Friday, November 10, 2023

To learn….


Realizations happen when the mind is empty of thought, then for the most thinking is the habitual response to a pattern.

One modifies or change the philosophy or reason, but it is always in the same pattern with varies modifications.

Whenever those beliefs or pattern are questioned, one gets irritated.

We are being educated to think, to form grooves of habits and to function in those habits for the rest of our lives.

Thinking between what is convenient and beneficial, always within that field towards repetition for the mind to become more and more conformed. 

So how can one self free from that motive and do something with the motive of love of what one is doing.

In the mind that not moves from fact to fact, there exists the freedom from the known, for every thought ends up with itself anyway.

The object of learning comes from fluidity, a movement of attention or a sense of atmosphere in composition with the sense of loving it.

In the very nature of teaching and learning there is humility. You are the teacher and you are the taught.

As long there is motive and using learning to get something, one will step into a pattern in hope to find identification.

 To think naturally as children do, one develops natural dignity, which springs out of concern and love that is thoughtfulness.

Lacking that understanding makes one poor with all the goods of the world one possesses.

The love understandings are the only true riches.

The one who wants to become a master must first pass through an examination as a servant.





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