Tuesday, September 24, 2024

Ask and ye shall receive


A nation can only exist by its soul keeping.

All scared knowledge and answers to the asking question has always been given in terms of action in need of the time.

We can only assimilate as livingness of knowledge that to which we are oriented through our actual life-experience.

What one receives is conditioned by the manner of the asking.

When one is drowning, every cell of ones being will ask for air to breath and one should ask for the truth, will the divine spirit answer ones distress call. The condition of the organic unity between spirit and matter is a state of living and the wholeness of unity in manifestation.

As long we assume that “ask and you will receive” means “asking for anything you want and it will be given to you, is the trick of a Genie who has a taste for the prosperity gospel.

The promise of “ask and receive” must be in God’s estimation that cultivates the goodness and gratefulness for what is good.

If we ask anything according to His will, the requests will be answered.

God knows what is good for us and gets wary of selfish and foolish prayers, no matter how much we want what we’re asking for.

Asking for what we need in faith, and we will have all we need for life. The teaching to love above all else is the stilling of the hunger and the sharing of the bread.

The intuitive language is essentially life-consciousness orientated towards the connection between life and spirit.

The theotropism is the devotion of creature to Creator, or the mirror of the organic life to the divine origin.

Love in its fullness is an inexplicable power which speaks louder than words, where all wishes gushes from the heart.

Human prove themselves to be great or small according to the importance one attaches in life, to the greater power of the divine order or the smaller ego held by power of the delusion.

It is better to refuse than to accept anything unwillingly.

Monday, September 23, 2024


Being blinded to the inner fact and shrink in disbelief is the fear from acknowledgment, that which is the foundation of the divine in us.

It is the soul that is destined to reach the ultimate state of perfection.

The destined soul is the course of evolution and unfoldment and how it unfolds its power with its ceaseless renewing.

In a world of matter-bent awareness and duality with its conflicts it becomes crucial to require of what is and what is not.

The psychological complex with its identity issues is the egos dilemma with its bitterness or tyrannical jumping up and down on the slightest pretext. Establishing and maintaining a pseudonym based purely on ‘is and haves’, never realizing the sense of identity is not an expression of centrality of being.

The mind worships a sense of data and quantitative measurements and its technique with social respectability through conformity into a norm that is the tragic of human intellects.

Only consciousness and its virtues of higher intelligence are the identity and unfoldment into the condition of perfection, like the father in heaven. The poignant realizations of what the soul is not, is the crisis in stress, when everybody is calling ‘oh my God’, with inner certainty. The soul-reality and that we are that, is the power of imagined forth as ultimate protection.

The temptation in the wilderness is the crisis and critical state of mind where the presence of the impersonated need to get in touch with natures intuitive language and observation.

The reality of the soul must be vividly pictured and exemplified in the ego and to overcome the unsteady structure of selfhood and the confusing demand of instinct.

The soul-wise mind then has the instrumentality of the soul to create the real values, based on eternal love.

All water collects itself to the sea like life is running towards the divine ocean and returns itself gain as the river in the ever-moving life as natural art of the very being to sustain and being destined to reach the waters of rebirth.

To lose oneself in the visions of the divine order are the whisper of the right destination. 

Sunday, September 22, 2024



The Sustainment of humanity is the quest of towards the future; it is the daily bread in experiencing the act of compassionate love.

Finding the belief to free oneself from the pull of the past, that is directed towards the creation of tomorrow.

Forgiving our trespasses as we forgive others signifies the great principle of mutuality that links the divine and the human.

The substance of the divine order and bread for tomorrow is leavened by the spirit.

The political and religious warlords and many militant thinkers are all handicapped with the temptation to struggle against the down-pull of the past. ‘Lead us not to temptation’, is the essence to become aware that the organism of body, mind and soul are able to withstand the fire of the absolute creative spirit.

Like every engine is tested for its ability to deliver power without being shattered by the energy release.

Divine intervention is needed to draw away the shadow of the old self to reveal the inner eyes in touch with the kingdom in the power and glory forever.

Amen is the spiritual Name and has the single purpose to use the divine love and wisdom that sustains us on the daily base.

The plan of creation is the fulfilling where matter and divine energy can be performed with the formative mind with the spirit.

The Holy Spirit is the filling of the confused and distracted ego having only an apparent of power.

A transforming force led by ignorance needs a desperately new vision and actual experience of spirit with the affirmation of divine purpose, without the negation in the frantic negation.

The answer that can uproots the question from the ground is truly inspired, it is the key for the free will to realize the ‘thy will’.

Trusting someone who has no trust in himself has no values whatsoever and that why politicians need your vote.

The whole world is sinking in the floods caused by the tears of ignorance.

The pilgrimage and sustainment is the sacred dwelling in the divine countenance.   


Saturday, September 21, 2024

Core of being


Knowing should be understood in the sense of experiencing the core of a creative being.

 As long knowledge is not applied with wisdom and only dwells with ideas and thoughts of others, no true attentive experience is established.

It is not acquaintance but interpenetration of complete attunement with the essence of whatever is known.

The essence of any being is the activity being in union with its being.

Spirit is never a matter of more or less, it is the quality of activity and great fact of the spiritual life.

The celestial love harmony indicates the glory of life to love and to give and not to get. Those who never loved and got spoiled with riches, love in vain, for true love is the beginning of no end, then wherever the search ceases only pretense was flowering. 

After all, it is not what we have and need to be, but the core of beings from the heart of spirit, where the mind finds happiness within itself.

The first condition of human love and its reverence are the traces that knit us all together. The content in wisdom is as well the content with what we do not understand.

It is the countless gold of a loving heart that to pleasant service led, which the wicked tries to capture with attention seeking needs.

One cannot establish peace, if one puts the shadow of the ego and its will between the true self and the spirit.

Any theology and anything else that establishes mere formulas must be revaluated from time to time to the eternal standards of the spirit.

The abundance of love is the threshold, for there is no other honorable render of honesty capturing all fate.

The truth to every inmost thought captures the speech and capacity for self-recollection and is the condition of all noble acts.

Destiny is the breath of God and the music of the spheres in all existence against the lawless heart, with the joy of contentment.

We are never more discontented with others than we are discontented with ourselves.

A life of hope is deferred too often in wasted opportunities, for hope is the cut flower in the vase without its roots.

The happy home is the ultimate result of all ambition.

The being is the revealing.


Friday, September 20, 2024

The Mason

The art of masonry brings out the cultural intellect of a society that strives for perfection to the fullest degree possible.

The heart of the Mason has the temple in the heart, where he is ever working on.

The fortress that guards the treasures and secrets for the legacy of life to those who seek it, know the quest that is written in stone.

It is the language on the building side in the heart of fraternity and its noble attribute working for the divine architect.

In order to envision and to formulate the evolving image of God, one will come across a wall one must pass through in which the validity of any God idea must be the valued by its working order.

The architect’s plan of the divine does not build itself up on the negation of human values and strength.

God gets wary of the glorified independence and kingdoms of humanity and characters of attentions.

The castle in the air needs the foundation of the receptive building blocks that becomes the creative act and substance of the divine.

The kingdom inside are the touchstones of the individual spirituality, society and culture. The benefit of the word almighty is in its realization, for the infant brings it with the air of heaven on earth.

The Mason and its virtue of duty is in the pleasure of doing it for duty done unwillingly is worse than slavery.

Who else but a noble soul would bear all and say nothing, then only fools fight wisdom wherever they meet it.

It is the lack of keen observation that becomes critical from the agitation of the mind. The Mason loves to pursuit after the impossible, as it is the best challenge there is.

The Temple is in service for the humble soul, when the wicked world does not allow, the fine feeling for the great architect to be cherished.  

The soul in its journey onwards strikes a place on the roof of the church, where it exclaims, ‘I am the truth’

Truth is the light that illuminates the whole world and its force of life.

In the light of Truth all things become clear; their true nature manifests to view.


Thursday, September 19, 2024

The Magi and Aquarius full Moon


My Monday late morning took on a serious shift by being arrested from a female traffic-officer on my way to see my son in another town. 

Her inferiority impulses were a clear indication that she is fighting the monster that would get her to next level, in her established video game mentality.

I have been handcuffed and brought into the next town police station, where a charge of failing to comply with an authorized officer was laid against me.

This ongoing process is not much liked with the local officer who has to go to the procedure of creating a file with all details, fingerprints and taken protocol, which creates as well the issue with caretaking of the custodians with the necessity of making tea and sandwiches.

They know as well that those charges get thrown out of court never reaching the prosecutor.

Being a waitress with a bulletproof west and heavy utility belt comes across a bit as a failed attempt in duty.

The holding yard was filling up during the afternoon and by evening there were 15 of us in this utopian place with its graffiti and humiliating facilities.

As the night with its magical full Moon was creating many light pillows through the overhead metal infrastructure, giving this yard a mysterious sphere. 

An older colored guy with heavy tattoos, no teeth and white shades in shorts was taken stage by posing strange steps and used them as punch-line for some funny stories, I could not understand.  

I could only observe the hysteric laughter’s that created some amazing amusement and shift of heaviness, which infected me as well. I could see the Magi and its power in this utopian play, proofing to me those great souls are everywhere to maintain the nature of humanity to the equality in its needs.

Those who can maintain harmony in life are the conquerors knowing how to preach the initiation of joy artfully.


Wednesday, September 18, 2024

Creation & Evolution


The alpha and omega is the equality of enfoldment in the cyclic time and force of life, like the oak tree in the acorn as form of growth and creation.

The universes of form in change of time are two contrasting concepts, for soul and God the creator and how we can relate to this, as cosmic beings.

 If we knew the nature of this relationship, we would act to it like a season and its appropriated dress, able to understand the purpose and progress of creation.

Unfortunately media religions with the investment in over sympathized metaphysics have differed widely in interpretation of God to the universe. 

This is of no surprise as the forms of the human believe having changed throughout existence.

Maintaining the most dangerous creation, where in the society human ignorance with nothing to lose, has nothing to do with evolution.

God’s creation is about the mysterious intuition or the vivid dream as spirit in body, the suffering is only in the mind that does not understand that the eternal creation revealed ‘Itself’ as you.

You as part of the creator, creating the creation of ‘You’ on this planet, creativities are to participate in the great process of creation called worship. The nature’s interpretations are the threshold and priesthood that enacted the laws of its divine government.

There are words from the Vedanta like Alapa meaning that God speaks to the kindled soul and Raga and its meaning of the human calling upon the beloved God, which becomes Tala, the rhythmic expression of a divine intervention, leading to Tana when the soul acts from its nature. This establishes Gamaka, which is the feeling of the poet’s heart keyed in various notes.

Chala are the illuminated words that reveal the insightful manifestation of agreeable and disagreeable thoughts between the forces of conserved and the dispersed.

The truth is a divine inheritance found in the depth of every human heart.

Monday, September 16, 2024

The Doctrine

  The moral of the story is, that half eggs don’t roll and indicating   that morality is not the doctrine                  to happiness.

The right doctrine must always be accompanied by the right intention, where orthodoxy must be wed to orthopraxis.

 Some doctrines are a hard living   and only the limitation in human    intelligence, banging ones head       against a wall that speaks                        volumes.

A doctrine is not the affair of a book or endless convincing out of tune speeches, but is received only when it possesses the whole soul with the compassion of love.

Enthusiasm without doctrine is the foreplay towards heretic procrastinations and an epidemic of a psychosomatic itch, where popular preachers scratches the urge.    

A God seducer is more dangerous to a sacred institution than a hangman ever can do justice.

Not having a doctrine makes life the big wonder, why one cannot walk on water and ones ethics are not flowing.

The divine doctrine is to see the beloved beauty in all living things and forms; it is the invisible space of the absolute.

The makings of the divine are the little flower and her loveliness that speaks in splendor to the core. 

It is the gentle breeze and its touch that caresses our love, that speaks like the gentle light of the moon reflected from the sun.

Sunday, September 15, 2024


The mind is the integration and coordination, with the element of the living substance as soul, and the individual mental personality, in one unity.

The substance is the steady unfoldment in conscious awareness, observed in the maturity by nature. 

From the past to the present is the development and unfoldment to the change of time, direction and even purpose. 

Active conscious at-one-ment has the vision of purpose in cooperating intelligence and is the task in hand.

One trembles easy at the sight of the task that has been given and one feels confounded when one has to weigh the ideal with ones limitation.

The substance of humility is the point of strength that is perfected with the divine in the limitation that opens the door of reality.

The heart that speaks through tears with the voice in distance it hears, has the common value that matters. Whereas crocodile tears, are the overflows, of false ideologies from the ego.

The silent voice and mystery of the heart is the substance full of tenderness and is its own medicine leading to bliss, the divine substance that cannot miss.

Having no substance is subject to vice as fear keeps the captive in acquaints with vice, being the pupil of vice.

The divine substance of spirit acts upon ones own intuition with ease, for following others advice is the loss of directions.

The substance abuse and its manipulated corruption are the observable example how the mind traps itself to satisfy the longing.

All to the hearts desire not knowing what it truly wants.

The godly substance is the living faith as firm like a mountain standing unshaken against the weathers of the seasons.

The joyful smile is the substance giving new lights from the heart to see the sun shine everywhere.


Saturday, September 14, 2024

Spiritual Movement


Every insightful movement is centered around a ‘’truth’’, an image or ideal of what life should incorporate, with the movement as initiation.

The more dynamic that truth embodies the ‘tone’ that sets the melodies of human response in stimulation; the more spiritual renascence is established.

The answer of what humans are and its place becomes clear, when one function with the divine grace of the universe.

It is not by mere chance that we exist in the central position between matter and spirit, it is the defining human as soul as the mediator.

Life as the truth with its miracle operates in those polarities.

It is the spirit as positive initiating pole and the willing love charity, as the other pole, as peace loving entity.

Peace is the core of total acceptance and becomes the sphere of no conflicting containment.

Ecological wisdom is the insight into who we are and why we exist in the first place and the opportunity to share those stories to the collective experience of the world. When the heart is at peace and listens to the story and its turmoil, it contemplates in return to the source of serenity.

Nature reveals to us the fractions of knowledge in which we focus our attention, the more one allows accepting the wonders of realities in the universe about us, the less one becomes diluted.

The spiritual movement is the discipleship that opens the vision to the stories of the ancient longing and its attainment of purpose.

Knowing the value of an opportunity, provides prove of a difficult truth to be true, otherwise it states only the difficulties to prove what is false.

The fears that imprison the heart are the shadows on the heart of another and the doubt in its attainment.

Spiritual movement is the love of form that culminates in the progress into the formless love.

Friday, September 13, 2024

Common Courtesy


In the sentiment of gratitude is the form of courtesy that establishes the true nature of leadership through caring consideration.

Common courtesy opens the doors to the deeds of kindness that gathers love.

 True courtesy is the confidence from a deep moral foundation that shows euthenics personality.

All things in their beginnings must be guarded from the force of destruction in the nursery of the caring mind.

 Common courtesy is the mirror of what we do and as we do, reflections of light that encourages the values that flow naturally.

Presence must stimulate in the heart with the feeling which must always kept alive. Common courtesy is trying to do the right, which seems to be right at the moment, in other moments the same may seem wrong. Therefore one must not attempt to impose the right upon one who does not see the right from wrong.

Public relation in business and politics have lost all common courtesy, otherwise they would not need so much poor expensive advertising.

Expectations of common courtesy in the show of life are called the princess and the pea. Being courteous to the fellow human and share the intimacy of trust is to establish the true nature of confidence in each other.

The refining progress of courtesy and the deferential equilibrium is the persistence in nature’s wisdom.

To accomplish the impossible is the diligence in fine words and the courtesy as necessary. Courtesy is the metaphor of respect in the true sense of creating eternal youth.

It is the natural ability of the wise to travel through time and creating space for common sense. The virtue of courteous communication has the frequency of poetic sense, giving reason to ponder in realizations.

Common courtesy is the safe place between heaven and hell, not needing to face any purgatory.

Common courtesy is not the intention to teach, but to show all one can see.

Common courtesy is the truth that illuminates the sense of life, where all things become clear in the nature of things.


Thursday, September 12, 2024

The Cross of Matter

The symbolic sign for earth in astrological terms is the complete cycle of union and the cross of matter. 

It is as well the basic of directions given by the cosmic lights and fix-points.

The center and the cross of matter is the kingdom within the heart.

The crucifixion is the inevitable sequence to the transformation and transfiguration that needs to take place. 

The passion unfolds in a mode of human incomprehension in the betrayal of the divine sacrifice. 

Death is made sacred in a divine-human sense because it is consciously accepted to do so, more so in vain.

 To suffer and to die is no tragic at all, when one knows why one suffers and dies.

When one knows to suffer, one has the power not to suffer in the experience of fears and the gnawing sense of frustration, futility and defeat, of ones directions one took.

The sacrifice and its tragic history in civilization to ensure a fertile harvest is exercised with animals, virgins and never with the leader have a symbolic value in the process of expectations.

The blood of Christ that redeemed the sins of man are emotion-laden words, had been sold over and over to the point that transgression and perversion are the matter and the altar, that attracts only more lust. 

The sin or the fears of our ancient past in the personal and collective consciousness are in the way of the creative spirit in the individual soul that has the power of creative imagination.

The cross of matter is the crucifixion in the life of the redeeming power through the divine grace of humility in love.

It is the dedication of once own crucifixion that stands for the resurrection and the center of the cross in matter of truth.

The cross of matter and paradox is the united soul as human, or as Christ spoke; ‘’When man is as the woman and the woman as the man, there you will find me.”

The wisdom that transcends all dualities is the union in the absolute as practical sense. The cross between spirit and matter is the marriage of the highest mediation of all opposites.

The cross of matter is the dance of gravitation and levitation or the tragic turned into the beautiful performed in the without.


Wednesday, September 11, 2024

The Initiator

 The river of words without meaning is rushing to the Promised Land, and is just beyond the fall.

Those who call for the impulsive manifested fears as promise to solve are the ferrymen asking for the fare.

We are not the mouthpieces for the God of life that integrates by ruling and managing. 

We are the river of life that hears the words of initiation by the declaration of God.

The divine archetype in consubstantial individual human with God who is love, are the words to declare. The initiator and soul of life is the baptism in the waters of motions into the cosmic river of soul. 

The universal soul is the final consummation and threshold to use in pure faith as effectiveness against all temptations.

The hunger for the spirit by the desire for prestige is the castle in the sand that gets washed away by the confused level of power eventually.

 Turning water into wine is the feast of marriage of the divine miracle for human love to reach fulfillment in the natural way of life. The common substances of that love of water in human emotions are blessed into the symbolic wine of mystical communion.

Some words of wisdom, labour done without thanks and appreciation are the love without the answer and the values on a different level.

All knowledge ends in no knowledge, because learning ends in unlearning and learned by it, it becomes a gain.

The initiation to the spiritual path is sought after by the spirit in the life of love, as it is more than innumerable lives, as the death of love is worse than a thousand deaths.

Wickedness that manifest from an intelligent person is like the useless fruit springing from a fertile ground.

The result of every great deed is leading to realizations that the lover’s heart touches the depths of life as godly soul that penetrates through the wall of matter.

The initiation and love offering are the act of respect in its highest expression and a step forward in a direction one does not know.


Tuesday, September 10, 2024



When we live in harmony with the laws of nature and laws of the universe, it becomes easy sailing, because this is what inevitably happens when we align ourselves to the greater whole.

Subtle observed imaginations as wisdom guided intentions are the inherent language to accomplish the real purpose that provides solution.

True perspectives make one receptive to the impulses of others behavior and reactions revealing subtle realities. To gain an understanding of deeper realities, we must awaken to the complete vision of consciousness and its divined capacities.

In the sense of true honor there is a divine spark that hides in all circumstances by nature’s law and sense of duty, and then every worldly loss turns to spiritual gain.

Even the pursuit of various forms of knowledge, including philosophy, science and the occult, as well as forms of creative expression, like art, are themselves a lesser aspects of the goal in the divine playing field.

The sages of the past ‘divined’ these inner laws through observation by observing the cosmos and its stellar movement and its energy release in human behavior. The validity of astrology is demonstrated through its time accuracy when the energies of the individuality are likely to be expressed in the maturity of life changing moments.

Unfortunately, many attention seeking Apostles overplayed their cards, with the means to a fake ideal with no strength of conviction, besides entertaining the gullible. Whatever works in once own faculty and capacity, needs the applicability of natures diversity with its many languages and sustainable intentions.

The divined soul is like a compass that keeps on pointing to the source of the true will, while once life is riding the wave through the storm. One single moment of a sincere life has more value than years of falsehood.

 The ever-moving life with its nature is the light of the divine radiance and the shade of the beloved that keeps on setting to rise again.

One is far closer to the true self, when the identity and its mental worries can’t consume the spirit.


Monday, September 9, 2024

Ahead of time


Seers of antiquity that had the ability to predict circumstances in time and place gained their names by the accuracy of the actuality.

Predictions are also the source of manipulation in actual stock markets, politics and the endless flow of media and its missing punch-line or promises.

Thinking ahead of time is the capacity to see the cosmos as interior vision in constant ever now.

It is the coming together of the divine order and the diversity as individual in the ancient dispensation, which is directed towards the establishment of the collective process to accept the eternal lover.

Ahead of time is the light of self-revelation that rest in the unconscious instinctual love.

‘Love ye one another as I have loved you’, are the famous words of the prophet to see the self as universal and serve the loving community without attachments.

Being ahead of time is to lighten up the heavy dough of emotions with time to proof that the soul is ready to receive the bread of tomorrows hunger.

The claim to the inevitable consequence is in the innocence of time or it deprives the intention and capacity to share wholesomely with others and lovers.

The language of love is the covenant of consciousness in human nature towards the purpose to do the right, otherwise there would be no observer in the self.

Beyond goodness is trueness and is the divine quality in the service of God and means that we each work for all.

If one wishes to probe into the depth of ones character, one can test it with that which is ones greatest need.

As long one makes plans and have reasons to suit the self, one realizes the effect of ones deed upon the self, never understanding the pure outlook on life.

Life is what it is and cannot be changed; but one can change the self to see ahead of time being in real love.


Wednesday, September 4, 2024

The Alphabet


Play a moment with the idea, that God gave us all the wrong alphabets for his name, in the kindergarten kingdom, called earth.

All the children are playing with those letters and creating words and stories, some very fragile, others quite encouraging and amusing.  

The teacher wanted to know from the children, which name their found for God, for he gave us the alphabet.

Long silence and big mental bubbles that pop, giving up is the texture for a while, as a girl stood up and said; Julia…is the name of God.

The teacher and many children very keen to know, how is that possible, asking why.

Julia is my name and I know that some letters of God are in my name and in the name of all the children in the kingdom of God.

Julia is the love on first site and the magic against all odds and is from Gods alphabet, was her answer.

Perspectives are changing long beyond the kindergarten and its innocence dreams. The alphabet now is the battleground of surreal attention in false names to be a part of.

The mind and its limited ego is tied down for the heart is not free, forgotten all the names of the children in the alphabet.

The chuckles and mental handicap is in the alphabet of life and are coming from nature, circumstances, law and the ideal.

In the alphabet lies the deepest wisdom and one can fathom it, when one truly knows how to put it together.

Speaking wisdom is much easier than living it, while its charity is the expression of the heart.

All aspects of life meet and share in common in that one central point which is the divine alphabet of the mind.

The present spirit of humanity has commercialism as its crown and materialism as its throne, never to see life as a whole, which is beyond the power of the generality and its alphabetic excuses, that there is only one life.

The alphabet and its speech is the sign of living, but in silence one find life itself.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024



A state of unrestrained political corruption is known as a kleptocracy, literally meaning that a state is ruled to steal its resources.

It is the daily dose of kleptocracy upon the media can feeds itself.

Corruptocracy and its kleptarchy is very consumer friendly for the sake of buying status.  The rules of thieves is the gain at others expenses, never realizing that the bill is slapping the face, all the time.

The Pinocchio, Peter Pan and Hero syndromes that are consistently sponsored with corruption in Movies are the psychological mother milk and actors the empty bottle.

When poor souls are crying for attention to find confidence to save the world, it becomes a slapstick faculty with a denseness of embarrassment. The internet is the open door to this cultural faith, encouraging youngster to an easy living on fake facts.

The wicket belief, it is saver on the net to date and order junk food to feed the gullible is the coining convenience.    

The mental handicap and dying spirit does not know that the divine purity is the manifestation of the real power that only sustains in the faculty of innocents. Power does not corrupt; it is the fear of not being somebody that is the loss of power.

I prefer failure to success gained by falsehood, then what the world calls success, is to me like a Barbie’s doll wedding.

The value of currencies that destroys homes and cities that corrupts the worthiest minds is the fear in silence.

That unreality of life which pushes against the heart cannot open the doors to the subtle reality.

The divine reality and its turning point of death and page of life are in the eyes of fear the death, but to those who alive, are looking forward to another chapter.

There is no reason that one should know God, because one is born on earth, it is only the birth of the soul that makes one entitled to that grace of knowledge.

Life of truth is eternal and immortal is the past, where mother’s arms received me when I come to the earth and my father’s arm lift me up at the moment when I depart from this comic book.

One can consider the self second to none, when one realizes in the self the One alone. 

Monday, September 2, 2024



The quality of being similar, or in agreement with something, those make the human aura, congruent with the divine order.

There is a concentric surrounding force field that determines the quotation of light as energy sphere in certain frequencies.

The inherent within and the souls own energy field are the light creating matrices to become the distribution of light from the center of the heart. 

The soul is elevated in its expression from spheres of matter into spheres of spirit.

The holy ring which has been painted into many spiritual rituals of affirmation from masters is the resonance of invocations.

It is the aura of reflection with the awareness of the divine in person as etheric, mental and emotional body, like a seamless garment.

There are different octaves of matter where dimension and its congruencies ascend to refined cosmic consciousness.

Here is whereby the dimension of life is identified with the cosmic will that maintains its pure consciousness.

One cannot escape the inevitable law of congruency, which works like a prism in the window, throwing colors at the wall.

The more the colors present itself the more the prism of the true distribution is functioning as energy veil.

Consider that the reflections of light are the mirrors of the universe within the microcosm of the individuality.

If there is a determination to focus on the virtues of those qualities, the sacred light within invocate emanation.

The one with God is in the majority, not needing institutions or others to confine.  

The colors of the indulgence in the petulance and the pettiness of the ego are synthetic images and fragile personalities.

The law of congruency is based on the oneness of all life in all spheres throughout creation either to increase or to decrease the light source momentum in the aura of the cosmos and the self.  

Sunday, September 1, 2024



When imagination with its intuition is of pure intellect it establishes aspect of wisdom, passing through the gate of feelings or emotion with the abundance of intellect and the duty of divine endeavors.

Aspiration indicates the sense to be like and to act like, that to which we aspire.

Aspiration is the duty of God, the universe and humans and the slap in the face, called the free will sacrifice.

This form of discipleship is the path we have to take by the time when realized that great learning has no intellect.

Aspiration is the abundance of intellect and the intimacy in relationships of tolerance and trust.

Altruism and its aspiration of sacrifice are aspects of unconditional love, which is in presence all the time through nature and its animals.

The knowledge that is wedded in devotion will be the feet that walk on water.

Aspiration is the field of action and vitality of confidence and its courage in perfect form. Manifestations come like intuition catching the ball.

The poverty of aspiration is the leadership in many counties that tries to control in forms of aspirations.

Democracy is striving for the universal aspiration to dignity and freedom, never realizing the underlying concept that needs a moral sound leadership.

A question of aspiration is to ask, who the next visionary is, and how do we have the aspiration and inspire people to reach their aspiration for real leadership.

Leadership needs the art of human culture, where the talking is never sufficient, for there are too many who can speak the truth as the blacksmith would hammer on the anvil.

Aspirations are the initiation to take a step forward in a direction which is conceived by the mature soul as stepping stones towards a new world in the greatness of the cause.


Friday, August 30, 2024


When one is inclined to procrastinate and to make promises with the best of intentions, yet never get there.

The name of Appasamy creates a very likable easy going and good-natured personality with attention for people.

  Artistic talents here are very fickle, as one struggle to concentrate in one area long enough, to accomplish the creation.

The spontaneous and happy go lucky are the expression and the lack to discipline desires and emotional feelings.

When idealistic and impractical thinking is applied to the necessity of success, it becomes the treasure beyond the rainbow.

People don't want to hear the truth because they don't want their illusions destroyed. The too many whys make it unbearable any how?

When too many facts are not understood as mere interpretations, is making the belief in a God that needs praise all time, a windy roadside attraction.

The interpretation that faith does not want to know what the truth is is the Appasamy of established religions that is holding dearly to old testaments with symbolic meanings.

The essences of reflection are the mirrors of wisdom without the face that one wants to see, and then the image of compassion and the wish-fulfilling Jewel appears, that hold the future of humanity.

The serenities of the heart begin by opening the mind and reflect the attitude of invocation with others in true presence.

The fickle and guilty conscience has not the will of power, for trust is of no value, to oneself and others, who has no trust in himself.

Fake leadership attracts the same quality in followers and provides righteousness that is nothing more but a natural outcome of fake right thinking.

Knowledge is a plurality that has great beginnings, but fails to apply the unity of consciousness, which is life’s culmination.

Principles are only guiding methods and not the restriction of life’s morality.



The desire for sexual satisfaction and its life style is the abstract core of all natural sources of expression and social commitment. H...