Saturday, November 4, 2023

The man in the Moon


Once upon a time there was a man who desired to understand the beauty of the moon and the softness of its rays and the causes of these things.

 So he went forth and gazed into the skies.

He followed the Moon day by say and learned the blessings of its deity and the use as natural calendar.

There are days for ceremonies, new endeavors, marriage and days to ponder. 

The old man was in love with Life and realized it that cannot be held in the bondage of fear. So he wrote for every day the knowledge that has to become deities of the lunar mansion.

He wanted to marry each day and make it to another wife and counted 28 of them to complete the 13 Moon returns to a year.

364 without leap is the natural number.

To know that light by name is the answer, for the freedom of fear becomes the miracle in order.

The lights of the Moon are at times dim and hard to see, needing to set aside everything that has been accumulated in the past.

The new moon and its insecure attempt of actions will grow into the full Moon with its extroverted display of attention turns to the waning Moon’s search towards seclusion.

The birth and the love of mothers caring hand is with the growing child to guided it towards happiness to brave its soul and guarding the hopes and dreams, for it is all we are today and tomorrow and all that we will ever be.

The man in the Moon remembers the child he was and the light of the Moon that shone through the window, which took away the fears of the dark and allowed him to dream.

The seed that stimulates the initiation and purpose of the Sun, that is reflected with the man in the Moon.









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