Sunday, September 10, 2023

The source of Joy


We know various joys, the joy of conjugal love, the joy of health, of interest, and of good companionship.

We found that every joy is a flow in nature; from the smallest to the greatest, they all pass away in time.

That raises the question is there a permanent source of all joy and how one can find it.

Being not aware of the full content of the present, we are pursuing the dreams to the future; or from among the old memories we select the convenient and give life to it.

We cling to that which has been, or reject it in the light of tomorrow, and so the present is merely a passage disappearing very quickly.

If one no longer seeks the objects from which joy is derived from ideas, books, people, nature, but to focus on the source of joy itself.

We are all smelled the air of new and fresh sensations, giving the mind plenty to play with.

All recognition is based on the past, and what is recognizable is not the new. As long as the mind is pursuing with old desires, to arrive, to gain, to attain it will be in conflict.  It is only the sensitive mind that realizes the true inheritance in the complete now.

Every new experience comes with the natural sanction of gratitude which is the element of respected love.

Dignity is loves nature and springs out of thoughtfulness and gives reasons towards happiness in its own being, therefore in seeking for happiness one seeks for one self.

True joy will not come to a lover’s heart so long as one will not become love itself.


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