Friday, January 31, 2025

The Natural

True natural abilities are standing out because of adoption in pace with patience. 

Being a natural with nature’s existence in action derived from the flow of time and its pace.

 Walking in nature and to act natural is the music of listening in natures pace.

When the mountains are calling, one must go to the richness that comes from nature as source of inspiration.

Being natural is having the intimacy of trust; and nothing more becomes a strain to make it seem so. Being natural is the yoga of flow and the most difficult pose to keep up.

Attractions work being oneself as natural magnitude without thinking and the ultimate secret of once art creating transformation without having sought them, by being genuine.

The fear of the ordinary and simplicity is the dilemma for the ego that nature is the teacher. The best remedy against all odds is the place where one is alone with the heavens, nature and God, giving us the daily pictures of infinite beauty.

The natural ability to be honest is the clarity to realize the divine in the personality and how it reflects thoughts and deeds.

Reasons are learned from the ever-changing world, but wisdom comes from the essence of life.

The ever lip-spitting dilemma of talking is the embarrassment, when the mind is not ones obedient servant.

The trust of the one who trusts another and does not trust himself has no nature, being domesticated in the spinning wheel of attachments.

As long there is no truth to the self, the seekers after the truth is not learning its lessons. The serenities of being natural is the art of intelligence, the contemplative heart reflects the divine qualities.

Natures diversity and every soul has its own way in life; when one follow another’s way, one must borrow the eyes from them to see it.

Love rises in emotion and falls in passion like poison acts as nectar to maintain wickedness.

The development of one’s true personality is the real purpose of human life. Those who realize the effect of ones deeds upon himself begins to open his outlook on life.


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