Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Astral body

During sleep our sense of body as a quasi-material persona is considered the intermediate between the mental imaginer and the subtle sphere of the astral life force, called prana.

The eternal astral sphere is the greater body of the planetary heavens with the astral forces, which influences and controls life.

Action and reaction are the laws that direct to the experience at specific times when images fall into place in needed moments or with out-of-body experiences, or as astral projection.

It is the involuntary dissociate state that occurs during near-death situations, in neurological traumas, or with the use of drugs.

The realms of heavens and all purgatorial existences are the etheric phenomena that are experienced in symbolic dreams, vivid memories, unusual circumstances and visionary landscapes.

Graha is the Sanskrit name for a planet and literally means a seizer that has a time signature that changes to its frequencies relation.

The planets (Grahas) are agents of a slow dynamo which directs us to experience at specific times of the reactions, generated by the actions that have been performed in the past.

Negative ego performance is an arrogation of energy that uses vitality to maintain perception in destructive ways and influences.

The astral body is the light and energy signature that is identified with the art of Astrology that allows the interpretation of the wider scope with the astral body and its serene influence.

The life force as soul from life to life has the character already set out to accomplish, the task in this incarnation.

The astral body and Astrology show the manner in which these influence dwell within us, so that through we may gain mastery over the unknown universe.

Expansion of awareness is the natural return to cosmic consciousness and liberation resolved into the inner soul and Sun of light.


Monday, December 23, 2024


To recognize opportunities and move in new directions will benefit the aspirations of flexibilities and imagination.

All aspirations must include the needs of others; there is where true beauty is born that colors the ambitions of kindness.

The aspiration of the universe and its eternal care seen as beauty is the highest call to believe in. 

The real tragedy of ignorant people is the poverty of their own poor aspirations.

The sense of humor in everybody’s aspirations and once limitations are some logistics of truth.  

To make a difference one need the eternal aspiration of a divine plan.

The global village as ideology has to include the aspirations and dreams of the people to find their life and visions fulfilled.

The old tyranny of leaders still maintains the manipulation of fears, because every person, through fear, will fail all aspirations.

All constitutions do not reflect the hopes and aspirations of ordinary people and only widens further the democratic deficit.

A marriage, in its truest sense, is a partnership of human equalities, with no exercising some rules over the other for reasons, and rather assisting the other in aspirations one need to fulfill.

Aspiration is the lover’s heart that touches the depth of life and the godly soul that soars to the stars; it is the eye that penetrates through the wall of matter.

The divinity is the exaltation of the soul and the aspiration of the creator by means of the human heart to experience life within and without.

The vision of nature is the presence and aspiration of God, giving the tears of joy more values, than anything else.

Natures aspiring patience is forgiveness itself.

If one wants to know life, one can best know by one’s own life aspirations.

Aspirations are the discovering of one’s heart and are the greatest initiations.

Sunday, December 22, 2024

Shades of a Halo


The goodness in people is a series of Life love exchange energy that maintains the generations as transparent light envelope.

At birth it touches consciousness so deeply to stay for life creating the halo effect, to give a much better view of what are the priorities.

The luminous halo images and fame throughout antiquity are the images of divine union-ship. Pure conscience is confidence seen as light and the first impression of things that speak for it selves.

The harmonic light and its shades of disharmony in life is the dynamo to maintain the light in the halo as truth or one ignores the pure energy for egos room to have some power.

The smart character, that flaunts with values like integrity, respect, and excellence and does not map to the specific behaviors, are good at telling stories, whereas wisdom knows how to avoid them by all means. The over-valued attributes of statistics of other world, is the under-value for anybody else’s world.

Goodness is highest value for it does not speak, for are too many that maintain the truth in words, like a hammer on the anvil.

The means for the simple needs of life is the energy field that maintains it-self to meet month end, anything else adds to the flickering shades of struggle.

The halo conduction works with working of the tongue and its superior senses to what it should speak and what it should not say.

As long the mind is in endless defending mode to take a step forward in directions it does not know, the light of creative initiation does not go on. The realm of intuition is the playground of the halo to the eternal story in symbolical images and the interpretation that satisfies the senses in tunes of the soul. The halo shines through time and is the unfoldment of the soul and the loving tuning progress of the mind.

Love in its fullness is the power of the halo in the serenities of bliss, whereas the expression of sentiment is in the superficial heart.

The sense of being in love is the need to fulfill desire, when not fulfilled one does not know how to desire.

The symbolic halo is about the indistinctness of motive.


Saturday, December 21, 2024


The moment one experiences the spontaneous burst of brilliance is the clue to the articulation, of once magic.

The domain of genius is the moment of demand where creativity is fully available and is the sweet spot of the living miracle at hand.

The magic of conscious manifestations is in the superpower of inspiration that fine-tunes the skills.

Nature’s work falls into place where the touch of genius is not quiet understood at the time. The divine hand is the fabric of all conceptions to give form with the genuine patience to the eternal love.

The genuine ideal that nature provides the free will, to make the self what it wants to be, are the perception without touch.

The certainty that becomes the invention with no limitation is where creativity functions without constraints, is the eternal dream.

The genuine progress of learning is the only treasure one takes forth to the next life, where Genius always finds itself a century too early.

Genius is in the value of opportunities and the belief in the truth of self as ideal, born with that intention.

The genuine importance of once attachments is proving its greatness of matter and realization of its purpose.

The divine will must be behind every impulse, it is the labor of love that wins the heart a thousand times over, as the genuine uniqueness.

The genuine sustainer and life force of our bodies, hearts and souls are the whispers to the heart that moves the soul to ecstasies.

The brilliance of nature’s diversity is articulated in the individuality of a genuine love action and blessing that one needs to know how to receive.

Where the body goes the shadow goes, like the longing that deprives the heart of its freedom.

Genuine reason is the master of the unbeliever and the home of pain making one self, the servant of the believer that made the deal, at the crossroad.

The genius of love climbs the mountains of life in every step, because it knows, that no sacrifice is ever too great to be offered in the cause of loves liberation.

The genius of words is the living state of matter in spirit that can enlighten the mind, what all reasons fail to touch.


Friday, December 20, 2024


The waxing and waning reflections     of light are the storehouse of          memories considered as lunar                      mansions.

As the masculine energy from the Sun shape shifts the position of the feminine qualities of the daily Moon in constant change, to the collective motions and attention from the past, taken forward.

The day-night combination of sleep and awake is the signature of how the daily individual equilibrium of the astral body functions.

A Vedic story goes that the Man in the Moon is the provider of deities that are related to the conscience awareness of the light source, appropriated to the inner qualities of the soul.

The individual astral body in its balanced state is the equilibrium for the causal body, where the soul adapts between the finite and infinite.

It is only in ignorance where the mind is bound to body and senses, becoming entangled in the food of desires and emotions.

Caught in the light of once own reflections is the mirror image that shows from within. The loss of solar capacities that is needed for independent awareness is fading away in matter of time.

Giving into the negative realm of desires is feeding the desperate now to cover the fears of mental entrapment and limitation, only leading to destruction.

On the stage of the astral world the Moon is the casting agent for the mental-soul-body to resurrect the pure light out of darkness.

Once own salvation is the redeeming to the causal being, as the causative power of life is the divine light in all existence.

The reflection of the Moon is the motherly care and love brought forward, it is the true knowledge as basic of all knowledge.

The extensive knowledge of the self does not need to be the veil of time limitation and forms of ego, as the light of the divine presence is everywhere at any time.

Nature’s greatest teaching is the patience it shares, in the sublime nature of patiently waiting.

Being in nature’s ever-moving life is the nature where the radiance of light is the art of the divine, where the beloved is seen in all names and forms.


Thursday, December 19, 2024



Languages are structure to the components that work together to create meaningful communication.

With different languages one can have different versions of life, especially when kindness speaks the universal language.

The hidden powers of languages and small print in contracts are the messages for the imperfect understandings.

The accent depends on who is talking and the tolerance it shows towards inclusion.

 Home is the language of the mother that has its beauty of a clearer thinking.

Languages are not just words; it is the sense of modes when looking at the world that will follow everywhere.

A language is the reflection of the character and purpose of the speaker when the language goes from heart to heart.

Love is the language of wisdom everywhere in the world and the only language that transforms perspectives.

The light of the mind is the language of creative intuition that gets inspired by the firmament by the ultimate creation of the cosmos.

Astrology is a language that speaks the sky to reach in depth of what is in waiting for.

The rising moment when one takes the first breath is the intimate language of flow to the individual existence. The birth day is the language of power with the energy of that first breath.   

It is the language of energies and communication between the cosmos and once consciousness, as above so below.

The language that becomes a cry for help are ego minded dissolution, to manipulate false compassion.

Every language reflects thoughts and deeds as a need for identification, the more one needs those captivities, and the less one is in the presence of a natural communication.

The language from the body of love come with reciprocity, the language of the heart comes with blessings, but the language of the soul comes with the liberty of realization.

The language what reason creates will be destroyed by the ignorance and interpretation of very poor translations.

Nature's language speaks the sublimity of the loving spirit.


Wednesday, December 18, 2024



The dance of destiny is the spaces between the notes, the moments where decisions have the flow of grace. 

The stars that attract the visions are the ancient memory in the self that brought the self here; destiny is how one takes it from here by choice.

Looking at the wonders of the world, one realizes that humans are the pinnacle of a divine design that has to find its special place.

All random accidents spring from the river of destiny for reasons that flow to the comic ocean of possibilities.

The truth to the self is the intuitive being in tune, whereas the out of tuners want to fill every space from the scarcity that somebody else may will.

The divine architect designed the foundation of longing on the rocks of loving labor, to what lives within us and not behind or ahead.

Destiny will show her face to the truth of the character that holds its promises. It is in the silence where decisions are made and the place where destiny is listening.

The feminine creative impulse struggles to listen when not truly liberated giving into reasons of fears, that cannot liberate others.

Destiny works as liberator of needs and its deeds for the real presence to liberate others naturally.

Destiny is the moral compass to follow and what fate allows, taking life to the calm shades of trees that has been planted long time ago.

Selfhood is destiny at the source of all individual existence with a unique rhythm creating form, from multitudes of experience relating to the consistency of a conscious self. 

Nobody understands the self as long inferiors overwrites the divine purpose with presumed power that wanes into tangible excuses.

Not understanding the self is the denial of God to become what destiny holds as real existence.

Tuesday, December 17, 2024



Christmas season are the traditions towards humanity that cannot be changed, but to celebrate every little bit, that keeps it going.

For the meaning of life is to serve humanity, that needs love beyond all borders, being in its greatness of humane.

Life and its magical force are the gift and place as spheres to be here for each other, to keep the magic going.

The torch of humanity is the loving rage of compassion and the shared knowledge, that the flame of love and all its lights are the reflections of each other we need, to survive.

Love means, that you know nothing and only the slow growing wisdom reveals its effect of the human endurance and experience.

Humanity and its essence of love get transformed into instruments of desires of reasons, instead of breaking the bread.

The hypocritical shows of love are the old pearls of tragic and the Fairy go-round, to give sensation a little ride.

Humanity is the conscientious self as principle, observed in the grateful smile, which is the charm of divine countenance.

Humanity and the great concern of tomorrow is the mental framework that cannot hold the idea of how to tread upon the sea of life. Humanity in the waves of the storm changes many hands of blessings in the flow of compassionate ecstasies.

Humanity is maintained from the greater bodies of many seasons, where the Sun continues to set and the Moon keeps on waning and waxing, for humanity to live forever.

Humanity is pregnant with the divine spirit for it is the faith in the wonderful creations, we can see to belief in each other.

Seasons are coming with having and not having; it changes places and perspectives that reveal the mysteries through the heart of compassion and is the image of humanity that does not change.

The self and its vanity is the amusement to see once limitation dancing with the rapture of a blowing kiss.

Humanity comes with the straight forward that opens a straight deed to the divine image we are made of.

The trust of those who promise to trust, in exchange of reasons do not trust themselves, to be trusted.


Monday, December 16, 2024



As a writer, one is in the world of a serene ideal sphere, the living elements of magical sorcery and its mysteries of amusement, is the reading between the lines of contentment.

This little sphere is the love serenity where the words are the appreciation of that wisdom that establishes the courage to accept the things, one cannot change.

 Serenity is the air of peace and the joy of the untouchable space, free of the anxieties of procrastinations.

Being in love has that serenity which overflows with the intimacy of bliss and a state of wonder where the soul senses it purpose.

 The serene state of mind of the lover maintains the peace to last, knowing peace can come only, to peaceful people.

The mental serenity that controls the chaos is the faith of goodness and ones philosophy that provide ethical values written in rocks as the inherited serenities of soul.

Serenity is not a reaction and far more creative and profound, it is the sphere where one understands what one actually is; dismissing the pursued of what one is not.

Our social life and everything we do is based on acquisitiveness and who is doing what for centuries, we have been brought up like that.

For all the more, the egocentric self enclosing habit to be somebody.

Serenity is the understanding of the self, which is to perceive the workings of once own mind with it’s the motives, the intentions, the longings and the desire.

Truth is timeless serene in the mind that knows what is beyond names, status and the impermanent.

The eternal serenity is the reason we are here in this world with a body of limitation to search for the perfect state and its footprints at the shore of the lover’s kingdom.

Serenity is the frame of the heart, where the images of bliss are the pictures that echo through the Museums of generations.

Visions from the chaos of people in demand are nature’s unrealities of life, not knowing to open the door of serenities at the heart of realities.


Sunday, December 15, 2024

The Sandman

The Sandman is about the story to make children sleep by sprinkling sand in their eyes. 

The sandman is another title to Morpheus the supernatural persona that works in and as the dream to adjust the balance of time by turning the hour glass. 

The story of the sand is the story of tragic that feeds the pearl of time.

 The flow of ebb and tide binds us in time in the body that does what it needs to do, because of emotions that are too big to be seen, washing away the castle in the sand, eventually.

The stars and the sand are the material that works like mortar that holds the stones in the story of the dreams. 

The chaos is the certainty to dance at the shores where one can be anything as long one can hold the sand. The story of the sandman has to do with what must be done to let go of the dream of self with an identity in time…..

The books of life are the chapters of dreams and the memory of love stories that are the spiritual currency, or sand of time.

The Sandman observes the twilight and shifting stars that twinkle in hues of colors when turning the daily-hour-glass of tides.

The expression of the child at shores of love to play is the purest dream, having that sacred smell in the air.

The place of dwellings and natures bridges are the widening of the heart, to the size of the horizon, maintaining the sustenance of life.  

The sublime nature of the sandman is the reflection of the longing that controls the pulse of heart that gives glorious visions of the purest, when not deprived by time.

Shakespeare’s famous quote, “We are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.”

The lunatic, the lover and the poet play in the sand of imagined dreams with a glance from heaven to earth and from earth to heaven.

The actors are all the spirits and ghosts trying to hold the air in the palaces of dreams that holds sensations by its breath.

The sandman is the narrow funnel of time and knot of attachments, that has its difficulties when one wishes to unravel it.

The mystery of passion is the little smoke, emotions are the glow of loves fire and compassion is the torch that illuminates the shores where the reflections, are the eternal path.


Saturday, December 14, 2024

The first World


The first world and its reality is the world of the mother, where the intimacy and familiarity in relationship have its footprints at the shore, where the walking begins in this time-frame-world.

The ancient seers understood the multiple worlds as the reality that reveals the serenities of time.

Jyotish is the study of light of timeframes that is articulated to periods and maturities of natural times. 

The lunar mansions providing the energy reference and a character, from the moons (mother) placement, at birth. 

The significant time-capsule as mansion is the approach to the deities of the day where the moon resides in.

The Nakshatra’s represent the mansion or abode into which the fruit of previous lives labor is transferred and stored.

They project forces that need refining to extend the human mind more to the frequencies of cosmic intelligence.

This first world and its influencing mother (Moon) aspects are the determination and trigger points of emotional capacities which will be later in life, the issues for the self-discovery.

Every lunar mansion has its energy or rulership from a planet it is assigned to, and represents the most intimate aspect of once feeling capacities. The moon shows the different temperamental types of human beings and interactions.

The dashas are the planetary periods that are calculated from the moon placement at birth and speak for themselves of what happened at birth. If the sharp energy of Mars is present, then there is complication or a Caesarean birth, revealing a feisty character, or a very low vitality will, in becoming. 

Saturn and the Moon creating detachments from mother, while Venus like to bestow the spoil of indulgence in the dimensions of the first world and its memories.

The individual planetary dasha periods extend over a long time and are the experience course in which particular energies need to be faced and mastered. 

The maturities of the planets have its age periods where things will fall into place to face the world, one is born into. 

The enfoldment and its purpose is the quality of perspectives that reveal the mysteries of the longing heart, for the new world.

㊊ ⚸ 


Friday, December 13, 2024


A term for emotional manipulation is called gas-lighting; the psychological causes of someone to question once reality or perceptions. 

Gas-lighting is the slow burning out of the confidence or emotional stability in someone and used in interrogations.

Love bombing is another common form of emotional manipulation and creating isolated feelings in confusion and guilt trip obligations. 

The emotional abuse is the texture to undermine another's sense of self that is bound to seep into mental breakdown eventually.

The manipulator is always in shallow waters, where circumstances become obvious that has been held together only with lies.

The dark side of a charisma is in the manipulation of people who wish to be loved on their terms.

The manipulated drama of the media and politics are the puppeteers that pulling the strings for the greatest show of total destruction.

Spineless people need a lot of honor that is manipulated with the desire to please, for everyone to see how to appear to be, never experiencing what one really is.

The motive of the psychopath is the language of manipulation with the sweetest gestures to take it all ruthlessly without remorse.

The power of motive is creative and constructive, yet it is the motive that limits the power, which is limitless.

The dim gaslight does not concern itself of consequence, for it feeds only the shallow in fear entangled impulses.

It is not in the heart of earth and its Lords of time in which to confide, but it is in the spirit and soul where timeless trust assimilates all in its perfection.

The fragile political correct offence and the act of astonishment are the pearls of tragic, as the greatest good in peace of mind will not come to a lovers heart, so long as one not become love itself.

All things pertaining to the source of love and spiritual progress in life depend upon peace of mind.

The story of the un-struck sound is, when the soul is attuned to the divine, every action becomes music.

Thursday, December 12, 2024

The Cosmic Web


The cosmic web is described as a spider web because of its filamentary structure, keeping planets and their energy together in galaxies and matter of quantum information as structure.  

Strings of dark matter filaments which are attracted the densest parts of forming galaxies where no light is.

Black holes at the center creating that web around and imposing a structural manifestation, like a spider web.

The point of knots and its treads in this gigantic web exchanges information from quarks and leptons.

Charlotte is the cosmological puzzle and a Greek figure called Arachne whose talent in weaving politics, is a story about the weaving that serves as a tale, about the dangers of hubris.

Charlotte is the intelligent inspiration and guidance of love which is required for the soul to unfold.

The senses of fragrance, color and structure shows personality and the atmosphere of refined manner.

Those who enjoy taking will be trapped in the sticky silky strings of attachments, whereas those who are enjoy giving survive those who are desperate to live.

The entrapment in pleasures of useless actions and senseless speech are the depthless motive of loveless feelings.

The invisible threads and dotted lights are the pinnacle of the illuminated path of divine connection and the path of the loving truth.

Living in the world that knows only politics is the limited evil ego that cannot see the perfection.

The cosmic spider web and its worldly internet information concept are useless, as it has no insight into the hidden laws of nature.

The continual pursuit after the impossible ego satisfaction to seek attention is the chronic disease of humanity.

The lover who needs many followers leans upon the beloved’s response like the flame that needs oil of others to live; but the person who stands on his own feet, is like the light, that compliments the constant horizon, truly admirable. The cosmic web has space and a place for everybody in life, the art of creating a place is in the virtue to know ones point of view between life here and hereafter.


Wednesday, December 11, 2024



Apophatic theology is an attempt to describe God of what he is not, for all his limitation is in his name.

The knowledge that God is infinite provides as well the result that God is not finite. 

The apophatic belief, that God is known to humans only in terms of what suits the seeming all, is not being aware of the force of life itself.  

Any method that complements the unconscious is the psychology with the divine towards psychic integration with a character that works towards the manifestation of a clear conscious.

To restrain unconscious autonomy that gives rise to an archetypical misinterpretation leading to collective sympathies to expression as spiritual path. 

It resembles a complex of dependency, also known as idolatrous worship like a mother complex.

Stagnations are evident when unconscious themes recur over and over; it fosters the worship of unconscious images and the alienation of the collective divine conscience.

Having a mother complex with God is like needing a parachute to jump of the table. 

Religious aristocracies have that typical, mother tells what to wear adoration make up, and they need mothers hand all the time. 

The divine feminine is the fruit of the Tree that holds the seed of its origin and maintains the masculine cosmos of knowledge and life.

The tree of divine conscious is the knowledge that spreads with the heart of an ocean that serves all. The tree that gives shade and protection feels like a blessing from Gods outstretched hands.

The compass of the soul keeps on pointing to the tree where patience is the growing virtue, that time is nature’s art of being eternal.

The human soul in the divine spirit must know to exist in the beloved of all names and forms.

God is closer to all people, as they are often not to them self’s.

 Every moment in life is the whispers of his Name to the serenities of bliss.


Tuesday, December 10, 2024



The landscape of the story is the unreal impression of a vivid sensation and the mirage of reasons to maintain the illusion of that reality.

 The inability to distinguish between what is real and what is not, is a state of mind. The past and future are the real illusions that exist in the present with all there is.

The living in the mirage requires a big effort to keep the Vail of serenities from being seen through. 

Nature’s act of rebalance is the notion of things that is turning reality, into otherwise.

The popping sphere of illusion gets pierced with reality at times and dashes all to pieces.

The fabrication of illusion has all the attachments of living the dream, never able to see that the reality of life is the progress of detachments.

The magic of the show in media, politics and its culture is to stimulate the mind of the audience, at their will.

Confidence is a conduct from a decision of the ultimate fate that speaks the language of philosophy and is the ancient design of words revealing the intimate truth and realization, that there is nothing which is not in the self.

Reasons to belief creates its reality based on illusion, the sex appeal of success therefore is the echo of desires to attach wishes without free will.

The Famous Genie and the divine order grant a wish that comes with a consequence not only for a moment, but also in every rabbit hole.

Millions of Alice’s in daily wonderlands is the life pod-casting show; the rabbit hole must go on.

To love without to see its fullness speaks louder than words creating a mirage in the mirage, whereas the love of the intimate truth makes space in the heart.

The sincerity of feelings reaches further then thousand petals flower one covered by another, it shows respect that needs no words.

The knowledge of truth does not suffice for imparting it to others; one must know the gentle nature of the spirit.


Monday, December 9, 2024



Inspiration that console the heart and words that flow like a river are the healing of the spirit. 

In this presence of tender feelings the story wakens the imagination of a divine spring.

The story from the living teaching and the lessons for ignorance that needs to vanish like the cloud of doubts will scatter, is the moral story and the eternal light, as the mover of the shade.

Dark limitations that hold the privilege of imperfection with a crown are the candles in the wind and the fears to survive.

The inspirer of eternal life provides refuge in that loving enfoldment in guidance of the living harmony.  The divine ideal and beloved Lord like lovers love, hold the air for the kindled flame of hope.

The surface of the intellect and the source of all revelation is the stepping beyond the walls of limitation, around the human mind.

Facts lose their color in the face of the truth with the light of the eternal Sun-day, which pales all the stars and the drama of the Moon.

Inspiration from the eternal love sweeps through the living presence, which raises the mind above the strife for worthless things.

The artificial world and its intelligence is the playground of conventionality in which lies all tragedy of life.

Inspirations without the concern of consequence are the expression of a free impulsive attitude and its fragile reputation.

The principal of life under consideration is the exchange of inspired inner life with the realization of the divine.

The evidence of prophesy is in the personality of the prophet who stretches the madness into the virtues of interpretation.

Inspired by beauty are the life of the artist and the theme of the poet who writes from the souls of the musician, that turn the grace of a moment into eternity.

Absorbed by inspiration of the art it becomes the living art to admire itself. It unveils the beauty which human conventions hide.

Sunday, December 8, 2024



From the antiquity of the Vedas, earth and its nature is an infinite sphere with the gravity center everywhere and the circumference nowhere, as the world is a sphere with no East or West.

Everything comes and goes and comes back, everything dies, and everything blossoms again.  

The sphere of the eternal circle of being remains faithful in every now, where the center is everywhere, like curve-ball with eternal intention.

It is in the sphere of truth in where the activities remain the innocent influence that sails the oceans of spheres in pursuit of love.

The sphere of the individual influence needs to find its own source of courage, so that one can take the spherical steps, like music in the spacing of the spheres.

The sphere seen as firmament equals in all directions to the lights that is evolving from spheres from a long ago and their after. 

The individual spheres of pursuit and abilities at times need to be taken out of the self, to appreciate the spheres of the self-image.

The sphere of the universe came to existence from life and not from a bang of bubbles that created existence. 

The cosmic sphere is a world of spheres like our planet that is comprised of billions of spheres of realities from each living being.

We are the dust seen in the sunlight living in circles of spheres as evolving beings on the scale of creation.

Transparent illusion and the fear of not knowing are the polishing of the mental sphere, to learn to see the truth.

The spheres of words are the living reflections of intuitive spaces like in heaven, so that the image of earth maybe looks like a piece of heaven.

The spheres of the inner visions and dreams need the space where one can listen to the worlds of spheres to come.

The sphere of my heart is no longer mine, since I can see the dwelling-place Thou hast made it.

The mosaic of spheres is the divine image of all creations, to forget the partial self that one becomes conscious of thy complete perfect being and spheres.


Saturday, December 7, 2024



The natural dignity of a human being is the precious glow of the soul that overshadows the prestige of the ego.

The force of life and its cause and effect, is the motive what every human being sows and reaps, that provides the character and its prestige.

As long people looking for greatness and seeming power, all they find is a humiliating title position with a label.

 Important prestige is the blindfold to discover the goodness in humility and the natural state, where is no need to proof the self.

Social predators are known as Psychopaths and have their feeding ground wherever there is prestige and its seeming power.

The state of gullibility is the weakest link that keeps on knocking at the doors for prestige and its price waiting for.

Trying to please people is to acquire power and to increase prestige that looks good and does very little.

The loss of freedom comes with the prestige, that one can go shopping in style, to overwrite real happiness.

Living in the elements of nature’s prestige is the playground of happiness, where one can face anything with a full prestige.

Facing uncertainty is the fabric of death, the right of passage is the prestige to a new robe of realities.

Life and its prestige is a fair trade wherein all adjusts itself in time.

The mystical prestige in life is what it is and cannot be changed; the magical prestige is the knowledge of the self, to maintain the living prestige of beauty in the secrets of the divine.

The great search of the subtle longing to find happiness, are the treasures to ones own prestige. 

The prestige of life is to know that all the love in all stages and spheres as the eternal kiss, never being short of its chemistry.

Friday, December 6, 2024



The regard that something is held to importance and usefulness of that is worth a great value. 

 A rational and practical utility one develops, to advance towards the desired benefit, in effective reasoning.

 A merit of significant to make sense with the principles of behavior that determines ones life.

The internalized adopted rules and values will have a price and that is the amount of life as exchange, to find value in what one becomes.

In trusted sincerities are the values of the intellect and the first value one need to find in others, making values a donation in trust.

Talented hypocrites selling values of prestige or the ever happy after as survival kid with a labeled guaranty.

Awareness and the essence of love is a foremost priceless value and is the most profound political correct testimony.

Shopping for prestige is the golden goose for the desperate and the ignorant blindfold, never seeing the wisdom that cooks the goose.

Maya is the eternal procrastination that keeps the true values of time in short negative terms.

The mental shortcut for happiness is a smart way to tell a lie at best, whereas the wise utilizes the value by avoiding it.

Values of to be somebody has nothing to do with confidence, which vanishes when responsibilities of values are getting shifted in the same breath.

Power that is manipulated with sensations is the destructive system with short lift values and long term consequences.

Values and reason is learned from the ever-changing world, whereas wisdoms value comes from the essence of life.

The chemistry of happiness is a natural process of a true life to enable to realize the working of the divine.

A value that nourishes the wounded heart is the continual water of the love-stream to still the real thirst.

True values are the expressions of the soul and called virtue, seen as beauty.


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