Sunday, November 5, 2023



Thinking is always a reaction either of the conscious or of the unconscious and a progress of verbalization and result of the memory in time and its condition. 

 If an idea starts shaping its action, it is wise first to discover how the idea comes into being.

Wishful thinking is the impediment to direct relationship, which prevents action. 

Wanting peace on the thinking level, or the intellectual level does still makes no peace. Attached to the world of ideas and not to peace, keeps one searching for new social and political patterns and not for peace.

The conflict is between actuality and the experience that has been. Memory is always in the past, and that memory has no life in itself.

Acting without idea is the way of love, for the thinker is conditioned.

Love is not an idea and it is not a memory or a feeling of a self protective device. In the loving now it is possible to abandon all ideas and is the only redemption. 

When there is love, there is the idea.

Good ideas then are not a quality, not a virtue; it is a state of love, which comes without the conflict between what I am and maybe what I ought to be.

We created it, each one of us with the understanding of merit and demerit that comes with its freedom from both.

There is a spiritual, mindful or psychological progress and evolution that involves the thinking of the self with its noble thoughts, hoping that they will be made perfect in time.

The “me” is a “supreme,” a higher self, a spiritual entity which is timelessly in love entity that is free from the past, free from thought.

So the mind is free to observe something real and true uncontaminated. One needs to be free in the essence of humility and not using each other for a purpose.

Seeing the truth of what is, brings freedom, it is love and the beginning of wisdom, for Love shares love naturally.









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