The basis of your life is absolute freedom, the goal is joy, and the result of that perfect combination is to maintain that spirit of growth.

Absolute freedom is always for the one, who thinks differently and is at peace with that freedom.

The un-free world is maintained by the very existence that is absolute free, the forces of polarities and the many shades of grey establishing the identity with one’s cause and steppingstones.

Great leadership will identify itself here in the manor of absolute that speaks of liberty, as the spirit of the body.

The absolute order of beauty is wholly free of time and so is our culture, the endless sensuous divine kiss.

Absolute sincerity touches the noble grace of beauty, which is going beyond and above thought and feeling.

The absolute knows when you are conditioned, because you need to defend yourself against outer or inner threats.

The conditioned life is an absolute battlefield where the fight of surviving will remain the theater of operation.

 The more we know, the more ignorant we become in the absolute sense.

Absolute consciousness has is its content what makes up the individual consciousness.

The absolute truth is that belief is not necessary to understand confusion, belief only acts as a wall between ourselves and our problems.

Friday, October 4, 2024



The ancestral truth and its symbolic laws that guide its growth of the universe and the cosmos of the self is the experience of value and its signification.

 As everything has been revealed with the internet and access we are more a witness and been attested in a new transforming experience.

 Because this experience is directed to the individual, it must be focused as an external collective idea as a place of meeting. 

We witness the simplicity and its convenient possibilities that fit with the human nature, unfortunately we are inviting endless tragedies and mental captivities, where there is no more letting go of stiff-necked rigidities. 

The ghost of burden becomes the hero where the paycheck is signed with, just doing the job.

The reactions out of replayed news and video games are the blatant lust for rebelliousness from a vice-versa replayed psychic nature.

A compulsion is witnessed as an anti-creative act and attraction to destruction. One can witness of how the old ego pattern is destroying the temple with moral taboos that becomes the wind that scatters the holy place.

To witness that all information is useless to take the fears away and to be a free person without unconscious compulsion, one has to realize that the truth of the self is one’s destiny.

One can then witness with all beauty and love the childlike innocence within the heart of divine parenthood. The universal fatherhood is an expression that reaches its maturity, when one can love another, as the love of the father reaches far and beyond.

To witness when one cultivate gratitude and appreciation, it will heal many wounds and gives the soul a clear vision to see through the mental ghost and its dogmas.

 The system does not want You to be free and is only a picture that can be taken down from the wall.

Perhaps one can witness as well that the divine electromagnetic field in the hand has its revelation, that the illusion of the world has only the value of the plastic one is staring at.

The gospel one witnesses is based on the biological psychic foundation that is not separated by the ideal of all means.

No one can sustain disharmony in life, through many will ignorantly maintain it.


Thursday, October 3, 2024

To and fro


The heart of reality beats with the duality of lights and weaves a pattern of energies in constant ebb and flow.

In that unity to be real is the unbreakable spirit and the eternal wonder.

 For strength lies in difference and not in similarities, then unity without verity is just conspiracy.

The to and fro in unity is diversity, and then we cannot be separated in interest or divided in purpose.

The to and fro of love become a memory that holds like a treasure, the tears that build the stairway to heaven is holding the big magic.

The to and fro of sacred tears that speak in poetry a thousand words and turn to joy in the present grief are the changing shapes.

The water of growth is in the tears and the rainbow of the soul to see that love have some thorns, but without them, there are no roses.

The to and fro are the gates of initiation in the cyclic nature of experience. Cycles which take some seconds to remember, other cycles take thousand of years to create a current between seeds and roots to be born again in new forms.

The to and fro of daylight and nightlight are the equinoxes of wholeness and the everlasting act of incarnation.

The child born on earth is an exile from the heaven and its stilling from the heart is the poetic alchemy.

The to and fro is the love of form as progressing stimulus that culminates in the love of the formless.

The to and fro from those who try to make virtue out of their faults are the main characters on the stage of the divine comedy.

The to and fro of willingness is in the value of sacrifice, as one single moment of sincerity weighs out all falsehood.

The to and fro and relief in life, is to rise above complexity and conventionality.

The to and fro in all situation of life are tests to bring out the real and the false.

Wednesday, October 2, 2024


Is mythology a guarantee against destruction of the mental cleavage that can bridge between here and the eternal?

The guaranty of the eternity, and the physical body, that disintegrates as aspiration against being a slave of the body.

The bridges between the distance what we are and what we would like to be, and what carries life forward.

The human as spirit embodied existence is a cadre that has to fulfill its spiritual destiny.

 The body is the focalization of eternity and transcend in time of its embodied existence.

This is the precisely the primordial character of the mythic consciousness. 

The mythologies consist in maintaining the idea of eternity in the category of space and time.

The battleground between ego and love are the basic types of consciousness, one of limited power and the other of unlimited aspirations.

 This confrontation is the signification of human existence and its liberation from time, when intuitive help is needed to the interpretations from the mythical consciousness.

The function of myth is the giving of meaning to this world in the arena of perfection in human existence as the instrument.

The myth evidently means that the dream spoken of here is the cosmic state, with the participation in the cosmic state.

Gods dream is the creation that accomplishes at the time to those who know, and create dissolution to the dreams to those who are not aware. The mythical quality in this sensitiveness and how one can transcend to those right qualities and values.

Humans are the symbolization in the totality of love aspiration, the super human form and its god like personalities that radiates love and protection.

The ego loves that idea and flies towards that image of light, whereas the strong soul and its love virtues are facing the dark of the night in which like the Moon light reflects its calamity and caring peaceful order of necessities.

Tuesday, October 1, 2024


Many black wholes are discovered these days where everything that comes near it, gets drawn into that darkness.

A kind of a celestial battery system, with its dualism of a celestial order and its exchange of energy as the living force, and its recharge into the eternal sleep.  

The dualism of a quasi-absolute model, that is representing the good light and the dark, or spirit and matter.

In the realm of the whole and celestial order and that of earthly chaos, there is only the whole, that what feels as chaos on the earth-surface is the incomplete vision. When unable to apprehend the wholeness of a situation, it looks very chaotic and dark.

The image of the whole determines to which this image it gives meaning. The internal whole and order in the closed sphere of the body and its relation the greater whole or greater sphere.

As long as it is not fundamentally disturbed by the pull of identification with the greater whole or sphere of being, then there is order and a charged battery in the smaller whole.

The ceaseless interaction between the lesser and the greater appear to the lesser whole as disorder and ignoring the constant interaction and interpenetration between the wholes.

Then every experience is partly individual and partly collective giving values in exchange as reality in the human whole.

The organic whole and its waxing and waning polarities are the oval of an ordered sequence and complete picture and meaning.

The perception of the greater whole is meaningless in reference to the smaller whole, but powerful as individual expression of the collective or generic human nature. Every organic entity is contained within a greater whole as organic dynamo of celestial beings. 

Astrology opens the curtain to the universal perspective, where every picture is born of order and its meaning.

The experience in such images is objective and structured as organic whole process in a cyclic gravitation.

You are whole and also part of larger and larger circles of wholeness and never alone as you belong to belong to life and this moment.


Monday, September 30, 2024

Time is cooking


 The Vedic ancient text of the Upanishad speaks of time and that everything is cooked by time. 

The element’s of fire and water that boils the egg of life, to ones own liking.

The self cooks time by making time and live in it, all driven by desires in time of passion, aspiration, necessities to become, what one is or not. 

Those heat forces that drive us, are working as well against us with conflicts, anxieties and helplessness. 

It feels like being used by those forces of motion and one has to regulate the heat from the impulse force, like tuning down the heat in the procedure of time.

The human soul is considered as the ‘salt of earth’, to preserve the matter of slow heat of growth and recycled seasons in evidence of time. 

The understanding of life and its evolution, with the adaptable intelligence of nature, is all in harmony of being and becoming.

This liberated perspective is not only the alchemist philosophies, but an aspect in all of us, in which time is included.

The virtue of timing as an Astrologer becomes the cooking interior of many rebirths through the womb of the cosmos.

We all have experienced the virtue of timing in many different ways and its essence, the digital time world is cooking the mind, we live by.

As long one looks at time from the aspect of ones being, one looks at the given being of time and what is cooking.

The timeless thinker and lover of the eternal now do not hear the ticking, as the mind and its interior are of timeless peace.

The show of life is not the pretty platting as signature, but in the food that feels like home and where time stops.

Cooking and pondering in time we find that it is the very nature of things to grow and to decay regardless of time, but the taste of love is timeless.

Time should not be interiorized and have its inner dimension, rather in loving care, we become the timeless Self that cooks the time.


Saturday, September 28, 2024



The art of timelessness is to imply the eternal youthfulness with laughter and imagination as dreams go on forever.

 The timeless moment of now is always new and is the cultivation of the heart.

 Timelessness is tuned senses in harmony with the consciousness in the stillness of the presence, where the formless grace has its timeless reality.

 This realization of oneness is timeless and the texture of unconditional love.

Timeless emptiness comes with the enchantment of magic blossoming where the world becomes the self in the self.

Timelessness is the freedom from the known and the transformation that affects all known in timeless renewal.

Revolution is the timeless factor in collective action and must begin with the protection of the self as timeless sanctuary.

No religion or democracies are ever to solve suffering or despair, only to root more anxiety and guilt, only the timeless awakening of pure intelligence in self-knowledge is the end of that handicap.

Beliefs and its constant assertions are the indication of fears; because every analysis is graphic that does the paralysis. 

People’s ambition narrows the mind with its industrial rewards that seem to form power without consequence and based on the fear to be what they are not. Societies are based on that ambition and accept this fact with open arms and great many trumpets to blow.

Leaders will destroy the followers and followers will destroy the leaders, time over time.  In disorder and confusion, society becomes the very disorder that creates chaotic authority.

We are intellectually concerned with the idea of awareness, yet not actually aware of what is taking place.

Being sensitive to beauty which beyond and above thought and feelings, it is the timeless great love of God and it is the anonymous order to that goodness, freedom and love.

In the timeless invasion is the beloved through the storm that arouses my deepest passion.

In this timeless speechless call is the whisper of the sublimity of his nature.


Friday, September 27, 2024



Courage is the charm to be creative in the venture to in-act the invisible idea that the tenderness of the heart demands.

There is no end to the adventures that we can have, if only we seek them with charming eyes. 

One need to be careful with the charming self-flattering then the world is not contemplating procrastinated virtues. 

The immensity of diversity and the individuality are all the charms and re-potential to make one self a part of this Chapel in blue.

The individual Avatar is the charmer and has values of through and beyond. The charm of mental space traveling is the illuminated mind into a transcendent real of activity into timelessness.

Here is where the charming relation between beginning and end or the phase of unity with the divine and the self begins.

It is the charm of being here and there of time and being part in the end of time in the eternal now.

The charming universe is born out of the divine realization in the state of relationship unity and individuality.

The charming divine comedy and grant puzzle needed the action of thought that focuses on the mysteries and magic charm to act upon the many. Thought and purpose is the plan of solution to bring a more harmonic relationship to the one.

The charm of transformation is above all, a new relationship with the self in thought and action in steps of life seasons.

Being in a charming relation with the divine creator, takes death to the all-encompassing unity without worries.

The charms of Christ, Krishna or Abraham speak of the charming truth, that there was, there is and there allays will be a knower of God, a lover of souls and server to humanity.

The charm to delve into matter which matters little is like the dust of the ground seen as glitter.

The attribute is of no values, it is the charm of the possessor that is the attribute who is important.


Thursday, September 26, 2024



The weakest link of the human is the shield of the insecurity in empty space of love where the insatiable ego is the inflated vanity.

The social media virus has its popularity by starving the wisdom with the unspoken attraction of damaged egos.

The master of disguise takes on many forms to feed pretty much every debate to establish certainty and cultivating disrespect.

The collision dramas with its astonishment are governed by blinded truth. Freedom of speech is everyone's right and should not be governed by egos acting far away from the truth.

From the point view of the individual soul, the ego develops the effort to experience the social sphere and its patterns.

The social-cultural sphere that gets caught in activities that waste pure life energies or the soul has become socialized, rather than individualized.

Divine creation is the means to an end, where the individual soul is aware of the divine-cosmic pattern of unfoldment.

Beyond the limitation of the ego is the evolution of the self in the same pattern, when remaining sensitive and responsive to the ultimate creative directives.

Societies exist for the soul as great experience and recognition, unfortunately in rigid intellectual systems the killing of the spirit is exercised by worshipping the words.

The battleground in the evolution of the egos and its societies, are the pattern of conflicts and tragedies.

The Promethean fire of the individual selfhood must be released to reach the divine purpose.

The ego slave of the matter mind has dogmas (ambition) of the social order, until one is forced to detach one self from those chuckles of life sphere.  The mental conflict of failure or weight of the past needs to find a guiding will, which are the stepping stone to divine wisdom.

Where the individual soul finally is in the experience and the fullness of its essential nature is the eternal fire working as the source to provide.

The divine soul is not form, even by all it is contents.

Wednesday, September 25, 2024

Magic ecology


The immensity of space that can be observed in the night sky is like falling through space between dimensions.

The ripples of stars so dense and clustered in spheres pulsing and beckoning to each other between streaming rivers of light making sense to be in the center as a observer standing on earth.

The magic in the air is to calm the self and let nature do its thing, for it is the door to the secret garden and magic abound, if you choose so.

In the garden of natures miracles are the ferries, waiting for the human senses to become aware.

The garden exists in the ecology of love where trust is the bridges over fears and uncertainty becomes the stride.

Outside this garden is only the tragedy that there is too much money incentive, that keeps on taking the ecological magic out of balance, being ignorant to its consequences.

Dis-ease is conceptualized as a kind of systemic imbalance within the body or the mind that the shaman can read and applies natural remedies to rebalance.

 In the magical ecology the lifting of once soul into the gentle breeze to embrace the abode of the beloved that holds hearts together as the roses hold their petals is the dwelling place that moves the soul to ecstasy.

In the magical ecology the imperfect self advances towards the rising of the crescent that has its fullness in the bosom of the wide space of the beloved. In the invisibility of space and inconceivable time is the blessing that attracts the immortal soul.

In the garden of magical ecology and nature sublime everything is pregnant with the spirit that speaks prayers from the heart.

Intuition here cannot deceive as it comes from the heart and not from the without. The principle in the magical ecology is, as one opens the eyes to the world to feel the touch of greatness and if one closes the eyes and look within the heart, it becomes even greater still.

At the end of the valley of the seeming perfect life and all pretenses, people are still surprised when destinies virtue is still waiting.

For those to whom nothing matters not realizing that everything matters and can rise above the human love, where divine love is the source of the equilibrium and its ecology.


The desire for sexual satisfaction and its life style is the abstract core of all natural sources of expression and social commitment. H...