Friday, September 2, 2022





The third nakshatra occupies the space between 26’4 Aries to 10’0 Taurus and the western Sun is in Krittika from May 11th until May 25th.  


             ''The spiritual warrior"

The astronomical location is in the constellation of Pleiades formed by the six brightest stars. Krittika means to cut, or ‘the cutter’.


Krittika represents the determined and tenacious power for achievement. Agni is the god of transformation and fire. The symbol of this lunar mansion is the sword or a flame with the power to cut or burn to the deepest truth. Sacred fires ceremonies are methods of purification, and the tools of the spiritual warrior.

Krittika people are very sharp and penetrating by nature. They usually work with fire or sharp instruments, they love to cook, and love the idea being the general in the battlefield of dispute. The Sun rules this asterism and likes to shine with monumentally heroic deeds, suggesting fame and larger than life endeavors.

This nakshatra is associated as well with foster care, adoption and the responsibility for protecting others.

Physiological it relates to the digestive system, which enables digestions of food. The mental fire creates quick thinking and assimilation of information and knowledge.  Those ambitions and self motivated qualities have ups and downs in many areas of life. Those stubborn and from time to time aggressive tendencies are even passive aggressive and stirring up compatible emotions and affairs. Illicit attractions to the forbidden fruits or the longing for the other mate is one of the lessons in this lunar mansion, to become disciplined over one’s desire.  Krittika care for people and are the healer, or they are the warrior and destroy. This is all about choices, where one creates a beautiful place or one burns it.  Are they the nurturer or, are they cutting themselves off emotionally.  Are they going to defend those they love against all the negativity in the world and take the fire out of the container and make it uncontrollable? They are a sucker for vulnerability and others drama as well. Then for all their strength and will force, they are quiet shy and quiet, it expresses itself out on an intimate level where there not always be able to express that passion.  There emotions are very much a mental state where they forget the sensitivity of emotions and the secret pleasure of giving love. The purification of the psychological issues, around a partner and their previous relations, truth and commitment are stepping stones. They want to be respected and admired, seduced and loved and it is exactly that what make them loyal and committed. Natives in Krittika usually hide their caring and nurturing side behind the sustaining element of a kitchen and providing a comfortable living. Krittika people like to alienate all around them by their sharp words, not meaning any bad intend.

The word critical has its origin in Sanskrit declaring Krittika as the tone for its nature and functions.

On a spiritual level, the energy of fire and intense awareness allows to undergo extreme forms of purification.  The rajasic element is associated with dynamic qualities, like the individuality, protection, motivation and initiative leadership.  The Taurus part of this nakshatra will provide gifts in fine arts, beauty, elegance and fashionable sense.

The Moon in this lunar mansion creates a brilliant appearance with good adviser and strong in purpose determined intelligence.  Issues with Mother and unstable emotions will be the picture coming from a Sun dasha first. Father will play a crucial role here, or foster care and state institution.

The Sun in this nakshatra creates power over the masses and issues with authority persons. A spiritual warrior who needs disciplined seclusion and solitude or the angry temperament will be very destructive.

Mercury here creates the arguing and debating aspect of life. It usually finds itself becoming very malefic or it creates a child like mediocrity. Emotional trust and psychological house cleaning are crucial here.

Venus in the Aries part likes to indulge and be tempting, in the Taurus part it becomes strong and establishes great artist like Frida Karlo.

Jupiter in Krittika creates brahmic qualities with charm, wisdom and need for traveling.  Overwhelming emotions and over written stories creating a restless and doubtful persona. 

Saturn in this nakshatra will put a strong hold on to all you endeavors and making process only very slow and tedious.  Issues with self identification and leadership are the concern here, after 35 things will improve.

Physical strain and being prone to institutionalized, is the picture here.  Not so bad in Taurus part.

Rahu likes awaken the kundalini energy and bring about transformation to open the third eye.

Ketu’s sense of rejection can deny spiritual potential and holding on to earthy desires and reveals its secret nature of a difficult inheritance. 


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