Thursday, November 9, 2023



When relationship, become an attachment, which develops into a feeling of a singular domination.

 The sense of being dependent and not free has its deeper sense of conflict, the fear of loneliness.

Most human beings are dependent to their family or to their circumstances, and they want to change the circumstances and the people, hoping thereby to find joy and to live freely.

This dependence is also the urge to express, the urge to be something.

A person who has a certain gift or capacity depends on it very much, and when it diminishes or goes altogether, the person is at a loss.

Psychologically we depend on a belief or a philosophy that will give a sense of life which will lead to some hope or happiness.

We are always searching for some kind of dependence, which easily becomes our authority.

A mind that is dependent can never be free and a mind that is free has the essence of humility that can accept the necessity for dependence and its inevitability.

As long we are concerned with how to escape or avoid the state in which we are, we are bound to create some kind of dependence.

Dependence then is not the issue at all, and understanding that it is only an escaping from much deeper issues.

However interdependent we are with each other, we are using each other for a purpose, for means of an end. With an end in view, relationship cannot exist. 

When we use another to gain, it prevents relationship and communion. In the usage of another, however gratifying and comforting it may be, there is always fear.

To cover up and trying to avoid this fear, we must possess. From this possession arise envy, suspicion, and conflict.

The usual reality check up appears at times in confrontations of who is who in the zoo and becomes an embarrassing display.

Seeing the truth of what is, brings freedom and the love of what truly is and becomes the beginning of wisdom. Love alone shares and it alone can commune.

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