Saturday, September 9, 2023

False or truth


To see the truth in the false sets the mind free from the false.

  Do you not want to deceive yourself again? 

 Self-deception exists when there is any form of craving or attachment to a prejudice, to an experience, to a system of thought.

The mind is a vice versa product of time, with all is its result; and with working to free itself from time only strengthens its enslavement to time and bound to earth.

Freedom from the false does not come from the desire to achieve it; it comes when the mind is no longer concerned of an end.

Time exists only when there is a psychological gap between what is and what should be, or the ever happy after.

One cannot seek the true through the false; the false is not a steppingstone to the true.

There is no comparison between the false and the true; hate and love cannot be compared.

When the mind is empty and meditation becomes the living garden in ones own creation, you are the prisoner therein.

Life is the opportunity to fulfill the yearning of the soul that comes with the grace of inborn qualities like a love stream in continuous flow. That stream is the quality of truth.

The water is the cleansing and purifying element in the physical world and in the world of love it performs the same in higher regions.

Truth is the light which illuminates the whole of life and sole reason that love in its true nature will manifest itself to view.

Through matter and truth, the soul attains to its highest realization; given a human nature is a necessary for the fulfillment of its purpose.

If a desire is not fulfilled, the failure is caused by indistinctiveness of motive.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Powerful insight that creates complexity, yet clarity as to the intentions we hold.

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