Saturday, September 3, 2022





The sixth nakshatra occupies the space between 6’4 to 20’0 in Gemini and is in transit by the western Sun from 25th of June until 5th of July. 

       ''The Shining Star''

Ardra is the brightest star of Betelgeuse in the constellation of Orion and has emphasis with Sirius.  It is symbolized by a teardrop and means ‘the moist one’.

From the Hindu mythology, Ardra is connected with the Demon called Taraka the undefeatable. Intelligence and power is the sword with two edges, which leads to destruction. Ardra is a sharp nakshatra which creates powerful, bold and brash motivations. It is symbolized as well as a head and indicating the potential of the mind and its thinking capacity.  Rahu the serpent of desires has lordship in this lunar mansion. You will be born in the stormy seas of a Rahu dasha, when you have the Moon placed here.

The moist one or the teardrop suggesting the perception of clarity that reveals itself, after the tears of sorrow and suffering created that awareness.  The power of effort and making gain in life through manipulation can create rewards, but not when the determination of will and the blessings of destiny playing hand in hand and the abuse of power takes place, The lack of gratitude develops tendencies to treachery around business matters and finances. Ardra is naturally related to diplomatic and preservative self -centered highly intelligent people. They have issues with siblings and creating all sorts of storms.  Ardra marks the place of the before, during and after the rainstorm. It aids the evolutionary process of humanity to become aware of important changes. Destructive and creative forces are the battlefield between mind and emotions and creating space for new perceptions. The mental active and reactive sensitivity and the impressionable emotional thirst, based on empathy, is the ocean in the teardrop here.

The illusionary energies of this lunar mansion are that confusion scatters away a lot of energies in meaningless pursuits.  But those who think, analyze and contemplate do not need to go to extremes and restore balance naturally. Ardra discards old and worn out habits and objects, especially underlying issues or difficult problems. Ardra is the birthplace of Rahu’s mysterious energy, where he dives in the ocean of life to discover the elixir of immortality. The famous physicist Albert Einstein was born with Ardra rising and reveals a lot regarding his life and work through this nakshatra. The famous singer Janis Joplin had her Moon in Ardra and facilitated creative and mental inclinations on very powerful emotional expressions, which became from time to time too overwhelming and had its cause and effect.

Ardra in the Gemini part is very intellectual, where in the Cancer space it reveals itself with unfulfilled emotional needs and rejections. Being silent about sensuous needs will reveal in times those buttons someone will know to press. The thinker who forgets to feel, or keeps emotional self under lock will feel the strain of been disappointed by love and relationships. All ambitions and mental strength are as well the weakness when it comes to sacrifice your inner needs. It is a calling of a mature soul needing to recognize the hidden frequencies towards spiritual mastering.  

The Moon in Ardra creates thirst for knowledge and a curious mind with a difficult marital karma or delays in marriage. Great orator or communicators with anti social tendencies are observed here with this Moon placement. Rahu’s dasha first is a complex circumstance with conflicts coming from challenges which are in pursuit taken into intellectual dominance for the sake of control.

The Sun provides more social skills and a political mind with fierce potential, to be dishonest. They are experts in misrepresentation and advertising, hunters, butchers, pharmacist or drug dealers. 

Mercury will emphasize the intellectual pursuits to make everything scientific with passionate thoughts.

It establishes the issues coming from siblings and struggle in standard education facilities. It brings as well the issue around, to be able to have children or not, then planets connected with children become very barren when occupying this nakshatra.

Venus has the tendency to work in the helping professions and alleviating the suffering of others on one side and on the other side it can become very proud egoistic and over passionate.

Jupiter in this lunar mansion creates a lucky disposition of meeting advanced spiritual souls and providing great spiritual depth.  The remover of all obstacles and misery makes space for everyt5hing which has outlived its uses.  Females will be attracted to foreign partners and become very tribulated in gain and satisfaction of conscious worth.

Saturn here becomes a double malefic with consequences of mental stability and keeping up disciplined day to day work. 

The lunar nodes in its axis here will have Rahu or Ketu bringing forewarned powerful karmic issues from previous lives and become very relevant in this life.



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