Saturday, February 1, 2025


The mental dilemma of worshipping achievement is the imposing force by constitution from social and geographical environment.

Potentialities and its inheritance of relationships, in the fundamental process of actualization of once individual establishment in the society one wants to be in.

Each collectivity of a person has a defined ideal of achievement and image of which one tries to strive on.

The longing to achieve is a defined position that most often becomes a subtle masochistic glorification, believing to be a deep-seated refusal to succeed. 

Optimism is the bird of time that can flow with the elements of confidence in the small pleasures of time to achieve.

It is the determination that makes every goal attainable to define the legacy and sum of small efforts in the daily routine.

Success and failure are not final or fatal as it only creates memories of courage to continue, that counts.

The beauty of dreams shows when action is taken towards the achievement. The motive power is creative and engaging, but it is as well the limits of that power, which is limitless.

All conventionality that has limited the life of the individuality comes from the removed attitude towards nature and its intelligence, is the tragedy. The distinctions of sexes, especially in some religion are another natural limitation of domestic human behavior.

Power and its copycatting politics as road to success is the mirror image of imitations, for the road to failure looks exactly the same.

Originality has nothing to do with who is who and having what, it is the fearless virtues of being in touch with ones true spiritual convictions.

The achievement of happiness needs ideals that liberate the energy that inspires hope, being the bird of time at the right place.

The individual character of will to achieve need the subtlety of pure striving, in the defined conception of what is valuable to constitute success.

The fulfillment of ones true vocation gives birth to the original love desire.


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The house of dissolution

    All beginnings are contained within an ending, like death is the inheritance of birth and a magical thought with a meaningful action. ...