The tragic of human life is
that most people, when facing a crisis, missing the opportunity to meet life.
Humiliation with no change of heart is the all
in vain declaration towards attention, to stimulate the experience of
The theatrical display of
the 24/7 media drama and its echoes
of meaningless defeats have no inspiration to create real transformation.
When the only illness there
is to be ill for no purpose, it becomes the tragedy of a crisis in the vanity
of meaningless results.
Pathetic leadership
throughout history has maintained false crisis’s as a puppet show for the
spineless spinsters, as service for mankind.
Chaotic societies are built
by little people with poor desires and the inferiors to be great. Soulless
puppeteers with quantitative formulas are here, to sterilize real qualitative
values and to repeat noble slogans and glamour’s infused verbiage.
The real crisis is the
furnace in which the ego transmutes into the discipleship of compassion and
true intelligence.
The decorated mental
uniforms are the worst dedication to establish a service that is free of
The purification of desires is the breaking of
the mere fluffy ego will, to establish the real courage to be called for.
The purification of desires
and the clarity of the essential will need to dismantle the mere ego will,
which is so popular for the embarrassment of the show that must go on.
The tools of convenience
and its superficial values is the crisis behind more obvious crisis not knowing
how the get away from the beast in the labyrinth. The Ariadne thread that helps
to find the way out is the dignified solution of love.
The comic book heroes and
ruler of the world are the crippled illusion of hope, creating only the
superpower of waste.
True love and its respect
is a gathering in itself that comes together like a flower holds its pedals.
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