Friday, September 2, 2022





The second nakshatra ranges from 13.2’ – 26.4’ Aries and is occupied by the western Sun from April 27th until May 11th.

               "Star of restraint''

Astronomical it is formed by three faint stars in the sign of Musca Borealis, the tail of the Ram.

Bharani means ‘to nourish’ and ‘to cheriching’ and is symbolised by a Yoni, the female repructive organ.

This lunar mansion is called as well the place of restrainment, indicating the reflections of being entangled in the world of desires and illusion. Venus is the ruling planet and with a Mars interacting energy the treshold of forbearance, hard work and discipline carving a path of the ability, to carry the burden of humanity. It is in this energy where the soul incubates from one level of existence to another.

Bharani are the sensualist of the heavens and make the sexulal energy to become a creative channel to have children or to care for them through creative ideas.  They have to be carefully with promiscuity and talents of charms in sensuality, creating a sense of unease with others.  Indulgence in sexuality, vanity and narcissism is observed here, when not suppoted by beneficial planetary influence. Qualities of truthfulness, self-sacrifice and spiritual depth is very present when austerities can harness the primal creativity of this lunar mansion.

The deity connected with this asterism is Yama, the God of death and its various yogic discipline such as pranayama, hartha yoga and samadhi meditation. Yama guides the soul to the astral body to prepare for the life to come in the present.  “Le petit mort’, as the french call the orgasm or the state of supreme ectasy that makes you forget everything, is impossible to remain in. In search of that escape, you can become very obsessive about some partner and reach the state of passion, that you lose sight of any rational thinking.

Overindulgence in food and drinking are emotional side effects when you need to embrace discipline.

Bharani people need to be inspired and not been given in to all their demands. They need to be asured and have to feel that there is allways more to achieve in that relationship.  The energy of this lunar mansion is to direct the inner nature towards its highest intensity.  That’s why Bharani people believe in excess and do not know when to stop, that idealistic impediment is often misinterpreted and understood. That charismatic attractive leadership can work very well in puplic life, being clever in doing any work; they have youthfulness and the heart of a bachelor, wanting to be available 24/7.

Bharanis symbol the Yoni or womb indicates changes that occur within, growing and been born to take on a life of its own. The ultimate vessel of creation. The womb achieves self- purification with the monthly menstruation; the deity of this lunar mansion is the expression of pure or sattvic principles.  The support of life, maternal love, unconditional service and nurtering on one side, as much as the struggle, trauma and emotional awakening that comes birth, are the essence here.

The Moon in Bharani awakens allways some tendencies towards jealousy or being plagued by the same.

It indicates as well a quick healing energy and good health.  People with the Moon in this nakshatra should investigate into spirituality with writing or study to create clarity in their psychology.  C.G.Jung, Edgar Cayse and Carlos Cataneda have their Moon in this asterism. Being born into a Venus dasha brings usually great spoils into lifes experienses which only later in life makes sense, to overcome.

The Sun in Bharani establishes a tactful intelligence with respected creative nature and issues with anger and pride.

Mercury becomes very creative in writing here and establishes knowledge in psychology and other research matters.

Mars has the tendencies to create affliction to patriotic, fanatic or a social fight for group, which creates restrainment or confinement, due to a restless, irratable and impatient nature.

Jupiter in this lunar mansion brings the battle on to the big table; ignorance and pretence are observed with this planstary playground.

Saturn the planeth of death in the lunar mansion which is significant for the deity of Yama or death becomes the battleground of having children, enough support and the slow process of recovering.

Rahu or Ketu in this lunar mansion are highlighted by karmic relationship issues, which on past experiences and new perceptions have to find that emotional equelbrium.  


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