Saturday, January 13, 2024



The interrelated celestial-terrestrial connected phenomena, from ancient texts and monuments, that still stand in time, and have a direct influence every happening on earth.

Yes it is Astrology a cryptic and enigmatic science, which is looked upon as a superstition or as another ideal fatalistic subject.

In some countries it is deeply rooted in the language and it is a fashion to speak of Astrology and there is nothing short of superstition.

 While in the meantime one should be open to that celestial honey which will match the flavor of the individual potential.

The potential that is created with the first breath in the frame of time called lagna and means, to be tied up in.

The natural Sun-Moon relation and its significant position in the day-night calendar conducting that time reference.

As above so below all visitors know.

The place of action that takes place due the rotation of the earth in 24 hours and the Moon changes one degree every 2 hours, it creates the 12 sections called the houses.

The house at the moment at birth pointing east is the ascendant and the first house that is considered the head like in a natural birth, the head appears first.

The chart that is drawn to this time-frame-lagna is like a cubical energy revealing sphere, which provides not only the time frame qualities in this life, but shows as well past energies taken forward.

Planets and their strength by position in constellation and day-night placement in the houses are the key conductions and reference.

The cosmic architect had always a plan for the living mental agony to answer the ultimate question with its purpose.

The one, who seeks the spiritual path, is sought after by the spirit.

To death there is no life, to life there is no death.

The twinkling of the morning star completed me here and I knew it is perfect there.

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