Friday, September 2, 2022





The 5th lunar mansion occupies the space between 23’2 Taurus and 6’4 Gemini and the western Sun transits Mrigashirsha from 8th of June to the 21st of June. 


             ''The searching Star"

Astronomical it is located near the head of Orion and is called the searching star. Mrigashirsha literally means an ‘antelopes head’.

The searching star is reflecting the spiritual warrior with its Mars energy searching for truth. Spiritual intelligence and research abilities are refined here.  The first half of this lunar mansion is in Taurus and is helpful to manifest ideas into the material plane. Musical talents are present and the potential of having gifted children. The second half belongs to Gemini and writing, public speaking with a persuasive speech are the real talents.  The search takes place with the physical body (Taurus) and on the mental plane (Gemini). 

Mrigashirsha indicates a clever, persuasive person who is sensual, suspicious to wander and have a bit of a rigid attitude.  A gentle, peaceful, sensitive and perceptive nature is present, with fear of confrontations. Natives here searching for an unobtainable perfection and that Mars energy want to be challenged or inspired. They hate to waste energy and fume about the injustices in this world.  The Venus – Mercury- Mars combination makes them sometimes dynamic while at other times they are very passive.

Mercury and Mars give great talent in writing, especially when they can use the intellect as a weapon.

They showing there love by fighting and challenging those they love the most. They aspire towards intellectual relationships and the idea of a perfect partner to live up to.  There analytical talent will look for the smallest imperfection and will only find dissatisfaction. They get bored very easy and you will take that into a relationship, which is difficult, then it and puts the purity of instinctive passion into wondering.

The mind is always roaming about, which creates the habit of daydreaming. A natural streak of a good sense of humor makes them a good conversationalist and cautious regarding whom they mingle with.  They have a high alertness level and the ability to sense danger, which establishes a highly suspicious nature.

This is the source of promoting domestic bickering if there is not enough space between partners.

Mrigashirsha is a very fixed lunar mansion when it comes to opinions and beliefs.  Natives here do not back down in any argument.  The Taurus part with its Venus influence provides more earthy qualities, where the Gemini part and Mercury influence relates to the airy element and establishing the creative artistic zest of life. The desire to find the true life path or purpose is to resolve the conflict between earth and air.

The Moon in this nakshatra creates a political nature with intelligent writing skills and trouble with business partnership. Females have that beautiful and sensual appearance and they will use it in a timid way to conquer. Males are usually the Jack of all trades and more courages and adventurous. Being born into a Mars dasha is very auspicious about some turmoil during pregnancy, birth and early years.

The Sun in Mrigashirsha provides some athletic and competitive nature with leadership and authority demands. The indulgent matter here can create some laziness and high pretence.

Mercury here becomes very witty poetic and good for all around writing skills.  Research abilities, Teachers, real estate and all sales and travel agents have strong Mercury influence and vacillations.

Venus in the Taurus part is strong and enhances the creative qualities in earthy manners, where the influence of the Gemini impact creates more a fickle influence and strong sensory attachments.

Mars in its own nakshatra becomes a very active indicator and is tempting always sexual pleasures.

It often indicates material unhappiness and seeks strife through romantic alliances and the pleasure of hunting.

Jupiter has the ability here to create great authors or musicians with a huge following if they are not so overly critical. Fredrick Haendel the famous classic composer wrote at the time more Choir music then the usual orchestra music.

Saturn influence in this lunar mansion indicates marital problems, which are based on trust issues. They are often alone with pets and struggling making month end needs. Second hand dealers, pet shop owners or animal trainer with lots of patience are found with this planetary aspect.

Ketu in this asterism will make you be interested in the antiquity and providing the search for truth through material means. Traditional beliefs or religion are often the drawback here.

Rahu here wants to establish new ideas and discover new lands and brings the search of adventures on all level of intellectual and physically abilities, even foolhardy. The intellectual search is to prove that the answers you seek are externally not good enough and the internal journey and soul lesson begins.



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